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Una recensione al volume di Olivier Razac,  Storia politica del filo spinato. Genealogia di un dispositivo di potere, [Ombre Corte, Verona 2017]
For Hannah Arendt, spontaneous, ‘initiatory’ human action and interaction are suppressed by the normalizing pressures of society once ‘life’ – that is, sheer life – becomes the primary concern of politics, as it does, she finds, in the... more
Any cursory review of the past five years of Italian historiography on fascism obviously would be subject to multiple criticisms and be Condemned for partiality, especially since the time span under investigation is relatively brief and... more
This article follows and reconstructs the question of reality in and throughout in the work of Hannah Arendt. I argue that Arendt had always been concerned with this question: in her early work on Augustin in a philosophical way, in her... more
OPEN LETTER TO PM MODI SIR, YOU RESPECT DIVERSITY BUT RSS MOURNS IT, WHOM DO WE BELIEVE? My Dear Prime Minister Modi ji, Namaskar. It is heartening to note that you as PM of our democratic-secular state have underlined the great... more
Providing an innovative conceptualization to extremist political movements founded upon "world-historic" populations and vanguard party organizations, Vanguardism sets out a new path in investigating the intellectual and historical... more
The focus of this work is the instrumentalization of athletes
by totalitarian regimes in Europe with propaganda purposes
Face aux totalitarismes, la résistance au féminin FIGAROVOX/ENTRETIEN-En participant à un ouvrage récent sur la lutte des femmes contre le totalitarisme, Biljana Vučetić met en lumière le rôle joué par plusieurs femmes engagées du XXe... more
The volume introduced by this paper consists of a number of papers focusing primarily on theoretical, methodological issues pertaining to the book’s general theme, whereas the majority of papers focus on a country or region where a... more
Han Fei’s doctrine of absolute monarchy is one of the most sophisticated political ideologies ever devised in any ancient society, and it proved critical to the foundation of the first imperial dynasty. One must nonetheless acknowledge... more
Democracy in a post-colonial Africa has not replicated the “Westminster model” that was inoculated upon the continent by its former colonial masters. African democracy, which is flawed mainly in comparison to the West, has posed different... more
Príspevok má za cieľ facilitovať reflexiu o dejinách saleziánskej charizmy v Strednej Európe. Vnímanie podobností a zároveň rozdielov v prežívaní charizmy v „post-komunistických“ zemiach je štartovný bod príspevku. Spôsob prezentácie je... more
Under dekke av vitenskap settes likhetstegn mellom nazisme/fascisme og kommunisme/alle marxistiske retninger i internasjonal og norsk arbeiderbevegelse – også de anti-autoritære og demokratiske. På den måten tilsløres fascismens og... more
Wie arbeiten undemokratische Regime? Die Autoren geben einen Überblick über totalitäre und autoritäre Regimen (sowie Mischformen) und stellen anhand Fallstudien die Funktionsweise derartiger Regime dar. Die Autoren diskutieren... more
“Prison and the Subject of Resistance: A Levinasian Inquiry” imbricates Emanuel Levinas’s ethics of the care-for-the-other and the experience of resistance and capitulation in the context of political prisons. It responds to basic... more
Ведибіда Б.О. Інформаційно-методичний огляд Висвітлення історії політичних репресій і радянського тоталітаризму в експозиціях музеїв Західної України / Б. О. Ведибіда (автор-упорядник); Національний музей історії України. – К. : НМІУ,... more
Course Description & Aim The rise of National Socialism to power prompted an unprecedented large-scale exodus of Central European scholars who have had an enormous impact on American cultural life in particular, and the post-World War II... more
¿Qué características son inherentes al totalitarismo? Esta pregunta fue expuesta tanto por Hannah Arendt como por George Orwell, y ambos respondieron a su manera muy particular. Este texto busca alinear las visiones de estos dos... more
This book centres on four Portuguese artists’ journeys between Portugal and Britain and aims at rethinking the cultural and artistic interactions in the post-war Europe, the shaping of new identities within a context of creative... more
The paper presents one of the tools of indoctrination of Czechoslovak society after 1948 – the building of the cult of personality, namely Stalin's cult of personality. In the introduction, it discusses the starting points of the cult of... more
The Exceptional State is an exercise in comparative politics. The course is intended to clarify the meaning and uniquely political form of (some) modern societies. To this end, we contrast two exceptional state forms, namely... more
The following is an analysis of an excerpt titled “Thoughts on the Baptism of D.W.R.” derived of German Theologian, Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s "Letters and Papers from Prison." Unfortunately, no argument will be rendered, rather it will be a... more
Rezension zu Guido Giacomo Preparata: Die Ideologie der Tyrannei.
Hier wird gezeigt, in welcher Weise Preparata die gewaltaffine, romantisierende Kultur der Postmoderne als heuchlerisch entlarve
Trent'anni fa sbocciò una vera, autentica "Primavera democratica", più popolare e avanzata nelle sue richieste rispetto a molte che si sono consumate nell'Africa mediterranea di otto anni fa. Accadde in Cina, sotto il regime comunista a... more
Abstract:This essay explores how a recent body of work by Thai artist Piyarat Piyapongwiwat uses an immersive video installation to create a context that affectively connects the viewer with a group of exploited Cambodian labourers. While... more
Chociaż termin "totalitaryzm" jest przedmiotem wieloletniej debaty akade-mickiej, w której niejednokrotnie był dyskredytowany, w krajach postsocjali-stycznych, które miały w pewnym okresie cierpieć pod tegoż "totalitaryzmu" jarzmem, wciąż... more
In this paper I examine how Hobbes’ philosophy can be read from an Arendtian perspective. I argue that Arendt provided two different interpretations of Hobbes: one set down in The Origins of Totalitarianism, where Hobbes is depicted as... more
The goal of this paper is to show how Orwell does not only lay out a warning against totalitarian governments is his book "1984". His work is meant to warn against all forms of control coming from large groups, religion included.
In de strijd tegen Islamitisch radicalisme richten wetgevers en beleidsmakers zich meer en meer op de vraag of en hoe men niet-gewelddadige, islamistische en salafistische organisaties kan verbieden. De ratio hierachter is dat hun... more
"Wolin’s Democracy Incorporated struggles with one of the most persistent questions in social sciences – the challenge and perils of democratic systems as a ceaseless struggle between the political demos and selected few elites. The... more
Artigo publicado no Dossiê Temático "Usos Práticos do Passado" na Revista Temporalidades: v. 9 n. 1 (2017): Edição 23. RESUMO:A série televisiva Black Mirror, criada por Charlie Brooker, nos apresenta um futuro de distopia, onde a... more
Le rapport entre Platon et Rousseau est significatif en ce que ces deux philosophes présentent chacun un projet de refonte radicale de la société. L’un fondé sur l’égalité géométrique, telle qu’elle est précisée d’une manière fondamentale... more