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Primo Levi, «Così fu Auschwitz. Testimonianze 1945-1986», con Leonardo De Benedetti, a cura di Fabio Levi e Domenico Scarpa, Einaudi, Torino 2015, Super ET.
While hiding in Latin America, Klaus Barbie was condemned to death for war crimes by the military tribunal of Lyon in 1952 and in 1954. The former Nazi officer, head of the Gestapo in Lyon and its environs during the Second World War, was... more
A partir dos usos necropolíticos da memória escrava no Brasil pós-abolição, este ensaio analisa a figura do escravo como um ponto de singularização e acúmulo de uma série de tecnologias de poder (soberanas, pré, proto e... more
In cultural and intellectual terms, one of the EU’s most important objectives in pursuing unification has been to develop a common historical narrative of Europe. Across ten compelling case studies, this volume examines the premises... more
A new Chinese translation of Haack's internationally acclaimed book, this time of the new, expanded edition, containing much new material.
Drawing on ethnographic data collected in a coastal village in southwestern Madagascar, the work explores the concept of memory through a study of contemporary hospitality practices aimed towards western tourists and other outsiders. The... more
This article argues that Rousseau’s autobiographies outline an account of personal happiness as an Epicurean memorial practice. For Rousseau, happiness is secured by an attitude to pleasure cultivated by practices utilizing the powers of... more
Mit den Begriffen Gedächtnis, Geld und Gesetz wird die Diskussion um das Verhalten der Schweiz im Zweiten Weltkrieg in einen größeren historischen und theoretischen Zusammenhang gestellt. In den hektischen Wendungen der öffentlichen... more
The European Parliament (EP) adopted, between 2004 and 2009, a series of resolutions calling for recognition of Communist crimes and commemoration of their victims. This article focuses on an overlooked aspect of anti-Communist activism,... more
In this essay, I attempt to outline a feminist philosophical approach to the debate concerning (allegedly) false memories of childhood sexual abuse. Bringing the voices of feminist philosophers to bear on this issue highlights the... more
Following the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, the country has been transformed. Among these transformations was the creation of a series of memorials to document, preserve, and commemorate the genocide. In 2016, the National Commission for the... more
The essay aims to analyze how the past is appropriated in the European Public Sphere and which institutions, media and actors are involved in Public History practices. In contrast to the Anglo-Saxon world, a variety of Public History... more
This study explores the basic transformations of the Holocaust-memory in France on the basis of French fiction films that are to be identified as part of cinematography of the Holocaust. The chosen approach that can be described as a... more
Arqueología de la Guerra Civil y la Dictadura Española: La historia NO escrita brings together the works of different research teams throughout Spain carried out in the last two decades. The use of archeology to study this time period is... more
Mediante las voces y experiencias de campesinos quechuas de las comunidades de Ocros y Huancapi (Ayacucho), Los silencios de la guerra. Memoria y conflicto armado, hurga en los rastros de los años de violencia que enlutaron al Perú a... more
This article traces the pictorial lineages of images collected in one of the two Thun-Hohenstein albums through comparative analyses of fight books produced in the German-speaking lands, and considers how the representational strategies... more
Bringing together vivid ethnographic material, this book opens up a timely conversation between memory and mobility/migration studies. It goes beyond the idea of the nation state as the primary unit of analysis to explore how people on... more
Whether pasted into an album, framed or shared on social media, the family photograph simultaneously offers a private and public insight into the identity and past of its subject. Long considered a model for understanding individual... more
This chapter draws from George Monbiot’s (2017) thoughts on the political power of storytelling. He emphasizes that stories function as schema through which people organize information and develop a sense of order and purpose. It is a... more
Virtual reality (VR) head-mounted displays (HMD) appear to be effective research tools, which may address the problem of ecological validity in neuropsychological testing. However, their widespread implementation is hindered by VR induced... more
Memoria gramentada de Cholito donde nos cuenta la historia de su familia que es su propia historia.
This book provides an introduction to political psychology through a focus on European politics and topics. It describes a style of doing political psychology in Europe that has developed out of dialogue with as well as critique of North... more
When Yugoslavia was invaded by Nazi Germany and its allies in April 1941, what followed was as much a Yugoslav civil war as a war of occupation and liberation. Several hundred-thousand civilians were killed by other Yugoslavs in... more
From the Romantic era onwards music has been seen as the most quintessentially temporal art, possessing a unique capacity to invoke the human experience of time. Through its play of themes and recurrence of events music has the ability... more
Statistical data and photographic portraits are two techniques of explanation frequently used to narrate both the magnitude and the specificity of mass death. Numbers offer a census of the dead while photographic portraits promise an... more
ПАМЯТЬ ИЗ ПЛАМЕНИ АФГАНИСТАНА Интервью с воинами-интернационалистами Афганской войны 1979–1989 годов.Данная книга является продолжением проекта «Афганская война 1979–1989 гг. глазами очевидцев (Oral history)», реализованного международной... more
Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East (2019) 39 (2): 313–327 The article, based on two years of fieldwork, examines the meaning of displacement for Palestinian citizens of Israel who live in Jaffa. Specifically,... more
Northern Irish people still hide secrets behind doors because of the fear of potential resurfacing of conflicts. The changes brought about by “the Good Friday Agreement (GFA)” present a lack of equality in terms of housing, employment,... more
Przysługujący widmom wywrotowy, niemalże rewolucyjny potencjał został odsunięty oraz zagubiony poprzez pozbycie się tej kontrowersyjnej kategorii z terytorium metafizyki i zbyt pośpieszne odesłanie jej do przestrzeni badań nad literaturą,... more
À luz do contexto das últimas décadas na América Latina e dos desafios sobre as reflexões propostas pelas ciências humanas em relação às posições ocupadas pelas mulheres nos espaços de decisão, o presente trabalho desenvolveu uma análise... more
The monograph dedicated to the analysis of the politics of history in Ukraine, 'Eastern Europe', and 'Western Europe' in the 1980s - 2010s. Rich empirical material, detailed analysis of roles and performances of state (President,... more