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Kriege und moderne militärische Konflikte bergen das wirkmächtige Potential den Verlauf der Geschichte in einer derart gestauchten chronologischen Abfolge der Geschehnisse zu verändern, die es für Gesellschaften schwer macht, sie in ihrer... more
A partir dos usos necropolíticos da memória escrava no Brasil pós-abolição, este ensaio analisa a figura do escravo como um ponto de singularização e acúmulo de uma série de tecnologias de poder (soberanas, pré, proto e... more
In cultural and intellectual terms, one of the EU’s most important objectives in pursuing unification has been to develop a common historical narrative of Europe. Across ten compelling case studies, this volume examines the premises... more
This article addresses the recent attempts to integrate evolutionary history in the US national narrative. Focusing on the cultural, legal, and scientific controversy over Kennewick Man, the ancient human remains discovered in Washington... more
Die Folgen des Ersten Weltkriegs stellten die Weimarer Republik vor extreme Herausforderungen. Vor dem Hintergrund der Kriegsniederlage und der harten Bedingungen des als Diktatfrieden empfundenen Versailler Vertrags erschienen der... more
Das Foto des sterbenden Benno Ohnesorgs gilt als Urszene der sich radikalisierenden Studentenbewegung. Als symbolisches Ereignis zog es nicht nur die weltweite Aufmerksamkeit der Medien auf sich, sondern gehört zu jenem Arsenal... more
Mit den Begriffen Gedächtnis, Geld und Gesetz wird die Diskussion um das Verhalten der Schweiz im Zweiten Weltkrieg in einen größeren historischen und theoretischen Zusammenhang gestellt. In den hektischen Wendungen der öffentlichen... more
In this essay, I attempt to outline a feminist philosophical approach to the debate concerning (allegedly) false memories of childhood sexual abuse. Bringing the voices of feminist philosophers to bear on this issue highlights the... more
The elite of Renaissance Italy learnt much about the newly discovered Americas from the journals of explorer Christopher Columbus and from the accounts from the Venetian scholar and explorer Antonio Pigafetta. It was during the... more
The article aims to develop a cultural history of the ancient punishment of the cappello d’asino (literaly «ass cap») in Italian schools (but historically used in European schools from the 16th to the 20th Century), which will be analysed... more
The perception of Greek movies by the audiences, as well as, the various ways through which, the movies affect the audiences’ consciousness are important factors within film studies. They are, however, significantly understudied,... more
When Yugoslavia was invaded by Nazi Germany and its allies in April 1941, what followed was as much a Yugoslav civil war as a war of occupation and liberation. Several hundred-thousand civilians were killed by other Yugoslavs in... more
Przysługujący widmom wywrotowy, niemalże rewolucyjny potencjał został odsunięty oraz zagubiony poprzez pozbycie się tej kontrowersyjnej kategorii z terytorium metafizyki i zbyt pośpieszne odesłanie jej do przestrzeni badań nad literaturą,... more
There are more types of borders today than ever before in history. Borders of all kinds define every aspect of social life in the twenty-first century. From the biometric data that divides the smallest aspects of our bodies to the aerial... more
One of the most momentous and destructive wars in European history, the Thirty Years War has long been studied for its diplomatic, political, and military consequences. Yet the actual participants in this religiously motivated, seemingly... more
This essay discusses the use of abandoned places by photographers. I review this subject from a perspective of remembering and forgetting. Giving examples of artists, especially photographer’s works whose subjects are abandoned places in... more
In this article I attempt to outline Walter Benjamin's peculiar notion of "myth" through a reading of his essay on Goethe's "Elective Affinities" and referring to Jean-Luc Nancy's idea of an "interruption of myth" (developed in his book... more
"Guavas for Dummies, American Jíbaras, & Postnational Autonomy: When I Was Puerto Rican in the Hemispheric Turn" (2019) re-engages this text after I taught it in Puerto Rico four years. In this 2009 essay, Santiago’s memoir is said to... more
Private associations of the Graeco-Roman world have been examined in terms of conflict and control towards the state, as engines of sociability for the workers, and they were compared with the early Christian communities. Lately, they are... more
This paper shows that aggregated forms of memory, be they cultural or collective, can be reconceptualised as less stable than they have been hitherto assumed to be. The ‘frames’ (Irwin-Zarecka, 1994) or ‘schemata’ (Erll, 2011, 2014) that... more
Este artículo explora de manera pormenorizada de cómo ha sido la incorporación de la dictadura cívico-militar en el espacio público. Detalla la lenta evolución, precisando coyunturas y acontecimientos, de la ubicación en la memoria... more
¿Qué imagen nos ofrecen los videojuegos de momentos históricos decisivos como el Desembarco de Normandía o la Revolución Islámica de Irán? ¿Cómo representan el Holocausto o la violencia contra los civiles? ¿Por qué muchos gobiernos... more
The purpose of my paper is to analyse the influence of medieval European literature on the composition of the Icelandic Sagas. The literary production in medieval Iceland becomes especially important when an antimonarchical, anti-courtly... more
Drawing on ethnographic data, this article strives to attend to these questions arising out of the “discreet” preservation of Greek among Turkish-nationalist communities and explores the changing meanings of home/land in relation to this... more
This article explores the role of literature and romantic nationalism in the creation of nations as this applies to the Faroese nation, in particular the case of the poet Nólsoyar Páll. It is the ambition to discuss how literature can be... more
Il saggio descrive i rapporti di Giuseppe Mazzini con la massoneria e analizza poi l'uso pubblico che la massoneria fece di Mazzini dopo la sua morte (1872) e il contributo che essa dette alla costruzione del suo mito e alla diffusione... more
The following article will cover three contemporary notions of identity and power in Central Asia through the use of post-Soviet contemporary art studies. Case studies will consist of topical artworks on the thematics of mankurtism,... more
The present special issue explores the manifold relations between history, memory, and anthropological research.
Review of our book by Louise Forsyth in Thanks to for the .pdf and permission to post it. Check them out: is Canada's only professional journal dedicated to the intersections of politics, cultural... more