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This report presents a critique of established cultural heritage practices in Western Australia, focusing on the control of the process by corporate proponents and its effects on rock art and stone arrangements. The moderating roles of... more
70 years after the discovery of the famous “Cave of Swimmers” in the heart of the Libyan Desert by the “English Patient” László Almásy, only 10 km further west along the edge of the Gilf Kebir plateau, Massimo and Jacopo Foggini... more
During this ancient period of external influences, numerous Greek and Sicilian townships were named Megara, due to a strong following of the earth deity Megara (i.e. Demeter – Gaia’s underground mysteries). (T: 417-418.) “The women to... more
This article explores how the practice of including rock art in burials from the Bronze Age in Scandinavia was influenced by and incorporated into the new ideas and practices brought about by the introduction of cremation. Three portable... more
"Proto-historic rock engravings and Lepontic inscriptions at the springs of the river Brembo (Carona,Valcamisana, Bergamo). Preliminary report. Many engraved rocks, which are now studied by the Authors were discovered at Carona, between... more
In 1995, the Côa process has done a revolution in national archeology, leading to the first time being independent in national heritage organisms. This change was in practice the result of the mediatic process that unfolded around the... more
Paper presentado en el XI Congreso de la FES sobre el uso y aplicación de la obra bourdiana como marco de análisis sociológico de las músicas populares urbanas
Esta tesis concentra los resultados del análisis de las representaciones rupestres prehispánicas documentadas en el Parque Provincial Ischigualasto y su área de amortiguación, ubicado en el noreste de la provincia de San Juan. A partir de... more
In the wonderful framework of the Landmarks Valley, recognized as UNESCO heritage since 1979, the Centro Camuno of Studi Preistorici organize the annual recording rock-art fieldwork aims at the completion and integration of the... more
The site of petroglyphs registered in this book for 23 places except
the Bangudae site in Ulsan of which report had been published
already, the site in Chunjeon-ri, Ulsan where is under study and newly
discovered site in the mean time.
The study describes the results of the documentation of El Fuerte de Samaipata, a pre-Hispanic archaeological site in Bolivia on the UNESCO World Heritage List. It summarizes the most recent observations of the carvings on the rock of... more
A small cave on the north side of the Little Belt Mountains in central Montana contains a graphic portrayal of buffalo dreamer transformation. The bison is emerging from the inner-earth and exiting the cave as a supernatural buffalo... more
This is a commentary on a paper about grooved markings found on sandstone surfaces in the Pennine upland of Yorkshire, United Kingdom, of other single examples in Scotland and the U.S.A., and of numerous unsuccessful attempts to secure an... more
The various methods that have so far been applied to the dating of rock art in China are considered and their effectiveness is examined. The approaches are compared and contrasted with those employed in various other parts of the world,... more
Представлен краткий обзор памятников наскального искусства, выявленных на территории пров. Ганьсу на северо-западе Китая. Петроглифы распространены на всей территории региона, наибольшая их концентрация наблюдается в северо-западной и... more
Motta, A. P. & M. Porr & P. Veth 2020. Recursivity in Kimberley rock art production, Western Australia. In: C. Horn & G. Wollentz & A. Haug & G. di Maida (eds.), Memory and Landscapes – Approaches to the Study of Landscapes as Places of... more
The archaeological record of the Late Neolithic – Chalcolithic – Early Bronze Age periods in the Negev exhibits prevalent east to west orientations, which is understood in the literature as an expression of the preoccupations with... more
Th is paper reports on the presence of large rock carvings within the territory of Rovereto (Trento, Italy) in an area characterized by the presence of smooth, steeply sloping rocky slopes, the slide surfaces of the ancient landslide of... more
Rock art has been poorly investigated in Croatia and in the southeast of Europe. The CRORA (CROatian Rock Art) project was launched in 2009 and aims to systematically catalogue, valorize, and present rock art in Croatia. This project has... more
Full text of the 2018 chapter "Ethnogeologies of Rock Art? Some considerations derived from Amazonianist Ethnographies", published in the volume "Archaeologies of Rock Art - South American Perspectives" Edited by A. Troncoso, F.... more
Iran petroglyphs
Golpayegan petroglyphs; the passage for the history

A book that introduces one of Iran's largest collection of petroglyphs.
The significance of ochre in Indigenous Australia is well documented. Several large, well-known quarries containing ochre that is highly sought after have been described in the archaeological literature, however less attention has been... more
The authors present some rock engravings from the algero-libyan borderland and from Akakus, underlining three case in which there is a strong similarities with rock art of Messak.
 EN DEUX MOTS  La chasse à la baleine a d'abord été une activité côtière. Au Moyen Âge, elle était pratiquée sur la côte basque et à proximité des côtes du Japon. Pour la période préhistorique, jusqu'à présent, aucune représentation ne... more
LAS TEORÍAS DEL SIGNIFICADO Existe una larga tradición de investigación del Significado a nivel lingüístico que se ha ido desarrollando al largo de los últimos 150 años, a la par que la investigación del Arte Rupestre, y en este sentido... more
This article describes a frieze, which includes, from left to right, an early Neolithic, Bégude-type prestige axe from the Italian Alps, a huge anthropomorph coifed with ten “plumes”, and two apparent boats. It goes on to compare the... more