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Ioffe, Dennis and Frederick H. White, (eds). "Nikolai Khardzhiev and Russian Avant-Garde Modernism." In The Many Lives of the Russian Avant-Garde. Nikolai Khardzhiev's Legacy: New Contexts. Edited by Dennis Ioffe and Frederick H. White,... more
The Seagram Building in Manhattan (1954-58), by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Philip Johnson, is one of those rare pieces of architecture which has come to define an era. For Mies van der Rohe the achievement of the Seagram Building was... more
The authors of the volume ('From May ’68 to November ’89: Transformations of the World, Literature, and Theory') intervene in the study of the student movement’s “rehearsal” for a world revolution and its afterlife in the 1980s and 1990s... more
Préface d’Augustin Berque Un siècle de banlieue japonaise apporte une réflexion inédite sur les processus d’urbanisation de l’une des sociétés de consommation les plus avancées de la planète, dans un pays dont la population doit, de... more
Libro dedicado al pensamiento de Bataille, incluyendo en primer lugar un importante texto inédito hasta ahora en español (una conferencia sobre el juego y el placer no incluida en las Obras Completas publicadas en Francia). A través de... more
This Master thesis directs attention to a paired subset of translation/transformation, namely mediation/derivation, by tracing the architectural work of Jan Ruhtenberg (1896-1975). Despite his leading role as educator and practitioner,... more
This article outlines a systematic theory of style that aims to combine "social formalism" with narratology. Beginning with a reading of a little-known essay by Raymond Williams on the history of English novelistic prose, the article... more
In English see here: Zárkózott, fojtott, szenvedélyes embernek írják le az emlékezők. Némelyek szerint folyton Monopol gyúrógumit,... more
In this essay I seek to explore the icon of the Fighting Cock movement (Khorus Jangi) and of its Manifesto, " The Slaughterer of the Nightingale, " in order to consider its implications and imagistic allusions. In outlining the background... more
Los escritores Alejandro Sawa y Antonio de Zayas, con ser autores diferentes en numerosos aspectos –sin ir más lejos, su opuesta orientación ideológica-, han compartido durante demasiado tiempo ese "páramo del olvido" becqueriano al que... more
In the midst of the 1970s, where the immersion of culture battles made an entrance in the realms of politics and gender issues, Protect Renoir (1974) by Helen Frankenthaler was seen as polarizing in multiple dimensions as critics believed... more
The early Middle Ages provided twentieth-century poets with the material to reimagine and rework local, religious, and national identities in their writing. Poet of the Medieval Modern focuses on a key figure within this tradition, the... more
The author studies a period that constitutes the height of the art critic Clement Greenberg’s engagement with the New Criticism. The essay offers a snapshot view of a larger transition that marks Greenberg’s shift from Marxist criticism... more
Deadline: July 18, 2022. The international conference *Transatlantic Visions: Italian Film Cultures and Modernisms in Post-War America (1949-1972)* focuses on the presence of Italian cinema in post-World War II U.S. cultural consumption.... more
Deutung und Bewertung des Rilkeschen Lebenswerkes, insbesondere seiner »Duineser Elegien«, sind nach wie vor durch eine erstaunliche Unsicherheit gekennzeichnet. Dies erklärt sich wohl vor allem aus der weitgehenden Vernachlässigung... more
How many playwrights, novelists, philosophers, artists, composers, performers, filmmakers and critical thinkers influenced Samuel Beckett? And how profound has Beckett's impact been on creative artists worldwide, who have responded to the... more
Toward a New Architecture is a manifesto written by Le Corbusier. The manifesto has seven essays under the title of argument. These essays can be listed as the engineer's aesthetic and architecture, three reminders to architecture,... more
Bu makalede bugünle geçmiş arasında bağ kurarak son Osmanlı ve Cumhuriyet Türkiye’sinin Alevilere/Aleviliğe dair politikalarının dili, şiddeti, etkileri ve yansımaları analiz edilecektir. Alevilerle kurulmayan muhataplık ilişkisinin... more
Modern Türkiye’de Siyasî Düşünce külliyatının Modernleşme ve Batıcılık cildini inceleyeceğiz. Bu cilt dizinin diğer kitapları gibi çeşitli düşünürlerin yazılarından oluşmaktadır. Külliyat siyasi fikirlere odaklanmışken bu cildin de... more
"Ginzburg severely criticised the idea of building in this new society being the same as in the old one, and to elaborate on this socialist architecture he formedThe OSA Group. The OSA Group generated progressive theoretic and practical... more
The book presents Muktibodh’s (Hindi writer) unique approach towards modern society and his longing for peace expressed in his writings. He is known as the poet of dreadful dreams in field of literature. The book highlights that behind... more
Dinin siyasete alet edilmemesi, din ve devlet işlerinin ayrıştırılması ve toplumsal dinin laiklik ile dengeli bir görünüm arz etmesi meselesi uzun yıllardır Türkiye’nin gündemindedir. Gerek dünyada gerekse de Türkiye’de dinin toplumsal... more
The architect and planner Michel Ecochard has had a long career in developing countries, from its first works in Syria under the French rule, until the 1970s. He represented the modernist and functionalist approach to planning in a time... more
Said’in oryantalizm kavramını siyasal literatüre kazandırmasından sonra kavram, Doğulu toplumların modernite ile kurdukları ilişkiyi açıklamak açısından doğurgan bir şekilde içeriğini geliştirmektedir. Artık Doğu-Batı ikileminde... more
Sons and Lovers is a semi-autobiographical novel in which the male protagonist of the novel Paul Morel got chained by a mother’s love. Throughout the novel, his love is for his mother and he is all the time surrounded by his mother that... more
The paper highlights the innovative attempts to marry the "old world" Orthodox architectural traditions with the American vernacular and American modernism in the works of Louis Sullivan, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Constantine Pertzoff.
Nothing ever happens on time in Madame Bovary. When a cannon goes off to announce the arrival of a government prefect at the local agricultural fair, the Comices Agricoles, we are told: “C’était une fausse alerte. M. le préfet n’arrivait... more
In 1899 the great exhibition devoted to Alessandro Volta was meant to open a new season of richness for Como and the Lake. Nonetheless, in 1927 the second exhibition organized for the centennial anniversary of Volta's death was promoted... more
Dance, special spectacle of movement, in the early cinema denotes artistic affinity with film, attractions-hungry. To show their seductive, kinetic and aesthetic potential, the cinema since its origins has attract dance as other types of... more
Philosophy exercises a massive influence on contemporary architectural culture, architectural debates and architectural theory. Discussions of architects, architectural theorists, and architectural historians are heavily loaded with... more