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Compte rendu Hassan Rachik.- Le Proche et le lointain. Un siècle d’anthropologie au Maroc, par Cédric Baylocq, Rachik nous offre ici une remarquable synthèse critique de l’anthropologie orientaliste et postorientaliste qui se révèle... more
"En las siguientes páginas se analizan principalmente dos aspectos. En primer lugar, la posición de los diferentes actores políticos y sociales marroquíes con respecto a la situación de los derechos civiles y políticos. De entre estos... more
Dear Colleagues,‎ We are proud to bring to you the latest edition of the FORTNIGHTLY, a review of Middle East ‎business, developments and news, for the period ending 2 October 2019.‎ Some highlights of this issue include the... more
Au milieu des sables du désert et face aux vagues de l’océan, plantée au bord de la route entre Laâyoune et Dakhla, la ville de Boujdour s’est développée un beau jour de la fin de l’année 1975. Au départ, un phare, figure de proue du... more
La période postcoloniale a été marquée par des critiques de l’orientalisme et de l’anthropologie. Un genre est né. Il a pour objet la déconstruction de ces savoirs et le dévoilement de leurs présupposés idéologiques. L’observateur, le... more
Le Royaume ambitionne d’être reconnu comme une puissance africaine émergente dans son identité comme dans son espace de projection. Afin de satisfaire ces ambitions, l’appareil diplomatique se développe et se modernise, tandis qu’une... more
This chapter explores the side-lining of Jewish women within their own communities following the exodus of Moroccan Jews from the country in the twentieth century. Orthodox rabbis from ouside Morocco entered the country to fill the void... more
Mémoire préparé par : KAYA, Halil Sous la direction de : EL ASRI, Farid Sous la co-direction de : MOREAU, Odile
En partant d’une enquête ethnographique au long cours (2014-2017) portant sur le mouvement « sur la voie 96 » d’Imider, cet article interroge les modalités de politisation des communautés marginalisées. Située au sud-est du Maroc, Imider... more
This article uses Spain's participation at the Cairo Congress of Arab Music (1932) as the basis to raise questions pertaining to the place of Arab music in the racial imagination of Europeans. It argues that Spain's unique response to the... more
Although the 19th-century Sufi figure al-Shaikh Māʾ al-ʿAynain led a major resistance movement in the Northwestern Sahara and Morocco and was one of the most widely printed authors on the Fez lithographic press, very little information... more
Travail final présenté dans le cadre d'un cours sur l'Union européenne sous la direction de M. Frédéric Mérand (Université de Montréal).
Leachate, the liquid percolating through solid waste, remains a major concern for managers of the new controlled landfills in Morocco, especially those built under European standards i.e., with waterproof membrane and leachate collecting... more
In the Jebala region, NW of Morocco, the making of recipients of dung from cows or/and clay (tonna and tabtoba) was common in the past. These recipients were used for stocking cereals and their dry products, for feeding the livestock, or... more
Dear Colleagues,‎ We are proud to bring to you the latest edition of the FORTNIGHTLY, a review of Middle East ‎business, developments and news, for the period ending 5 February 2020.‎ Some highlights of this issue include the... more
Mycetoma is a chronic disease, which is endemic in tropical and subtropical countries. We report a rare case of mycetoma located on the foot of a patient living in a temperate-climate country followed by a short discussion. A 50-year-old... more
As works of Morocco’s most famed writers are being translated for English readers to discover, Khalid Lyamlahy explores how translators have sought to capture the full range of nuance and diversity in their volumes, offering a new... more
Cet article situe les débats actuels autour de l'accès genré aux terres collectives au Maroc par rapport à une discussion plus large sur l'héritage colonial et la fabrique du droit coutumier. La construction coloniale de la 'collectivité... more
On March 2014, in an Islamic-State-sponsored prisoner swap, Mohammed Haydar Zammar, the al-Qaeda operative jailed in Syria in 2001, was freed in exchange for Syrian army officers held by the IS. News articles that covered the prisoner... more
Background: Euphorbia resinifera is an endemic plant to Morocco. It is well known for its innumerable benefits and for its high toxicity. In Morocco and Algeria, the plant is used to treat many diseases such as cancer, rheumatism, cyst... more
L'âge moyen de nos malades était de 28 ans avec une nette prédominance féminine (sex ratio de 2,61). Le tableau clinique était dominé par une ascite fébrile dans 80,5 % des cas. Le liquide d'ascite était de type exsudatif dans... more
This thesis aims to study the urban and architectonic transformation of the Moroccan city of Tangier during the Diplomatic Period (1777-1912). In this stage the city became the Diplomatic capital of the Moroccan Empire, the settlement of... more
What constitutes the failure of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership? Which fallacies and truisms that stood at the outset of the theoretical conception of the Barcelona Process should have been scrutinized more in depth back then and ought... more
American recognition of Moroccan sovereignty over its Sahara and the normalisation of relations between Morocco and Israel could have lasting benefits for the cause of peace in North Africa and the Middle East. For North Africa, the... more
Morocco’s joining the African Union in January 2017 rectified the empty-chair policy that led Rabat to withdraw from the Organization of African Unity in 1984 after full membership was extended to the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic.... more
Università degli Studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria - Dipartimento DARTE - Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Architettura U.E. - A.A. 2013/2014 DESERTI E KASBEH L’oasi di Skoura. Un progetto di rappresentazione Tesi di Laurea in... more
The Barbary macaque (Macaca sylvanus), a species endemic to Morocco, is listed as ‘Endangered’ on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and on ‘Appendix I’ of CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna... more
As a collegial institution, the parliament is becoming more and more important in the countries where the democratic processes are taking place, as it is the most favorite political space where the different components of the society can... more
NB: by "chicanery," I refer to Morocco's record of corruption and lack of oversight and enforcement of its laws, which could use reinforcement. On nearly the eve of hosting the twenty second Conference of the Parties to the United... more
Ashura: a children’s feast in Morocco: from old agricultural rituals to nowaday’s entertainment, PowerPoint prepared for a project in Global Education of the Humanities Education Centre, London, 2008, 29 slides.