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In the natural T. melanosporum truffle regions of Southern Europe, fine-textured soils present unique challenges to prospective cultivators. With reference to the edaphic and climatic conditions encountered at a hazel plantation in... more
Funghi. Alimentazione e nutraceutica è uno dei pochi testi universitari sulla materia attualmente in commercio in Italia. Il libro analizza le caratteristiche generali dei funghi e le tecniche di raccolta e identificazione dei macromiceti... more
Cleanroom contamination can arise from a number of sources. Most contamination within the pharmaceutical facility can be traced to humans working in cleanrooms. The paper discusses staff gowning and personnel behavior in pharmaceutical... more
Macrocyclic complexes of Mn(II) were synthesized by template condensation using 2,6-diaminopyridine and diethylenetriamine with malonic, succinic, glutaric and adipic acids. The reaction proceeded smoothly to completion. These 16- to... more
Toxic fungi in Buenos Aires city and surroundings. In the Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales,Universidad de Buenos Aires there is a service called Servicio de Identificación de Hongos Tóxicos, directed by researchers of Programa de... more
To date there are no clear criteria to determine whether a microbe is susceptible to biocides or not. As a starting point for distinguishing between wild-type and resistant organisms, we set out to determine the minimal inhibitory... more
Background Suppression of immune system in treated cancer patients may lead to secondary infections that obviate the need of antibiotics. In the present study, an attempt was made to understand the occurrence of secondary infections in... more
Although several strains ofB. subtiliswith antifungal activity have been isolated worldwide, to date there are no published reports regarding the isolation of a nativeB. subtilisstrain from strawberry plants in Mexico. A native bacterium... more
Damp and mould in homes have been established as risk factors for respiratory health. There is a need for a relatively straightforward assessment of the home that quantifies this risk. Using data from 891 New Zealand houses, the utility... more
The scavenging activity against DPPH (1,1-diphenil-2-picrylhydrazyl) radical and the antifungal effect against chloroform, ethyl acetate and 50% methanolic extracts of Verbena officinalis leaves were investigated. The activity of... more
Preserving artworks from the attacks of biodeteriogens is a primary duty of humanity. Nowadays, restorers use chemicals potentially dangerous for both artworks and human health. The purpose of this work was to find a green and safe... more
Aflatoxin contamination is a global menace that adversely affects food crops and human health. Peanut seed coat is the outer layer protecting the cotyledon both at pre- and post-harvest stages from biotic and abiotic stresses. The aim of... more
Symbiosis is a major theme in the history of life and can be an important force driving evolution. However, across symbioses, it is difficult to tease apart the mechanisms that structure the interactions among potential partners. We used... more
BackgroundFungi strongly influence ecosystem structure and functioning, playing a key role in many ecological services as decomposers, plant mutualists and pathogens. The Mediterranean area is a biodiversity hotspot that is increasingly... more
Volvorax gen. nov. is validated instead of invalid Endocoenobium Ingold and E. eudorinae Ingold (in New Phytol. 39: 97. 1940) which were not validly published due to the lack of Latin diagnosis/description. Since the host range was... more