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Streszczenie Otto Weininger, austriacki filozof z przełomu XIX i XX wieku, jest autorem pracy, która w swoim czasie odbiła się szerokim echem zarówno w kręgach naukowych, jak i literackich, stając się jedną z najpoczytniejszych prac... more
Nunca como hoy la preocupación en torno a las masculinidades y las implicaciones del ser-hombre había estado tan presentes en distintas esferas de la vida pública. Asistimos a la multiplicación y propagación de agendas, programas y... more
This study is an endeavour on the cutting edge of the field of practical theology. It engages in a pastoral assessment of contemporary men and masculinities in their manifold representations and embodiments. An in-depth assessment of... more
Fostering critical awareness of masculinity and gender inequality around the world is key to developing effective solutions to many social problems. Men in societies throughout the world enjoy privilege in the areas of power, wealth, and... more
A sequel to the groundbreaking volume Race and Racism in Modern East Asia: Western and Eastern Constructions, the present volume examines in depth interactions between Western racial constructions of East Asians and local constructions of... more
The rise of far-right parties in many parts of the world threatens the work of human rights and social justice NGOs. That far-right messaging and movements are polarizing political debates is clear; there is less clarity about the... more
In New Views on Pornography: Sexuality, Politics, and Law, eds. Lynn Comella and Shira Tarrant (Praeger, 2015): 125-145
*Winner of the Peter C. Rollins Prize for Best Book of the Year from the Northeast Popular Culture Association* An investigation of the irrational and the unconventional currents swirling behind the Bauhaus's signature sleek surfaces and... more
El tema de las masculinidades ha sido tratado de diversas maneras, ya sea a través de un análisis teórico como el que aquí expongo o a partir de resultados producto de investigación empírica. Sin embargo, en la gran mayoría de los casos,... more
Following the neoliberal restructuration of the Turkish welfare and banking systems in the 2000s, many veterans of Turkey’s Kurdish war faced debt enforcement due to failed payments for prosthetic limbs. Veterans responded to debt... more
Though an integral element of sport sociology, the study of masculinities in sport has been largely confined to Western sports such as American football. Embodied Masculinities in Global Sport provides a more expanded view, offering... more
Vulnerability and Exposure: footballer scandals, masculine identity and ethics presents a critical investigation of contemporary masculine team sports and football scandals and their relationship with gendered cultures, institutions and... more
Despite the popular aphorism, ‘the Battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton,’ historians have been slow to appreciate the value Georgian elites vested in their public schools and public school sport. In fact, the... more
It is contended that, by means of the changing economic power in the nineteenth-century society, the middle classes prevailed over upper classes in Britain, and they hence established their concept of Victorian masculinity on the basis of... more
Otto and B.D.G., a black and desi gay couple in the film Loins of Punjab Presents (Manish Acharya, 2007), are an exceptional representation of interracial desire in South Asian diasporic cultural production. Beyond the novelty of their... more
Jewkes, R., M. Flood, and J. Lang (2014). From Working With Men and Boys to Changing Social Norms and Reducing Inequities in Gender Relations: A paradigm shift in prevention of violence against women and girls. The Lancet, DOI:... more
Male Psychology Conference 2015 University College London 26th &27th June The theory of hegemonic masculinity has gained a lot of traction as an explanation for a number of male behaviours,... more
Entendiendo que las políticas públicas para la prevención de violencia de género con enfoque en masculinidades son una herramienta fundamental para transformar las realidades y los imaginarios socio-culturales que soportan la violencia... more
This paper outlines a theory explaining why the provider role is important to boys in the development of their masculine identity. The family is a primary site for identity formation, and boys appear to be more badly affected by growing... more
This essay analyzes discourses and narratives of men who frequent the washrooms at public venues in Havana. The graffiti on toilet room walls works as an articulator of micro markets of sexual communication and gender/sexual relations. In... more
Theorizing a sociology of emotion that links micro-level resources to macro-level forces, this article extends previous work on emotional capital in relation to emotional experiences and management. Emerging from Bourdieu's theory of... more
Insofar as gender is still so often equated with women alone, the move from Women in Development to Gender in Development has changed very little. Men as a human category have always been present, involved, consulted, obeyed and disobeyed... more
Both literature and cinema tell stories. Nevertheless, stories are told differently on the page than on the screen. This article intends to explain and put into practice an approach to the comparative analysis of literary and cinematic... more
This essay stems from two cultural strands, which intersect in one cultural form, the sports film. The first of these is the figure of the "star," as opposed to hero, who is interested only in self-promotion. The second strand, masculine... more
Honours Thesis, Department of Social Inquiry. Social Sciences. University of Adelaide. This thesis explores issues of identity and sexuality in the film Bad Boy Hubby, utilising Julia Kristeva's theories on abjection, love and... more
Begleittext zur Ausstellung "übersehen - Kunst in der DDR" (Institut für Kunst- und Bildgeschichte, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin), die im Rahmen des Seminars von Prof. Dr. Katja Bernhardt ("Kunst in der DDR" - WiSe 2018/2019) stattfand... more
To cite this article: Loureiro, J. (2020). Healing from Hate. How Young Men Get Into—and Out of—Violent Extremism. [Review of the book]. Masculinities and Social Change 9(1), 106-108. doi: 10.17583/MCS.2020.4706
In these current times of masculinist political revival in different parts of the world combined with openly sexist and male chauvinistic agendas, masculinity studies have a vital task of understanding, explaining and resisting such... more
While girl-led projects that address sexual violence can empower girls to seek consent and to understand their right to safety, this alone cannot deal with the reality of everyday violence. While girls are told to empower themselves and... more
O artigo tenciona investigar uma possível relação entre dois romances, o brasileiro Capitães da Areia (1937) de Jorge Amado e o cabo-verdiano Marginais (2010) de Evel Rocha. Nos dois textos, provenientes de contextos lusófonos diferentes,... more
Este texto possui como objetivo traçar pistas sobre como um homem transexual negocia suas experiências em meio aos aplicativos destinados à busca por parceiros afetivos e sexuais, como o Hornet e o Tinder. A partir do relato de Sérgio, é... more