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[pre-print] ["bitch is the new black" illustrates how weblogs help Black women articulate identity and develop social capital] Author Posting. (c) 'Information, Communication & Society', 2010. This is the author's version of the work.... more
The female terrorist circulates within contemporary Western culture as an object of fascination and heightened concern. Gender and the Political analyses cultural constructions of the female terrorist, arguing that she operates as a limit... more
In this paper, I will look at the depiction of South African intersex athlete Caster Semenya as a means to understand the existing problematic essentialist and naturalistic binary paradigms of sex and gender. I will look at the social,... more
In the field of identity politics and cultural identity, the representation of differences plays a crucial role. The extent of the differences a society has determines the social outcomes in divergent ways. Surely, there are other... more
This paper argues that capitalist accumulation requires imperialist expansion, and that this expansion creates a “raced” surplus laboring population. The argument proceeds in seven parts: that Marx’s assertion in chapter 25 of Capital... more
Cet essai contextualise l'autobiographie d'Adélaïde Herculine dite Alexina et devenue Abel Barbin (1838-1868) en la replaçant dans l'histoire de ce que les médecins ont appelé "les erreurs de sexe" qualifiant ainsi les personnes... more
This course takes eco-feminist and critical race studies approaches to the anthropology of gender and sexuality, taking “eco-feminism” as an identity, an object of analysis, and as a methodological approach. While “Feminism” in practice... more
El objetivo de este ensayo es explorar la identidad de género desde una perspectiva que recupere la materialidad del cuerpo haciendo uso de las herramientas que brinda el Nuevo Materialismo Feminista y la Nueva Biología.
We examine workplace-level sources of gender inequality to explore the link between organizational change and levels of workplace gender integration over time. To do so, we analyze the gender division of labor and key structural aspects... more
In 1972, Syed Mustafa Siraj (1930-2012) published Māyā Mridanga, a novel which has attained an iconic status in recent years[1], with the advent of queer studies and a proliferation of queer texts in South Asia. Since its first... more
This was a research paper for a course entitled Feminist and Multicultural Theologies. I unpack what gender complementarianism is, examine its history, and compare it to how Scripture and earlier Christian Tradition understood gender.... more
Building on prior work surrounding negative workplace experiences, such as bullying and sexual harassment, we examine the extent to which organizational context is meaningful for the subjective experience of sex discrimination. Data draw... more
With clarity and elegance, Bay-Cheng (2015) has provided a solid articulation of how neoliberalism has infiltrated the sexual lives of many girls and young women. Without question, research in the U.S. and the Anglophone West, as well... more
During the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards, Kanye West famously interrupted Taylor Swift's acceptance speech for "Best Female Video." A year later both performers returned to the VMAs with songs that responded directly to the original... more
This op-ed considers the drastic change in mores that has taken place between the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s and what I call the Sexual Counter-Revolution of 1990s America and the Post-September 11th world. I argue that the pressure... more
ABSTRACT This research, situated at the junction of feminist, trans and disability studies, examines the limits of intersectional feminist analyses and the difficulties faced in their consideration of gender identity and ability through... more
Research and critical studies into men and masculinity has originated as one of the most emerging areas of sociological investigation. More books and articles have been published on this study area alone as well as the introduction of two... more
First published in 1988, this volume redefined the anthropological study of menstrual customs. Examining cultures as diverse as long-house dwellers in North Borneo, African farmers, Welsh housewives, and postindustrial American workers,... more
Kant on sex gives most philosophers the following associations: a lifelong celibate philosopher; a natural teleological view of sexuality; a strange incorporation of this natural teleological account within his freedom-based moral theory;... more
Given the prominence of Muslim veils—in particular the hijab and full-face veil—in public discourse concerning the place of Muslims in Western society, we examined their impact on non-Muslims’ responses at both explicit and implicit... more
