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In this historical phase, cities are intensely crossed by processes and practices of appropriation and re-appropriation of places and life environments. Motivations are at different levels: necessity, political and personal. The fieldwork... more
Ce mémoire a pour but d’évaluer le rôle de la société civile dans le processus de consolidation démocratique sud-coréen à travers l’exemple de la mobilisation sociale ayant suivi le naufrage du ferry Sewol en avril 2014. La préoccupation... more
For Hannah Arendt, spontaneous, ‘initiatory’ human action and interaction are suppressed by the normalizing pressures of society once ‘life’ – that is, sheer life – becomes the primary concern of politics, as it does, she finds, in the... more
This book examines the relationship between states and humanitarian international non-governmental organisations (INGOs) against the background of civil war and political instability. This relationship is established as two sets of norms... more
Th is book explores the activism promoted by organised networks of civil society actors in opening up possibilities for more democratic supranational governance. It examines the positive and negative impact that such networks of civil... more
En años recientes, miles de iniciativas ciudadanas alrededor del mundo han buscado influir en las políticas públicas de sus países con base en una combinación de conocimiento experto y expectativas de la población. Al hacerlo, quienes... more
Die sechs Jahre der sowjetischen Perestroika zwischen 1985 und 1991 stellen eine krisenhafte Umbruchszeit dar, in der der Wandel von Bevölkerung und politischer Elite bewusst erlebt und aktiv gestaltet wurde. In dieser speziellen Periode... more
Данное исследование посвящено обзору состояния Некоммерческих Организаций (и гражданского общества - включая активистов и носителей ВИЧ) в контексте обеспечения профилактики ВИЧ в Российской Федерации (Санкт-Петербурге) по состоянию на... more
There is a conflict between civil society's larger purpose and the self-interest of professionals who work in the sector. That conflict can only be resolved if developmental professionals strive to become irrelevant by enabling the... more
[EN] This paper briefly introduces the concepts of the public space by H. Arendt and J. Habermas, compares them and presents an analysis of the problems concerning the transformation of the public space. In this work, I try to demonstrate... more
(The paper was published in the Russland-Analyse No.323 in German) Im Jahr 2012 wurde in Russland das allgemein so genannte »Agentengesetz« (Gesetz über »ausländische Agenten«) verabschiedet, das die Struktur des Dritten Sektors und den... more
The focus of this chapter will be to outline intimate privilege and why it might be important to consider this form of privileging in discussions about non-monogamy. (This is a pre-typesetting and final copyedit draft of this paper,... more
The Western European bourgeoisie founded all kinds of associations during the 18th and 19th century. These associations focused on morally correct behaviour, freedom and equality, but also on entertainment, social reform and advocacy.... more
Shopping malls are often criticised as a cause of the privatisation of public space and the erosion of the public sphere. Some authors argue that to fight these negative processes, shopping malls should be considered equivalent to public... more
El artículo analiza la interacción entre el Estado y la sociedad civil durante el proceso de construcción del sistema educativo chileno a través del proceso de adopción del sistema lancasteriano de enseñanza. A partir de un análisis... more
Est-ce que la société civile peut émettre une rationalité autre que bourgeoise dans l'espace public? C'est la question qui guide cette essai faisant intervenir ces notions centrales dans les travaux de Jürgen Habermas.
A revised version of this paper is now published in: Woodin, T. (2014) Co-operation, Learning and Co-operative Values. Contemporary Issues in Education. Routledge. more
Collection of essays on truth in the public sphere. Halsall's paper is on Hans Blumenberg's discussion of light as a metaphor for truth considered in relation to Merleau-Ponty's accounts of Cezanne.
L'IRIS a effectué un sondage auprès de plus de 700 groupes du mouvement communautaire autonomes cet automne pour en savoir plus sur leur situation pendant la première vague de COVID-19. Pendant la première vague, les groupes ont surtout... more
Anna Antonakis’ analysis of the Tunisian transformation process (2011-2014) displays how negotiations of gender initiating new political orders do not only happen in legal and political institutions but also in media representations and... more
Although folklorists have seldom concentrated on politics, folklore thrives among decision-making elites and the politically aware citizenry. One genre is the “policy legend,” a traditional text that describes institutions or social... more
The United States has long grappled with the question of how to maintain an appropriate combination of religion and politics in the public sphere. The current electoral cycle is no different, as Presidential candidates attempt to... more
(WACSI) was created by the Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) to reinforce the institutional and operational capacities of civil society in the region. WACSI also serves as a resource centre for training, research and... more
ในช่วงระยะเวลากว่าสามทศวรรษที่ผ่านมา นับตั้งแต่จังหวัดชลบุรีต้องเผชิญกับแผนพัฒนาพื้นที่ชายฝั่งทะเลตะวันออก หรือที่เรียกกันว่า “Eastern Seaboard Development Plan” ที่ได้เริ่มดำเนินการในปี พ.ศ. ๒๕๒๔ เป็นต้นมานั้น... more
it’s the pregnant woman’s fault—exploiting culturally pervasive frames of anticipated guilt and intensive motherhood to put women on guard with ‘‘strident moral undertones’’ (p. 9). Many pushing pre-pregnancy care had and still have the... more
Lässt sich die politische Problemlage unserer Zeit literarisch erfassen? Was ist die Rolle von Literatur im globalen Kapitalismus? Lässt sich ein dauerhafter Arbeitszusammenhang von Autorinnen und Autoren organisieren? Diesen Fragen... more
The essay in question suggests a series of sociological reflections on the actual role played by coffee bars, referred to as “third places”. Starting from the social history of the coffeehouses and using the results of three ethnographic... more
East-West German Transborder Entanglements through the Nuclear Waste Sites in Gorleben and Morsleben Author: Astrid Mignon Kirchhof Pages: pp. 145-173 Available open access: Open-access Abstract... more
Civil society organisations have a venerable history in Sri Lanka. This history has been characterised by cycles of co-operation and hostility between state and CSOs. This paper examines that history.
Abstract The paper explores emerging contradictions in the non-profit sector within the context of neoliberalism. In this paper I examine non-profit sector as a site located in the civil society that has a potential for articulating... more