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American painters’ travel and/or stay in Morocco during the pre-colonial era resulted in a considerably large compendium of American paintings of the Moroccan landscape with its people, animals, architecture and natural scenes. The... more
Although the 19th-century Sufi figure al-Shaikh Māʾ al-ʿAynain led a major resistance movement in the Northwestern Sahara and Morocco and was one of the most widely printed authors on the Fez lithographic press, very little information... more
A l'occasion de la sortie des actes du congrès sur La Culture culinaire marocaine, sémiotique, histoire et communication Le Groupe marocain de sémiotique affilié à l'Université de Meknès organise une table ronde le 2 décembre 2021... more
Los estudios sobre música y trance se han caracterizado por trabajos comparativos, examinaciones basadas en las bases psicológicas, fisiológicas y médicas del fenómeno y luego un dominio de investigaciones etnográficas de tradiciones... more
Επίσης: Χασάν Β’ του Μαρόκου “Οι Αναμνήσεις ενός Βασιλιά” Σκιαγραφόντας την κουλτούρα του Μαρόκου μέσα από τον ηγέτη του, όπως αυτός παρουσιάζεται στο πρόσφατο βιβλίο “Hassan II La mémoire d’un roi” Also: Hassan II of Morocco “The... more
Dit boek is de vertaling in het Nederlands van Mohammed Chafik over de Imazighen in Marokko. Abdarrahman el Aissati en ik schreven het laatste hoofdstuk over de recente geschiedenis van de Imazighen. Het boek is uitverkocht. De vertaling... more
Las más de cincuenta grabaciones realizadas en la Medina de Fez entre 2009 y 2013 a informantes principalmente femeninos y sin escolarización (salvo algunas excepciones), mayores de 60 años y descendentes de antiguos fasíes, que tienden a... more
Revista General de Derecho Europeo, ISSN-e 1696-9634, Nº. 43, 2017 Rejection at the european external borders with morocco: : Immigration and human rights at the ceuta and... more
This article discusses the transformation of the Moroccan state under contemporary neoliberal globalization, and considers what this transition means for the ways in which scholars view state-society interplay in Morocco and the Arab... more
2010 yılının son günlerinde Tunus'ta başlayan, kısa sürede domino etkisiyle Kuzey Afrika hattından Ortadoğu'nun içlerine uzanan, o günlerde Arap Baharı olarak nitelendirilen, bu günlerde bir bahar olup olmadığı daha ziyade tartışılan... more
This study is related to the VOLUBILIS project "Moroccan and European students: a comparative approach " , which aims to identify the challenges and expectations of Moroccan students. The purpose of this research is to provide information... more
Basée sur une enquête ethnographique, ma thèse étudie les pratiques prostitutionnelles à Tanger (Maroc) sous trois angles d’observation : la socio-anthropologie des émotions, en étudiant leur conceptualisation par les acteurs ; la... more
تشهد القارة الإفريقية نموا اقتصاديا دالا في السنوات الأخيرة، مما دفع بالمغرب إلى البحث عن مساحات استثمارية بداخلها عن طريق حركية ديبلوماسية قوية، دمجت بين الجانبين الاقتصادي والديني، إلا أن هذا التوجه يصطدم بعدد من التحديات السياسية... more
La sociedad civil española presta una atención todavía insuficiente a Marruecos y su capacidad de incidencia es limitada. Las precondiciones para superar este déficit son varias e implican a otros muy diversos actores como los medios de... more
Cet article étudie la structure financière actuelle du capitalisme marocain en vue de comprendre les transformations induites par des décennies de libéralisation économique. Pour cela, nous comparons nos résultats portant sur... more
Moroccan post-colonial cinema has suffered from the lack of adequate channels of domestic and international distribution and exhibition for most of its relatively short history. Despite the existence of a burgeoning distribution business... more
RESUMEN El modus operandi de España durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial va a motivar su aislacionismo internacional. Con el fin de salir de este ostracismo, que nunca llegó a ser total, la maquinaria franquista tratará de mejorar la imagen... more
This book explores the global spread of English and its ramifications for the status of English in Morocco. It sheds light on motivational issues in English language teaching and learning in Moroccan higher education and examines various... more
العلم المشهور في فوائد فضل الأيام والشهور، لابن دحية (ت633هـ): كتاب في بيان فضائل الشهور وما تخللته واشتهرت به من أحداث. ضمّ فوائد حديثية وفقهية وأصولية وتفسيرية ولغوية ...مع كثرة الاستدلال بالأحاديث النبوية والاعتناء بتراجم الرواة وذكر... more
This book includes among its covers a group of researches and studies that formed the topics of scientific meetings organized by the History department in the College of Arts and Humanities in Meknes during the two university seasons... more
This article examines a couple of Arabic-language songs about the death of the young Muhammad al-Durrah on the second day of the Second Intifada, September 2000. The songs as well as the videos that have been uploaded confirm the iconic... more
Exploration de la signification et de l'importance du concept de Baraka dans l'Islam, en particulier au Maroc.
Casablanca dans WWW : What a Wonderful World (2007) et Tétouan dans Mort à vendre (2013) sont représentées comme des villes fermées qui emprisonnent les personnages, ceux-ci n’ayant aucune prise sur elles. Plus qu’à l’enfermement,... more
This articles analyses the campaign conducted by the Moroccan nationalist movement in Cairo after World War II aiming to enlist the Arab League in its anti-colonial struggle. Although the Maghribi activists initially celebrated several... more
The publication of this Vol I of "Diwan al-Malhun in Moroccan Judeo Arabic" is an attempt to highlight a submerged side of Moroccan heritage. The Malhun Moroccan Judeo Arabic reflects the tolerance of the country of ATLAS. After the... more
Cet ouvrage collectif regroupe des regards croisés sur la langue, l'enseignement et la communication qui reeètent les préoccupations académiques des membres du laboratoire Langues, Littérature, Communication et Didactique. La rééexion sur... more
Une analyse du passage à l'écrit sur claviers en graphie latine dans les années 2009-2011, avant la généralisations des smartphones. An analysis of the transition to writing on keyboards in Latin script in the years 2009-2011, before the... more
This article reviews the motion picture "Le Grand Voyage," directed by Ismaël Ferroukhi and starring Mohamed Majd and Nicholas Cazalé.