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Der vorliegende Beitrag entstand im Rahmen des Projektes "Die Prager Straße", das die Edition Winkler-Hermaden gemeinsam mit dem Stadtmuseum Hollabrunn (Ernst Bezemek, Friedrich Ecker) und dem Südmährischen Museum Znaim (Jiri Kacetl) im... more
On the Beginnings of the Interest in Vernacular Architecture in the Boskovice Area. A Memorial of the 100th Anniversary of František Lipka´s Death Several researchers, who collected the expressions of oral folk literature, worked in the... more
The article deals with the personality and work of Josef Simon (1882–1966). Josef Simon was a high school teacher and nowadays he is known mainly as a historian of the German (or Prussian-Austrian War) of 1866. However he was a man of... more
The study was published in the Proceedings of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Brno. C. History Series. 1955, Vol. 4 * Die Studie wurde in den Proceedings der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Brno veröffentlicht. C.... more
During the fifteenth century Jewish litrugical texts and customs were reconsidered by rabbis living in Austria, Moravia, and neighbouring countries. The writings of two famous rabbis that were active in Brno for some time during the... more
In July 2020, trenches No. 3 and 4, which contained Hallstatt Period sediments, were excavated in the Entrance Hall of the Habrůvka - Býčí skála cave in the Moravian Karst (Blansko District). The layers in trench No. 3 were intact... more
Zusammenfassung Unserer Stadt zur ehre. Architektonische entwürfe des deutschen Hauses in Brünn Aufgrund der zeitgemäßen Presse werden in dem Beitrag verschiedenste architektonische Entwürfe des Deutschen Hauses in Brunn erwähnt,... more
V českém prostředí téma poválečného umění ve veřejném prostoru dosud postrádá systematické a vědecky pojaté zhodnocení. Potřeba ověřených dat, která by poskytla přesné informace o okolnostech vzniku děl, vedla v roce 2015 k formulování... more
Persian rugs, porcelain, clocks, furnitures, militia and exotics. On the flows of furniture from confiscated Moravian-Silesian castles in the auction house Karel Ditrich Brno 1948–1950 Political developments in the early post-war... more
Whilst the development of spiritual administration of Church of St. Nicholas in Velké Meziříčí (Moravia) since 1317 is reasonably well-documented, the same cannot be said about the record of building development. The oldest part of the... more
The chapter deals with the history of the parish in Veselá from the end of the 16th century up to 1918.

Kapitoly je věnována dějinám farnosti ve Veselé od konce 16. století do vzniku Československé republiky.
Studie byla publikována roku 1968 v časopise ,,Památková péče" (28) / The study was published in 1968 in the journal ,,Památková péče" (Volume 28).
The article deals with the situation of Brno painting in the first two decades of the 20th century. By the establishment of the Club of Friends of Art (Klub přátel umění) in 1900, a Czech alternative of the German association... more
Study deals with attempt to build a seat of Moravian Diet in Brno, Moravia. The project of August Prokop (and also of Josef Blitzfeld and Joseph Hudetz )were appreciated in first competition (1868), and in the second (1874) the joint... more
The book was published in Prague in 1955 * Annotation: 1. Findings of Celtic coins (Pavel Radoměrský) 2. Findings of Ancient coins (Eugen Pochitonov) * 1. Würdigung durch Kelten (Pavel Radoměrský) 2. Würdigung von antiken Münzen (Eugen... more
Fin-de-siècle Prague, a provincial capital city in the Habsburg empire, was a site of Czech-German nationality conflict. In 1902 it was also home to the largest exhibition of Auguste Rodin's art outside France during his life. Due to the... more
In: Ostrava. Příspěvky k dějinám a současnosti Ostravy a Ostravska, Ostrava 2016, ISBN 978-80-906091-7-4 The oldest part of Nádražní street in Moravská Ostrava has udergone a series of transformation during the course of its history -... more
Kniha byla vydána v Praze roku 1973 v serii Studie Archeologického ústavu AV ČR Brno, ročník 1/1973 Svazek 3 / The book was published in Prague in 1973 in the series of the Study of the Archaeological Institute of the Academy of Sciences... more
Analisi critica dei complessi rapporti tra Alberto Moravia e il fascismo, sulla base di documentazione edita e inedita. In appendice vengono raccolte alcune lettere recentemente pubblicate su quotidiani e periodici italiani.
In the early twentieth century, three provinces of the Austrian half of the Habsburg Empire enacted national compromises in their legislation that had elements of non-territorial autonomy provisions. Czech and German politicians in... more
Kniha byla vydána v Brně roku 1978 jako 3 svazek Bibliografie města Brna / The book was published in Brno in 1978 as the 3 volume Bibliography of the City of Brno.
In Slovakia, there are Neo-Classical and Romantic sepulchral monuments in connection with the Czech lands. The Bohemian sculptor Philipp Jacob Prokop made a tomb for Gabriel Ghillányi († 1809) in Fričovce (sarcophagus, urn, mourning... more
The Transformation of Confessional Cultures in a Central European City results from a series of projects about the history of Olomouc, a medium-sized royal city in Moravia in the present-day Czech Republic. Set in its regional as well as... more
The present study evaluates the medieval component of a rescue excavation carried out in the outer bailey of Tepenec Castle in 1971-1975. The castle, built during the 1330s-40s, ceased to exist due to war events in the early 15th century.... more
The newest research provides a basic overview of the occurrence of amber in the Central European area of the Early Iron Age, analysing the testimony of amber finds primarily from the Czech and Slovak republics, while also looking at the... more
Questa sezione trae origine da Ritorni alla realtà. Il realismo nella letteratura italiana novecentesca e contemporanea / Zurück zur Wirklichkeit. Rekurrenzen des Realismus in der italienischen Literatur des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts, un... more
The book was published in Prague in 1957  * Abstract: The third part contains a list of findings thaler coins from the period (1519-1900) and a Czech, Moravian and Silesian findings undefinable coins. The volume is reattached clear map... more
Sometimes before 2007, a group hoard of the Celtic coins of the Athena Alkidemos obverse type and the warrior reverse type was found.The hoard was discovered in an unknown place belonging to the land register of Horné Orešany, location... more
Hrad Křídlo. Historie, stavební vývoj a archeologie zříceniny šlechtického sídla v Hostýnských vrších [Castle Křídlo. History, building development, and archaeology of a ruined noble house in the Hostýnské vrchy hills; 2021] (co-authors... more
Von den Socken. Ein Beitrag zur Kulturgeschichte der Politik am Beispiel des Einzugs König Sigismunds zum Konzil in Basel 1433. Mit der Edition eines Sigismundbriefes und einiger Einträge im Basler Fronfastenrechnungsbuch, in: Kaiser... more
Predmetom výkladu sú severné regióny stredného Podunajska v období včasného stredoveku z pohľadu výsledkov súčasného archeologického bádania. Vysokoškolská učebnica prináša charakteristiku kultúrno-historického vývoja sledovaného územia s... more