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The work is devoted to describing of the complex of horse equipment of Yakuts. The research sources became archaeological and ethnographic collections of museums. Equipment a rideable horse of Yakuts consists of two main parts – the... more
The evolution of horse usage, with the expansion of the cavalry from the fourth century onward, depended on quality livestock, the intensification of hippiatric medical research and the development of horse-related instruments both for... more
Whether knight's charger or beast of burden, horses played a vital role in medieval life. The wealth of medieval finds excavated in London in recent years has, not surprisingly, included many objects associated with horses. This catalogue... more
Frühmittelalterliche Pferdesättel sind relativ selten. Ihr organisches Gerüst blieb bei einer Lagerung im Boden normalerweise nicht erhalten. Zu den Ausnahmen gehören die aufsehenerregenden Funde des Gräberfeldes Allejka-3 auf der... more
Spurs with bent-in hooked extremities have attracted researchers attention for years. They are one of the best chronological markers for the older phases of the Early Middle Ages. Spurs from the West Balt Circle haven’t been studied... more
The demise of Orlík Castle in the cadastral district of Sudislav nad Orlicí (Pardubice Region, Czech Republic) was dated to the beginning of the 14th century based on existing knowledge. A metal detector survey conducted at the site in... more
Contents 10TH AND 11TH CENTURY BURIAL SITES, STRAY FINDS AND TREASURES IN THE TRANSYLVANIAN BASIN, THE PARTIUM AND THE BANAT IX.1. The geography of the Transylvanian Basin, the Partium and the Banat IX.2. List of the 10th–11th century... more
Fragments of a pair of heavily gold-plated spurs made from a copper alloy were discovered during a metal detector survey on the grounds of a castle known today as Zítkov (cadastral territory of Choceň in the Pardubice Region). Even though... more
The paper has been prepared in connection with the 120th anniversary of the Zuevsky burial ground. Zuevsky (Zuevy Kliuchi I) burial ground is one of the few large Ananyino necropolises in the cis-Kama region, which items are used in... more
""U podnožju 2132 metara visokog Storžiča, iznad sela Bašelj, podiže se uzvisina Gradišče (873 m). Arheološki lokalitet rasprostire se na stjenovitom vrhu, strmim padinama i terasama. Razvedena površina pokazuje da se pod njom nalaze... more
While Kenkol burial in Talas valley excavated by Bernshtam in 1938-1939, is a famous enough monument, only a half of the proceeding of 1939 is published, and the ones from 1938 haven’t been published yet at all. In this article, a set of... more
An accidental find of mainly bronze parts of a horse tackle from Roman period discovered in 2017 in the Lesser Carpathians near the municipality of Borinka. The set includes, as well as a bit with chains, the end forgins of cheek pieces,... more
In 2013–2014 a collection of metal objects originating from various sites in Moravia and in the eastern half of Bohemia was handed over to the Regional museum in Vysoké Mýto. The only artefact which can be securely da - ted to prehistory... more
Svitavy groove, Polička municipality (Pardubice region in Eastern Bohemia) is not a traditional residential area. Yet we encounter rare prehistoric findings here, the numerical increase of which is related to the increasing use of... more
The article concerns the analysis of stirrups, discovered during excavations of funeral complexes of early medieval Turks in Mongolia. The author examines both published and not entered into scientific circulation results of excavation of... more
The work is based on the materials from the burial sites Uelgi (2010-2016) and discoveries found near Lake Sineglazovo. The reconstruction was defined by nonlooting burials (except Sineglazovo) where it was possible to trace the order of... more
A half of a mould made from an alloy of copper, tin, zinc and a considerable percentage of lead intended for the production of brooches of Type Almgren 132 was discovered at a Germanic settlement in the cadastral area of Kočí, Eastern... more
The article concerns systematization and analysis of one of the demonstrative categories of horse equipment — horse-bits and cheek-pieces, found during excavations of the burial complexes of the early medieval Turks in Mongolia. Such... more
Written sources link the castle in the Boršov cadastral zone, near Moravská Třebová with military campaigns of 1285-1286. Metal-detector prospection in the surroudings of the fortification conformed the siege of the castle in the 13th and... more
The typochronology of selected mounts of bridle and saddles found at Sösdala and Fulltofta in Scania is discussed. The parade bridle Sösdala I has mounts from different sources, one closely related to late Roman craftsmanship, the others... more
The Zítkov castle (Pardubice Region, Czech Republic) near Choceň was investigated by means of metal detection in 2007–2011. The research was led by the archaeologist of the Regional Museum in Vysoké Mýto and focused on surface layers... more
This article is dedicated to a special design and detail scandinavien bridle sets of the mound 65 (7) of the excavations of S. I. Sergeev in Gnezdovo. Bridle sets is of interest primarily because it was preserved leather belts.
The article is dedicated to weapons and horse equipment discovered at the monuments of the Saltovo-Mayaki culture located in the middle stream of the Seversky Donets river. In the upstream (within the forest-steppe zone) these items are... more
From the surroundings of the Late Bronze Age fortified settlement in the cadastral area of Kladky (Olomouc region, Czech Republic) near the old sunken lanes, a small collection of objects dating from the Early Middle Ages to the Early... more
A defunct medieval village was discovered and investigated with surface prospection in the Orlické hory mountains in 2009–2014. Oral tradition refers to the village as Hynkovice. No written records have survived; however, material finds... more
Untersuchung eines Arrangements von Altfunden, bestehend aus mittelalterlichen und frühneuzeitlichen Blankwaffen und Reitzubehör aus dem Bestand des Archäologischen Museums Bayreuth. Examination of an arrangement of old finds, consisting... more
This article introduces a Pazyryk kurgan, unearthed at Khankarinsky Dol, in the northwestern Altai. On the basis of the funerary rite, burial goods, and radiocarbon analysis, the kurgan dates to the late 6th or early 5th centuries BC and... more
The article presents two previously unknown stirrups from the collections of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Museum of Local Lore and the Minusinsk Regional Museum of N.M. Martyanov. These items are accidental finds discovered in the... more
The three finds of horse tack from Sösdala and Fulltofta can be approached from many different angles.To conclude the publication we have chosen to present reconstructions and comment on chronology, provenance and historical background.... more
For a long time, the history of war was the prerogative of military officers. After World War Two, it saw significant reorientations. Military history evolved into a more global history, which aims to analyze the interaction of war with... more
The paper is the initial publication of a hoard found near Odoevskie Gory village in the Spassky District of the Ryazan region and transferred to the State Historical Museum in 2013. The hoard includes adornments for clothing, primarily... more
in: Interacting Barbarians Contacts, Exchange and Migrations in the First Millennium AD, A. Cieśliński, B. Kontny (eds), Neue Studien zur Sachsenforschung 9,  309-319,
ISBN 978-83-66210-06-6
В статье рассматривают новые случайные находки предметов конской упряжи пред­ скифского времени в лесостепном Подонье. Выявлены аналогии для обнаруженных предметов, проведена их классификация и датировка. The article discusses new... more
Статья вводит в научный оборот результаты исследования кургана пазырыкской культуры, раскопанного на могильнике Ханкаринский Дол в Северо-Западном Алтае. На основе анализа погребального обряда, инвентаря, а также данных радиоуглеродного... more