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One of the biggest challenges of antiracist education is moving beyond critique to transformative practices, policies and discourses against racism (Dei, 2006). In light of the rise of ubiquitous digital mobile technologies and digital... more
[pre-print] ["bitch is the new black" illustrates how weblogs help Black women articulate identity and develop social capital] Author Posting. (c) 'Information, Communication & Society', 2010. This is the author's version of the work.... more
There is a thriving trade, and collector community, around human remains that is facilitated by posts on new social media such as Instagram, Facebook, Etsy, and, until recently, eBay. In this article, we examine several thousand Instagram... more
""La lingüística en España" es una contribución a la historia de la lingüística, en la nueva y atractiva vertiente de las memorias personales. Consta de 24 relatos o autobiografías intelectuales de lingüistas sobresalientes, en las que... more
Esiste un problema di fondo: il termine informatico che dovrebbe condurre all'identificazione di un determinato tipo di scienziato viene spesso scambiato, anche da persone 'apparentemente evolute', quale tecnico dei computer. Sarebbe come... more
The international architecture of peacebuilding and statebuilding, with the United Nations’ efforts central among them, is currently responding to a shift from ‘analogue’ to ‘digital’ approaches in international relations. This is... more
The research illustrates multiple experiences and strategies adopted in museums and in the world of cultural heritage in the field of digital storytelling to guide the future design of narrative digital solutions. Its aim is to provide as... more
Data Dating is a collection of ten academic essays accompanied by works of media art that provide a comprehensive insight into the construction of love and its practices in the time of digitally mediated relationships. The essays come... more
L’aumento dei canali di contatto e di comunicazione ha, per un museo, effetti anche di natura strettamente commerciale: l’aumento dell’utenza potenziale e, dunque, della domanda potenziale, può rendere il museo un ‘prodotto’... more
In epoca di Big Data, AI e automation marketing le aziende riscoprono una cultura di progetto che si basa sul pensiero creativo e su una prassi di lavoro fondata su empatia, condivisione e inter-disciplinarietà. Il DESIGN THINKING si... more
Digital Storytelling is a workshop-based process in which participants gain the skills and knowledge needed to tell a personal story using their own words and imagery. This article draws on a MERJ conversation held during the Media... more
This book chapter, published as part of the edited volume "Empirical Comics Research (Routledge, 2018), puts forward a quantitative approach to the study of comics by introducing a stylistic analysis of a corpus of around 240 graphic... more
"In recent projects I have used flip cameras with participants from ethnic minority communities who were recording their experience of adult learning as enrichment. In another project we used more expensive cameras in a health setting in... more
An experiment in distant reading on the texts that tell the myth of Procne and Philomela in classical Latin literature and on the section of book VI of Ovid's Metamorphoses telling the story, in comparison with the whole of the... more
The following is a general guideline for creating digital collections and working with early Indiana documents. Once you decided to digitize a manuscript collection and created a plan, there are ways you can enhance your collection. 1.... more
This chapter gives an introduction to scholarly digital editions and how metamarkup languages like TEI and XML can be used to encode them (or make them machine readable)
El desarrollo, a lo largo de la segunda mitad del siglo XX, de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación ha transformado profundamente la sociedad, la academia y las formas de generación de conocimiento. El indiscutible impacto... more
The database FILM-SHOT-COUNTER assembles and offers results of my own „cinemetric“ measurements of films and television episodes. I achieved those measurements by counting film shots by hand-clicker, processing the number of shots in... more
Musicology is a small discipline within the wide spectrum of human knowledge, yet it is already divided into various branches, each with its own societies, conferences, journals, jargons, degrees, prejudices, …, and jobs. Although they... more
Production, distribution, and consumption of digital use values occur today in a sociotechnological setting quite different from that characterizing the industrial economic system. Thanks to increasing access to hardware, software, and... more
