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A divine defends religion, meaning Christianity, against accusations of violence, but the apology is a string of straw men. The defence comes down to the secular state being responsible for much violence despite its liberal origins, but... more
Мартинович, В.А. К проблеме определения понятия "религиозный экстремизм" // Журнал БГУ. Социология. – 2018. - №3. - С. 74-82.
This book explores the moral psychology of devotion. In the first part of the book, I provide I analysis of devotion; an examination of its motivational role; and an explanation of its connection to a distinctive form of valuing, in which... more
Research in consumer culture focuses on the role of fans in creating social spaces or fandoms in contrast with larger society where new cultural meanings and values are socially negotiated. Drawing on media and cultural studies, this... more
Football one of the most important and popular sports branches around the world. As is known in general, football is not just football. Football is not a chance to have more fans than other sports branches. Soccer leads to the happiness... more
Personal narrative on how Rich Erlich of two English departments came to teach (for some 40 years) a work of sociology and political, Eric Hoffer's THE TRUE BELIEVER, and recommending it as an absolutely essential text as we move into... more
The present study was designed to examine relationship between identity statuses and dimensions of celebrity worship. Two measures were used to determine their scores. The Extended Objective Measure of Ego Identity Status II (EOMEIS-II)... more
At the end of the classic 1957 SF film THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING MAN, Scott Carey, the title character, reducing to the infinitesimal asserts, "To God, there is no zero. I still exist!" In the second decade of the 21st century, the... more
It has been claimed that fanaticism is an essential part of 'new' terrorism. In this new terrorism paradigm, new terrorists are mentally unbalanced religious fanatics who are divorced from rational thought. This paper will elucidate the... more
Stressing that the pronoun "I" picks out one and only one person in the world (i.e., me), I argue against Hunt (and other like-minded Rand commentators) that the supposed "hard case" of destructive people who do not care for their own... more
Nihayet Dergi, 69. Sayı, Eylül 2020, s. 110-119. Başlık sehven "teşrih" yerine "teşhir" şeklinde yazılmıştır.
The story “My son the Fanatic” ends on the statement
‘So who’s the fanatic now?’
The paper answers the above question by dissecting the thematic plot of the story.
What, if anything, is fanaticism? Philosophers including Locke, Hume, Shaftesbury, and Kant offered an account of fanaticism, analyzing it as (1) unwavering commitment to an ideal, together with (2) unwillingness to subject the ideal (or... more
Circumcision is responsible, as well in its victims as in their neighbours, intact or not, of a systemic, collective and reciprocal paranoia entailing the worst of discriminations. In case of conflict, if one of the enemies is... more
Paper regarding the idea of "religious tolerance" as propaganda designed to just let religion continue to do harm to society and destroy lives. See my paper 'Religion Is Not Benign' in order to better understand this paper:... more
Abstract The aim of this research to examined the relationship between fanaticism and aggressive behavior tendencies of foreign football fans. Data were collected from 93 participants of 4 different fans club at Yogyakarta, which are... more
Abstrak Gelombang Korea (K-Wave) merupakan fenomena demam budaya Korea di tingkat global yang mempengaruhi dunia internasional pada umumnya. Kemunculan beragam bahasa, musik, film, fashion, dan gaya hidup telah mendunia termasuk... more
Megaleh Temirin (Revealer of Secrets), first published in Vienna in 1819, is one of the sharpest and wittiest pieces of Jewish literature written in the first half of the nineteenth century, and is perhaps the most important piece of... more
Rather than an abstract, this is an excerpt: The mixture between identity and affiliations. "Narcissism and identity are notions that refer the one to the other, the notion of identity being located at the interface between... more
This paper develops the notion of an extremist mindset. This mindset is understood in terms of its distinctive preoccupations, attitudes, emotions and thinking patterns. Two key extremist preoccupations are persecution and purity. These... more
This article examines how US colonial officials understood and utilized the categories of superstition, fanaticism, and religion during the occupation of the Philippines in the early twentieth century. I adapt Jason Josephson-Storm's... more
Study guide and background materials for a flawed book by a flawed author — which remains one of the most important works for an introduction to serious analyses of fanaticism. THE TRUE BELIEVER offers Hoffer's "Thoughts on the Nature of... more
ABSTRACT: This essay uses the method of historiographical criticism to reexamine the frameworks used to research the relationship between apocalypse and violence. Its focus is the presentation of Anabaptist rule at Münster in the... more
This essay examines Việt Minh deployment of propaganda on race hatred and cannibalism during the First Indochina War (1945––1954). It evaluates the literature on the First Indochina War and on historical institutionalism for its ability... more
*** UPDATE: I have now included a complete text of the essay in a pre-publication version. Please consult the published text before citing. *** This paper focuses on the largely negative memory of Anabaptist rule at Münster in scholarship... more
Histories of Early Modern religion in Europe typically contrast the activities of ordained theologians with those of laity. The thought and writings of the former usually constitute " theology " and those of the latter " piety. " The... more
(proofs version) I characterize and discuss Kant’s account of enthusiasm (Enthusiasm / Enthusiasmus) in his early, middle, and late publications as well as in his lecture notes. Kant’s reflections on enthusiasm do not amount to a mere... more
Although understanding fanaticism-its character, its causes, and its cures-was a major theme in the work of Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Hobbes, Locke and others, it is a topic that receives very little philosophical attention today. This is a... more
This paper aims to analyze the attitude of soccer fans after the outcome of matches under the influence of a pitchman (celebrities and idols), involvement and fanaticism. The literature was supported by the concepts of happiness and... more
The current political climate is awash with groups that we might be tempted to label irrational, extremist, hyper-partisan; it is full of echo-chambers, radicalization, and epistemic bubbles. Philosophers have profitably analyzed some of... more
Negli ultimi anni, l’Italia non è stata colpita da attacchi terroristici di matrice jihadista, né ha sperimentato gli elevati livelli di radicalizzazione di alcuni dei suoi vicini europei. Significativamente, il numero di foreign fighters... more
This paper is an attempt to clarify the Islamic theological position to issues of fundamentalism, extremism, terrorism and related terms, and in so doing frame the context for acceptable forms of resistance (be it violent or not, physical... more
The activities of Boko Haram in Nigeria evolved within a very short time from a religious sect professing hatred for western values, into a violent dissident group. The group has become a threat to the social and political stability of... more
Dr. Viktor Frankl’s abiding belief was that distress about the meaning of life is the proper domain of the physician's practice. He identified three syndromes of neurosis in the Age of Anxiety: fatalism, tranquilization, and fanaticism.... more
This article, a chapter from the author’s recently published book (March 2018) titled, Ta’ifah, Sectarianism and Imagined Sects, attempts to build fundamental conceptual idiomatic distinctions between community according to religious or... more
El objetivo de este artículo es analizar dos procedimientos argumentativos que pueden usarse para enfrentar discusiones con personas cuyas opiniones son radicalmente opuestas y que tienden a desarrollarse en medio de fuertes alteraciones... more
This special section comprises diverse reviews of my book The Polarized Mind: Why It's Killing Us and What We Can Do About It including my commentary on all reviews at the end.
This ICCT Research Paper examines the current extent of Italy's Sunni jihadists in Syria. Italy presents interesting particularities, including a relatively small number of foreign fighters compared to other European countries (around one... more