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Alla metà del Cinquecento, Federico Grisone, gentiluomo napoletano dava per la prima volta alle stampe un libro sull’arte di ammaestrare il cavallo «per l’uso della guerra» e sui segreti per «emendarne i vitii». L’opera ebbe subito un... more
Airag, (Fermented horse milk) is a traditional milk product in Mongolia. Herders separate foals from their dams and tie them at a milking site during the daytime to produce airag. To evaluate the effects of horse management on the... more
How feedback is provided in coach-athlete interaction is vital both to the results in competitive sport and to the satisfaction of participants of recreational sport. Yet studies of coaching-in-interaction remain sparse. The proposed... more
In the equestrian sports we agree that the communication between horse and rider forms the core of good riding. This communication is therefore often the main focus of for instance a dressage train ...
In the eighteenth century a growing interest in the British institutions and culture spread throughout Europe. This trend also involved the equestrian field. “English equitation” became fashionable and the interest in horse racing and... more
New interesting and unknown details of Cesare Fiaschi’s biography emerge from the study of some ancient sources, which illu-minate, with a new light, one of the most in-teresting figures of the Renaissance eques-trian culture and disprove... more
Sustainability promotes the perpetuation of environmental quality for present generations, future generations, and other species. Regions are privileged bounded spaces and a focus for sustainability concerns. This paper explores the... more
A textual analysis via critical discourse analysis and content analysis is undertaken to examine how horse racing is covered in Melbourne’s two principal newspapers and what primary themes are present. Horse racing is a significant... more
This dissertation charts the creation and the use of the working horse in urban areas. Historical and contemporary studies of the working horse are combined to establish how these animals were bred, cared for, and housed in order to be... more
At the mid point of the sixteenth century, a Neapolitan gentleman, Federico Grisone, published, for the first time, a printed book about the art of training the horse “for the use of war” and on the secrets to “emend his defects”. The... more
""En Filipo II y el Arte de la Guerra tendremos la oportunidad de conocer en profundidad a uno de los más grandes reyes de la antigua Macedonia. Gracias a su habilidad como estratega, diplomático, político y soldado, heredó un reino... more
The Horse’s Voice : How Trainers and Riders Make the Horse’s Needs Relevant in Dressage Training
Based on existing classifications of the horse-bits and cheek-pieces of the North Caucasus and Eastern Europe, the paper outlines a classification of bronze cheek-pieces made of a twisted core and non-bonding three-hole cheek-pieces from... more
Sommaire : L'examen des textes de Columelle (I er s.) et des hippiatres de l'Empire romain tardif (IV e s.) donne les carac-téristiques de la contention opératoire chez les grandes espèces domestiques. En raison de sa grande taille, le... more
Companions in the Afterlife: The Role of Horses in Mortuary Archaeology Since ancient peoples first harnessed equids, horses have played an important part in human civilization. They were a mode of transportation for ancient peoples, as... more
Published in Juan Aranda Doncel & Jose Martinez Millan (eds)
Las Caballerizas Reales y el Mundo del Caballo (Cordoba 2016)
the paper describes the historical evidence for coach and horses in the English royal household
Contratapa: En noviembre de 1918, Carlos Gardel y José Razzano, entonces de gira en la provincia de La Pampa, se escaparon hasta Buenos Aires para presenciar la “carrera del siglo” entre dos purasangres de enorme prestigio, Botafogo y... more
In later prehistory horse ownership was a manifestation of wealth and physical prowess, and demonstrated access to distant lands. Because of the expense and restricted availability of horses, they are often reduced to indicators of status... more
Segunda edición, digital, corregida, aumentada, con prefacio de Georgina Aimé Tapia.
Chariot races were the earliest, most popular, and longest-lived of all forms of ‘spectacles’ in the Roman world. This essay surveys the spatial and architectural framework of the Circus Maximus, the primary chariot racing venue at Rome,... more
The work is devoted to describing of the complex of horse equipment of Yakuts. The research sources became archaeological and ethnographic collections of museums. Equipment a rideable horse of Yakuts consists of two main parts – the... more
The Fechtbuch (Fight-Book) from 1459 AD by Hans Talhoffer is truly an uncanny work. In this edition of his work, the fight-master opens a window for us to his world. He shares knowledge from his own field of expertise – the martial arts... more
This is a conference paper I presented at The Animal/Human Bond in Oxford Summer 2014, excerpted from a larger work. Now available in "Who's Talking Now? Multispecies Relations from Humans and Animals Point of View" at... more
The evolution of horse usage, with the expansion of the cavalry from the fourth century onward, depended on quality livestock, the intensification of hippiatric medical research and the development of horse-related instruments both for... more
This study reviews ethological literature and the views of working riders on the manners in which horses communicate nonverbally; explores social-scientific paradigms of human nonverbal communication as presented in the academic... more
Le nom du cheval est un des mieux assurés dans la reconstruction linguistique indo-européenne, au plan lexical, dans la phraséologie (collocation de lexèmes), et dans l'onomastique personnelle, à tel point qu'on peut considérer le cheval... more
IF YOU WOULD LIKE AN ARTICLE PDF - PLEASE EMAIL ME! Burial of horses and horse-elements occurred throughout Europe during the first millennium AD. These burials are prevalent in northwest Europe and are perhaps more significant in... more
"Ces Actes des Journées d’étude internationales (Strasbourg, 6-7 novembre 2009) sont l’aboutissement d’un programme de recherche (2007-2009), mené au sein de l’UMR 7044 (Étude des civilisations de l’Antiquité : de la Préhistoire à... more
Based on ethnographic research in Egypt and the United States, this chapter will focus on the emergence and dynamics of transnational networks of modern Arabian horse breeding with a focus on the Straight Egyptian Arabian horse as a... more
Documento guía de las pláticas que he ofrecido en el Seminario Infancias (Facultad de Historia) y a integrantes del Consejo Ciudadano de Morelia en junio de 2016. Planteo en siete páginas con vínculos a documentos qué ha sido del jaripeo... more
This paper is an introduction to the issue of the journal Arabian Humanities no 8, devoted to the horse in Arabia and in Arabian culture. The setting of the following contributions is detailed from specific viewpoints: • The al‑Maqar... more
Whether knight's charger or beast of burden, horses played a vital role in medieval life. The wealth of medieval finds excavated in London in recent years has, not surprisingly, included many objects associated with horses. This catalogue... more