Sin dalla loro prima apparizione nel corso del Diciassettesimo secolo periodici e bollettini sono stati al centro della fabbrica dell’universo scientifico. Il Journal des sçavans (Parigi, 1665) e il Philosophical Transactions of the Royal... more
Millions of people around the world today use digital tools and platforms to create and share sophisticated cultural artifacts. This book focuses on one such platform: Instagram. It places Instagram image culture within a rich cultural... more
In this article we use the challenge of working with a set of one million manga pages to motivate the need for a computational approach for the exploration of collections of such size, and to explain our particular method that combines... more
Roman emperors came to power through a hybrid dynastic/elective selection system that was never formally codified. This lack of codification has caused problems for modern scholars looking to identify and categorize those who were... more
"CYBERSPACE GOVERNANCE:The Imperative For National & Economic Security"
The development of human societies has been studied extensively by historians and social scientists. In Finland, there is a significant and underexplored amount of digitised archaeological material, such as the Finnish Heritage Agency’s... more
Este volume é fruto dos trabalhos do Núcleo de Pesquisa em Informática Literatura e Linguística da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (NuPILL/UFSC), seus parceiros e convidados, além dos participantes do II Congresso Internacional e... more
1. מקום וזמן הכתיבה של קטעי הגניזה
2. צירופים
3. עדכון מצאי קטעי הגניזה
4. התמונות מרובות הקטעים ("מולטיפגרמנטס")
We describe the development of web-based software that facilitates large-scale, crowdsourced image extraction and annotation within image-heavy corpora that are of interest to the digital humanities. An application of this software is... more
Viele Dissertationen in der Archäologie enthalten am Ende der Arbeit einen Katalog, in dem die untersuchten Daten in einem bestimmten System aufgeschlüsselt präsentiert werden. In diesem Beitrag wird eine effiziente Gestaltung eines... more
Социальные сети, мобильная связь и электронная коммерция преобразуют туристический сектор. Для работы с «цифровым туристом» используют маркетинговые стратегии, основанные на перспективных цифровых технологиях. Доступность информации о... more
This project collects together digitized passages of Greek and Latin that are related to painting in the ancient world, creating a cross-referenced database that a user can search by author, title, or topic.
The main theme of this thesis is an exploration of living labs/city labs through practices in two Copenhagen’s spaces. It is investigated how living labs work with tensions between their ideals of engagement, openness to information and... more
Like many of my colleagues, we are working non-stop to guarantee our students' best online experience in these difficult times. This work includes finding new ways to keep them engaged and positive towards their future academic and... more
Decentralisation facilitates participation and helps deepen democracy. Nevertheless, it has been confronted with diverse challenges in Lesotho. First, the process has not succeeded to improve participation relative to the traditional... more
A New Approach to the Abstract Art of Antoni Tàpies P i l A R R o S A d o STATe of The ART The need of semantic image classification is becoming increasingly important to support effective image database indexing and retrieval. The goal... more
"Celebrating Communities" by Jennifer L. Keil, 1st VP We celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Lawrence de Graff Center for Oral and Public History in May. It was an occasion to recognize the pioneering work of university historian... more
The modeling of the inner world of narrative characters and the ability to capture and formally shape their deep psychological characteristics are at the center of the reflection of a part of literary criticism and remains, today, an open... more
In 2015 the season premiere of Keeping Up with the Kardashians was the most viewed Sunday cable program, out-performing the series finale of the critically acclaimed television drama, Mad Men. While Kim Kardashian and company have never... more
Thematic classification of Thomas Hardy's work has traditionally been based partly on textual content and partly on biographical considerations. These analyses and criticisms have been generated by what will henceforth be referred to as... more
Se indaga el sentido de la conferencia de Sloterdijk “Normas para el Parque humano” así como las polémicas por ella suscitada. Se realiza un diagnóstico de la capacidad crítica del humanismo tradicional. En el marco del naufragio del... more
This guidance is intended for Volunteer and Technical Communities (V&TCs) and tech groups that have a desire to collaborate with Formal Humanitarian Organizations. We hope that it best fits the needs of V&TCs and tech groups that... more