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Przysługujący widmom wywrotowy, niemalże rewolucyjny potencjał został odsunięty oraz zagubiony poprzez pozbycie się tej kontrowersyjnej kategorii z terytorium metafizyki i zbyt pośpieszne odesłanie jej do przestrzeni badań nad literaturą,... more
Entrare nell’immagine: un desiderio che accompagna l’umanità dall’alba dei tempi, perdendosi nelle nebbie del mito. Un desiderio che nei secoli ogni cultura visuale ha cercato di realizzare con i mezzi di volta in volta disponibili. E che... more
In this article, I counter persistent claims of big data revolutionising managerial decision-making, by tracing the technological and cultural origins of data-based management in the United States back to the 1970s and 1980s using... more
Since at least the early 1990s with the publication of groundbreaking works such as Manovich's The Language of New Media, the rise of digital and online media into every facet of our lives has been conceptualized through distinctions... more
Este ensayo presenta una discusión y análisis sobre el caso Cybersyn, desde una perspectiva de arqueología de medios, poniendo particular atención en los desarrollos teóricos y metodológicos planteados por los académicos Friedrich Kittler... more
Discovered during a media-archaeological investigation into optical illusions, trick photography and discarded memorabilia, the photo-multigraph technique opened the door to an enchanted world of cloned appearances orbiting in a... more
Questo dossier monografico dei "Quaderni del CSCI" intende dar conto dei possibili filoni di ricerca verso i quali si sono indirizzati negli ultimi anni gli studi sulle tecniche e sulle pratiche del cinema italiano, un ambito che si... more
Der österreichische Photochemiker und -historiker Josef Maria Eder (1855-1944) verkörpert in mancher Hinsicht die Summe der photographischen Kultur des 19. Jahrhunderts. Er wird in "Photographie als Wissenschaft" mit eigenen... more
This paper examines artistic works that use “generative systems” such as copy machines as examples that can incite melancholic experience in the audience. The works of Stevlana Boym, Sonia Sheridan, and Timm Ulrichs are discussed in this... more
Der Artikel geht an die Anfänge des Internets zurück und nimmt seine Pioniere und Partisanen, die ersten Hacker, in den Blick, die als die Urahnen heutiger Social Media gelten können. Diese lassen sich letztlich zurückführen auf den... more
Techniques applied to description of hand-press-era literary works can be turned toward popular duplication processes. Close examination of material objects tests other forms of evidence and aids in identifying potential concerns... more
This is review, published in the journal New Formations, of the following book: Esther Leslie, Liquid Crystals: The Science and Art of a Liquid Form, London: Reaktion, 2016
Relying on media archaeology of Friedrich Kittler, this article examines a large-scale installation, Self-Portrait. Structure. Report. 9.6.72 (1972), by Peruvian artist Teresa Burga (b. Iquitos, 1935) in comparison with the structuralist... more
Review of: Chromatic Algorithms: Synthetic Color, Computer Art, and Aesthetics after Code, by Kane, Carolyn L.
Technischer Fortschritt in der Medienindustrie wir in der Regel mit der Benennung scheinbarer Vor- und Nachteile einzelner Methoden, Vorrichtungen oder Materialien definiert. In so einem Bezugsrahmen erscheint es naheliegend, Patente als... more
"Cinema is the most powerful weapon " – Benito Mussolini's motto loomed in capital letters over the 1937 inauguration of the massive production hub being built in the outskirts of Rome, reminding the film industry what was expected of it.... more
Since the rise of radio and television, we have lived in an era defined increasingly by the electronic circulation of images and sounds. But the flood of new computing technologies known as haptic interfaces—which use electricity,... more
Networks have structured our social – and media – development long before the emergence of the “network society.” From the letter-writing networks of the proto-Italian aristocracy to the electrical networks that facilitated... more
This essay explores the disputed origins of the first karaoke machine and explains how karaoke eventually evolved into a term of judgment in star- making media such as reality vocal competition shows. What Tongson calls the double- edged... more
Sumário Este artigo propõe uma análise ao Álbum Etnográfico da expedição portuguesa ao Muatiânvua, potentado Lunda, no interior de Angola. As fotografias foram produzidas durante a expedição, chefiada pelo major Henrique Dias de Carvalho,... more
In questo saggio si è voluto fornire un panorama diversificato dei contributi teorici del settore, per scongiurare il rischio di un’interpretazione dell’archeologia dei media come contenitore onnicomprensivo di tutta la mediologia... more
In Supernatural Entertainments, Simone Natale vividly depicts spiritualism’s rise as a religious and cultural phenomenon and explores its strong connection to the growth of the media entertainment industry in the nineteenth century. He... more
This dissertation analyzes the cultural dynamics of home movies in the twentieth century. It investigates how various generations have recorded their family memories on film, video and digital media, and, more specifically, how changes in... more
‘Rare Earth’ challenges the rhetoric of immateriality associated with a post-internet cultural condition, exploring how emergent (artistic) myths, identities and cosmologies issue from advanced applications of material scientific... more
Recent developments in image-making techniques have resulted in a drastic blurring of the threshold between the world of the image and the real world. Immersive and interactive virtual environments have enabled the production of pictures... more
Véritable enquête sur les origines du cinéma criminel en France, Cinéma, premiers crimes explore son formidable essor, de la Belle Époque aux années 1920. En trente ans le cinéma, dernière invention du XIXe siècle, est devenu la grande... more
Videogames were once made with a vast range of tools and technologies, but in recent years a small number of commercially available 'game engines' have reached an unprecedented level of dominance in the global videogame industry. In... more
The Routledge Handbook of Japanese Cinema provides a timely and expansive overview of Japanese cinema today, through cutting-edge scholarship that reflects the hybridity of approaches defining the field. The volume’s twenty-one... more
Walkman and iPod devices have often been discussed in quasi-cinematic terms. This typically implies an analogy between the personal stereo user and the transcendental subject of film theory, who is allowed to see and hear without being... more
Videogame history is not just a history of one successful technology replacing the next. It is also a history of platforms and communities that never quite made it; that struggled to make their voices heard; that aggravated against the... more
The nineteenth-century ‘panstereorama’ was an urban relief model placed on display as a public spectacle. In this article, I consider first two affiliated forms that help to explain the genre, namely panorama paintings and plans-reliefs.... more
The recent emergence of e-readers and e-books has brought the death of the book to the centre of current debates on new media. In this article, we analyse alternative narratives that surround the possibility of the disappearance of print... more
From the mid-twentieth century into the twenty-first, artists and musicians manipulated, cracked, and broke audio media technologies to produce novel sounds and performances. Artists and musicians, including John Cage, Nam June Paik,... more
This book develops media archaeological approaches to theatre and intermediality. As an age-old art form, theatre has always embraced ‘new’ media. To create theatrical effects and optical illusions, theatre makers were ready to integrate... more
The ubiquity of computing brings with it a ubiquity of certain aesthetic forms, of visual conventions and indicators that gradually appear throughout digital cultures. This paper will be concerned with one such convention; one that would... more