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As works of Morocco’s most famed writers are being translated for English readers to discover, Khalid Lyamlahy explores how translators have sought to capture the full range of nuance and diversity in their volumes, offering a new... more
The full article can be found by following this link: Below are some excerpts: The start of the 1980s marks Djebar’s return—after a decade-long absence—both to writing in... more
La sexualité queer au Maghreb à travers la littérature La sexualité queer demeure un sujet indicible et tabou dans les sociétés arabes. Ce livre met en conversation les récits de plusieurs romanciers d'origine maghrébine qui ont osé... more
L'article "L'arabe usuel dans le Sud oranais" de Louis Mercier paru en 1905 dans Actes du XIV congrès des orientalistes.
Dans quel contexte ont été écrits les romans de Djaout et comment son assassinat a orienté les lectures? Une série d'entretiens inédits avec des écrivains, journalistes et critiques nous renseignent sur la réception et la postérité de... more
Le Wāsiṭat al-sulūk fī siyāsat al-mulūk est un miroir des princes rédigé au VIIIe/XIVe siècle par le souverain zayyānide de Tlemcen, Abū Ḥammū Mūsā II (m. 791/1389). À l’instar de nombreux miroirs des princes tardifs composés au Maghreb,... more
Sexuality and spirituality constitute a superstructure on which Ben Jelloun’s plots are mostly founded. Reading his writing as gay and missiological discourse permits us to understand that Ben Jelloun’s “multiple” transgressions enable... more
How do we pass between language worlds? With ease and laughter or trauma and regret? With hope or despair? What lessons does such passage teach? In 1950 when the Muslim-Berber, Tamazight-speaking, and French-writing author Mouloud Feraoun... more
Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures (EWIC)
entry on Women writers from North Africa
L’iconographie est un instrument essentiel de l’identité féminine de Nora, la protagoniste du roman de Malika Mokeddem, "N’zid." Au lieu de recourir à l’écriture pour recouvrer ses origines, son passé et son histoire, Nora dessine et... more
an introductory essay, which suggest a number of ways to look at the literatures of North Africa, including a multivectorial approach to literary history (the movement of literature between the Maghreb and the Egypt; the colonial factors... more
“Marginal” sexualities continue to be veiled by a cloud of silence and taboo in the Arab-Muslim societies. This study puts into conversation literary narratives by four writers of Maghrebian descent who have dared to break the intolerably... more
Regards sur la littérature postcoloniale nous révèlent une manifestation de ses nouvelles tendances dans la littérature africaine qui tente de répondre au Centre impérial et de bouleverser l‟hégémonie littéraire eurocentrique. Notre étude... more
The BA English Literature Thesis awarded 1st Class Honours from Brunel University London commences with an analysis of the term ‘harem’, the quintessential Orientalist signifier for Maghrebian women, eventually progressing to highlight... more
This essay explores the theoretical and pedagogical significance of the Maghreb’s cultural history to the study of Arabic and Comparative Literatures.
Maïssa Bey’s novels often hold confusing and sad closures that leave the reader with a sense of puzzlement and bitterness. As the stories in Au commencement était la mer... and Hizya unfold, the reader becomes the witness of the life of... more
This paper analyzes the use of Qur'anic rhetoric and imagery in al-Tahir Wattar's 1974 novel al-Zilzal (The Earthquake). More specifically, it emphasizes Watṭạ̄r’s employment of Qur'anic eschatology to blur the boundary between... more
Moncef Ouhaibi's A Field of Watermelons, Harvested by the Stars-
translated by Huda Fakhreddine and Jonathan Wright
هذا نص عقيدة الفصول الجامعة والحدود المانعة في أصول المعرفة بالله تعالى لأبي العباس الغبريني المشهور بكتابه عنوان الدراية فيمن عرف من العلماء بالمائة السابعة ببجاية المتوفى سنة 704 هـ/1305م.
Although homosexuality is palpably present in Arab-Muslim societies of the Maghreb, there is nonetheless intolerance of their open discussion. Even on a purely discursive level, taboo remains an insurmountable hurdle. The present study... more
A deep critical reception of Khatibi's notion of Bilingualism in Morocco and adjacent countries [ the Maghrebi World ]. The paper is a new way of seeing Bilingualism in accordance with Modern post-colonial views of language, culture and... more
A pioneering wave of openly gay Maghrebian novelists broaching non-normative sexuality has emerged in the last two decades. Writers such as Rachid O., Abdellah Taïa and Eyet-Chékib Djaziri have penned autofictional novels depicting the... more
ABSTRACT  This article reflects on the notion of criss-crossing envisioned as multi-directional passage in the Mediterranean contact zone. I trace Tahar Bekri's engagement with the two tropes of exile and wandering in Le Chant du roi... more
What is Moroccan literature, where and when does it happen, and in what languages? In this essay, we tackle these questions by tracing the evolution of the definition of “Moroccan literature” from the first half of the twentieth century... more
This article examines Abdelwahab Meddeb’s engagement with Sufism across his literary and critical writings. It theorizes Sufi po/ethics as the aesthetic dimensions of Sufism, in which spiritual experience is simultaneously enacted and... more
One of Morocco's most important novels is also a window into the unaddressed tension between Casablanca's center and its marginal bidonvilles. The city's public spaces and streets remain prescribed with an ordering of belonging and not... more
This article examines the representation of masculinity in the literary works of the Moroccan writer Abdellah Taïa. Although masculinity in Maghrebian literary imaginations remains an understudied field of academic inquiry, this article... more
The article refers to my book about: 1-Alexandra David Nèel (1869-1968), French explorer and writer who walked through unknown Himalayan territories to reach Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, forbidden to Europeans during WWI. Buddhist, she... more
Ma volonté dans cet hommage à Mohammed Dib était, dans la lignée du travail de génétique et de critique sur les avant-textes que mène depuis 3 ou 4 ans le groupe "Manuscrit francophone" de l'ITEM-CNRS et de l'IRIEC-UPV, de m'intéresser... more
This paper sets out to examine the social implications and functions of the contemporary body of gay Moroccan literature against Maria Pia Lara's readings of the creation and reception of literary works in the public sphere. Through a... more
Through a comparative study of Muḥammad Shukrī (Choukri) and Jean Genet, this article situates Shukrī as a “world writer” who utilizes a poetics of inversion to call socially constituted discourses of authority into question. Like... more
Pour le Centenaire de la naissance de Mohammed Dib, le journal "Algérie Cultures" prépare un dossier en hommage à l'écrivain et à son oeuvre. Je vous propose mon dernier entretien avec Charles Bonn, Professeur émérite à Lyon 2, critique... more
chapter in *Vitality and Dynamism: Interstitial Dialogues of Language, Politics, and Religion in Morocco’s Literary Tradition*. Ed. Salma Kristin Bratt et al. Leiden University Press, 2014.