Policy debates have focused on who can participate in or access single-sex activities or services. This article describes how science of the biology of sex is relevant to three major policy areas: parenting (including leaves), sports, and... more
Catalina de Erauso was a Spanish nun—turned soldier—who lived in 17th century Spain. Dressed as a man for almost two decades, she travelled to the Colonies to test her luck in the army, where she made the grade of ensign. In 1624 she... more
Male Psychology Conference 2015 University College London 26th &27th June The theory of hegemonic masculinity has gained a lot of traction as an explanation for a number of male behaviours,... more
Gender & Pop Culture provides a foundation for the study of gender, pop culture and media. This comprehensive, interdisciplinary text provides text-book style introductory and concluding chapters written by the editors, seven original... more
This paper outlines a theory explaining why the provider role is important to boys in the development of their masculine identity. The family is a primary site for identity formation, and boys appear to be more badly affected by growing... more
It is sometimes argued that the non-therapeutic, non-consensual alteration of children’s genitals should be discussed in two separate ethical discourses: one for girls (in which such alterations should be termed ‘female genital... more
Theorizing a sociology of emotion that links micro-level resources to macro-level forces, this article extends previous work on emotional capital in relation to emotional experiences and management. Emerging from Bourdieu's theory of... more
This paper identifies the technological and commercial foundations of the new category of online applications commonly described as Web 2.0 or Social Media. It examines the relevance of Web 2.0 for Marketing Strategy and for Direct... more
Yep, fuck it. Neoliberalism sucks. We don't need it.
MARTIN, Fran. “Japanese homoerotic manga in Taiwan: Same-sex love and utopian imagination,” in Women’s Manga in Asia and Beyond: Uniting Different Cultures and Identities, edited by Fusami Ogi, Rebecca Suter, Kazumi Nagaike and John A.... more
Objective: To determine whether coding a developmental disability as the underlying cause of death obscures mortality trends of adults with developmental disability. Design: National Vital Statistics System 2012–2016 US Multiple... more
The optimum parameters of multiple tuned mass dampers (MTMD) for suppressing the dynamic response of a base-excited structure in a specific mode is investigated. The base excitation is modelled as a stationary white noise random process.... more
Este artículo busca analizar el proceso que orientó la selección y los procedimientos de una revisión extensa de la literatura científica sobre el tema de la violencia motivada por discriminaciones, entre las cuales aquellas basadas en la... more
The global LGBTTTIQA+ movement's historical struggle against the criminalization, pathologizing and discrimination of their identities has had a significant impact on different nation states, to the degree of civil rights such as same-sex... more
One interesting aspect of the literary representations of epidemics is that diseases are regularly gendered and, as indicated by feminist literary critics, more often than not, imagined as traditionally female or even personified as... more
Traditional leadership often coexists with modern political institutions; yet, we know little about how traditional and state authority cues—or those from male or female sources—affect public opinion. Using an original survey experiment... more
This essay analyzes the origin of sexuality and its relationship with the institution. The issue is addressed from the perspective of psychoanalysis (Freud, Lacan), anthropology (Claude Lévi-Strauss) and philosophy (Foucault, Butler,... more
Le corps fait l'objet de nombreuses manipulations sociales sous forme de rituels ou d'opérations chirurgicales qui visent à le modeler selon un modèle idéal du corps, défini, entre autres, d'après des normes de genre androcentrées. La... more
Sex work has enjoyed a wealth of sociological interest over the last three decades. However, sexual pleasure experienced by women sex workers with their clients has been largely missing from the conversation. This article seeks to redress... more
Washington, DC. has many of the most progressive and trans inclusive non-discrimination laws in the nation, yet transgender, transsexual, trans-spectrum (henceforth ‘trans’) and gender-non conforming residents continue to experience... more
“Revisiting The History of Sexuality: Foucault’s Legacy after 40 Years” Special Issue of Cultural History 5, no. 2 (October 2016). Cultural History is a peer-reviewed journal published by Edinburgh University Press. Guest Editor: Howard... more