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Cave diving is one of the most technical and potential dangerous forms of diving done today. It may involve use of multiple tanks, regulators and gas mixtures or rebreathers, in combination with powerful long-range diver propulsion... more
This book is a compilation of topics and issues the authors think are required for a Sustainable Development and Management of the Subsurface. The book aims to address engineers, teachers, (junior) scientists, and all others involved in... more
Abstract. A new rhynchonellid brachiopod genus Tethyrhynchia, with type species Tethyrhynchia mediterranea n. sp., is described from specimens discovered in dark zones of submarine caves along the Mediterranean coast of France between... more
Full download: Abstract El pensamiento griego estuvo atravesado desde los orígenes por enfoques optimistas en el terreno del conocimiento que propusieron vías para... more
This is the first comparative study of a highly unlikely group of authors: eighteenth-century women peasants in England, Scotland, and Germany, women who, as a rule, received little or no formal education and lived by manual labor, many... more
Gold remains a rare material during the whole Bronze Age. It is a metal that circulates amongst the elites exclusively. The exchange of gold artefacts over very long distances is fundamental in the build-up of socio-political relations.... more
A renewed study of beads and pendants from the Cave of the Treasure in Nahal Mishmar (Judean Desert, Israel) was carried out in order to enhance our understanding of south Levantine Chalcolithic personal ornaments. The analysis of raw... more
K e y w o r d s: Cave archaeology, Prehistoric times, Middle Ages, white Cracow-area pottery, Cracow Upland
In Palaeolithic archaeology, the notions of tool and site are practically inseparable: it is very difficult to identify a place of human activity without any remain of tool production or tool use. There is nevertheless a category of sites... more
Caving is a type of sports activity done by those who are especially interested in adventure sports in order to investigate and map the caves. The increasing demand for this sport in recent years in Turkey having an abundant source of... more
In the paper, the Crimean routes of professor of Kazan University K.S. Merezhkovsky are systematized, together with the discoveries he made, the locations of the objects of archaeological heritage found by him are specified, and the... more
Sediments deposited within caves and rockshelters have yielded much material evidence pertaining to the nature and extent of human activity in the area of the Mediterranean basin. Importantly, these sedimentary records also serve as... more
Tekst był publikowany w: Przestrzeń sztuki: obrazy – słowa – komentarze. Red. Maria Popczyk.  Folia Academiae. Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Katowicach. Katowice 2005.
Tjoarvekrájgge (Tjorve), with a surveyed length of 21,814 meters, the longest cave of Scandinavia, isfound in one of four marble bands of stripe karst in Bonå, some miles north of the Polar circle in Norway.Te cave is a two-dimensional... more
The Lespugue Goddess from Haute Gargonne, France is a 5-inch mammoth ivory nude statue. (LOG: 162-3.) In 1922, René de Saint-Périer discovered this steatopygous deity in the Rideaux cave of Lespugue cave (Haute Gargonne) located in the... more
The CAVE, a walk-in virtual reality environment typically consisting of 4–6 3 m-by-3 m sides of a room made of rear-projected screens, was first conceived and built in 1991. In the nearly two decades since its conception, the supporting... more
Lascaux Cave (Montignac, France) contains paintings from the Upper Paleolithic period. Shortly after its discovery in 1940, the cave was seriously disturbed by major destructive interventions. In 1963, the cave was closed due to algal... more
Geoarchaeological investigations of limestone caves along the Rove Peninsula, where several Lapita-era (1150-750 BC) sites dating from the earliest period of Fiji’s human history have been found, was undertaken by a team from the... more