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Wetlands are represented in Saudi Arabia in the form of mangrove, sabkha, and wadi (valleys) systems, and these habitats are considered as a sanctuary for biodiversity. The present study aimed to identify different vegetation groups in a... more
The Jewish peoples have endured thousands of years of discrimination and subjugation, yet during this new millennium, Jews and antisemitism are conspicuously absent from university ethnic studies classroom discourse in the United States.... more
This paper engages with the formative concepts of diversity and intersectionality, inquiring how far they are used as tools for achieving (gender) justice that opens up spaces for marginalized constituencies, including racial and... more
The paper argues that the UK music industry is an unequal sector to work in, despite the outward facing gloss of multiculturalism the Top 40 Chart presents. In light of this environment the paper’s main research aim was to uncover the... more
We have much work to do for diversity and democracy in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields worldwide. We need to think beyond heteronormativity and the gender binary, so transgender, nonbinary and 2SLGBTQ+... more
This paper presents the author’s reaction to watching the Jane Elliot’s “Blue Eyes and Brown Eyes Experiment” and answers the question: Do you believe that it is still necessary to teach children about prejudice, racism, discrimination... more
In order to better cope with the pressures and stresses of the current day, modern psychology is anxiously seeking to find new therapies to address the increasing disorders within the human psyche. In the process new fields of research,... more
This paper addresses the scientific and social interests in the comparative analysis of the international importance of language. In order to classify the different approaches to this analysis according to the criteria on which they are... more
The present study estimated the influence of academic and social collegiate experiences on Latino students' sense of belonging, controlling for background differences , using hierarchical analysis techniques with a nested design. In... more
The modern workplace is a pivotal arena for shaping societal gender inequalities. This chapter reviews theory and research on gender inequality in workplace organizations. We first provide a quick historical overview of the role of gender... more
As the workplace becomes more diverse and global in nature, organizations are implementing diversity training to manage this trend. However, previous research has rarely explored empirically employees’ perceptions toward diversity... more
Different culture portrays different ideologies through certain discourse they deemed appropriate to communicate ideas between societies.
A B S T R A C T Consumer demand for eSport and the growth of organized video game competitions has generated considerable attention from the sport, event, and entertainment industries. eSport therefore represents a novel and popular area... more
We examined the influence of training focus (similarities or differences) and trainer characteristics (race and sex) on the effectiveness of a diversity training program. An examination of the results reveals that when the training... more
This article reflects on how the diversity discourse in an undergraduate classroom can be enhanced by paying attention to particularities such as the location and mission of the educational institution, the identity of the teacher, and... more
Declarations can be found on page 12 DOI 10.7717/peerj.1017 Copyright 2015 Perrineau et al.
The authors present a Research Full Paper on the application of critical and liberative theories in understanding the disproportionately low student outcomes of marginalized undergraduate students studying engineering at a large, highly... more
Aim: To assess the metacommunity structure of woody plants in the Atlantic Forest (AF), compare the structure across its different forest types and evaluate the contribution of multiple scales and environmental drivers for the total... more
Os conceitos de diversidade e diferença no que toca à população estudantil são indispensáveis quando nos referimos à educação e à escola do presente. Este artigo explora as respostas e conceptualizações associadas à utilização de... more
La lucha del movimiento LGBTI ha marcado las últimas dos décadas en el sistema de derechos humanos de la ONU. Una lucha marcada por un proceso de reconocimiento de sus derechos, reconocimiento que sigue siendo contestado y revertido por... more
An assessment of the diversity from an employment equity perspective among federal and provincial judges early 2016 to provide a baseline by which to measure the Liberal government's commitment to diversity and inclusion in appointments.
This chapter presents preliminary findings from a study of the experiences and self-labeling of ten individuals who are biracial and whose parents identify themselves as monoracial members of minority groups. Implications for student... more
Recommender Systems have emerged to guide users in the task of efficiently browsing/exploring a large product space, helping users to quickly identify interesting products. However, suggestions generated with traditional Recommender... more
ABSTRACT Floriculture is commercial production, marketing and retail sale of cut flowers and potted plants as well as home gardening and flower arrangement. Arunachal Pradesh has started to promote floriculture, especially orchids for... more
High-quality, suitably adapted tree seed at volume is a key component for the implementation and long-term success of forest landscape restoration (FLR). We analysed the tree seed systems in four Asian countries—the Philippines,... more
Ce bulletin présente les résultats d’une étude de nature qualitative où différents acteurs locaux de plusieurs arrondissements de Montréal ont été interviewés afin de cerner les enjeux et autres défis auxquels ils doivent faire face pour... more
At the annual meeting of the College Art Association in Los Angeles in 2012, the sponsored panel of the Committee on Diversity Practices, “Beyond the Numbers Game: Diversity in Theory and Practice,” was organized around one essential... more
Given the increasing proportion of ethnic minority individuals in the United States and psychology’s historical reliance on theories derived from Euro American populations, it is important to monitor the status of cultural diversity... more
La scuola, oggi più che mai, deve aprire un dibattito sui "mondi diversi" per avere un visione di insieme del bambino/ragazzo e delle forme in cui si rendono possibili gli apprendimenti in un'ottica di continuità educativa sia orizzontale... more
The Indian banking system plays an important role in promoting economic growth, not only by channelling savings towards investment, but also by improving the efficiency of resource allocation. An efficient banking system is considered a... more
Published as a result of a contributions to a number of international seminars and workshop, this paper gives an overview of conviviality as a critique in response to current issues, a horizon for the future and conclusions for policy and... more
The first part of this paper presents a historical outline of how racial and cultural alterity (particularly indigeneity) has been imagined and represented by elites in Colombia since the nineteenth century. The evolution of these ideas... more