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The impact of different sampling techniques on the results of breath analysis was to be assessed in this study. Alveolar, mixed expiratory and time-controlled samples were collected from ten volunteers and from eight lung cancer patients.... more
In my paper I interrogate Maurice Merleau-Ponty's examinations of 'the origin of space' and 'the primordial spatial level' in connection to his cryptic remarks about breathing. According to Merleau-Ponty the respiratory body gives us our... more
Autor: Samuel Pompeo

Editora: Pimenta Cutural (2019)

978-85-7221-011-9 (eBook PDF) 
978-85-7221-010-2 (Brochura) 

DOI: 10.31560/pimentacultural/2019.119
In this article, I show how certain contemporary Italian philosophers (Giorgio Colli, Giorgio Agamben, Adriana Cavarero, and Emanuele Coccia) responded to Jacques Derrida's critique of the voice and developed a new, ultra-materialist... more
Voice is a trinomy , and the trinomy in question is the self. In the live theatre, the actor expresses his or her self, creating a community of selves (the world of the play) which is then shared with the community of selves which... more
We define breathomics as the metabolomics study of exhaled air. It is a strongly emerging metabolomics research field that mainly focuses on health-related volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Since the amount of these compounds varies with... more
Slightly longer draft (though not as long as the full version) of a text published in The Philosopher, Spring 2018. It concerns the relation between breath and being, an etymology traced by Nietzsche and Renan, among others. It thus... more
Всички ние усещаме взаимовръзката между дишането и физическата дейност, някои психични състояния като вълнение, гняв, преходи между будно в спящо състояние на съзнанието и обратно. При по-внимателно разглеждане на връзката между... more
Previous studies suggest that Solobacterium moorei is associated with oral halitosis. In the present study, we examined the prevalence of S. moorei on the dorsal surface of the tongue in 57 adults (21 with and 36 without halitosis) by... more
ELIZABETH A. POVINELLI is an anthropologist, queer theorist, and filmmaker, whose ground-clearing work has developed a critical theory of late liberalism that would support what she calls “an anthropology of the otherwise.” Unfolding... more
Beckett's Breath: Anti-Theatricality and the Visual Arts (Edinburgh Critical Studies in Modernism, Drama and Performance) Hardcover – 28 Feb 2018 by Sozita Goudouna (Author) Samuel Beckett, one of the most prominent playwrights of... more
Biogenic amines are interesting compounds which may be of use for medical diagnosis or therapeutic monitoring. The present paper deals with the problems that occur with concentration determination of dimethylamine (DMA) and trimethylamine... more
Le terme abstraction revient de manière récurrente sous la plume des critiques beckettiens, étant devenu un lieu commun aux allures d’une évidence qui n’est pas toujours définie ou interrogée. Il est vrai, cependant, que de nombreuses... more
We present the real-time monitoring of hydrogen cyanide (HCN) production from Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) strains in vitro, using laser-based photoacoustic spectroscopy. Simultaneously, the production of ammonia (NH3) was... more
Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers. Serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is used to aid the selection of men undergoing biopsies. Its use remains controversial. We propose a GC-sensor algorithm system for classifying urine... more
Low Back Pain (LBP) is a major musculoskeletal complaint and a multidimensional problem. This study aimed to answer whether patients with LBP have an altered pattern or a reduced rate of respiration compared to healthy people. Materials... more
A poetic and schizoanalytical piece that wanders through the materialist relationship between breath, thought and creation.
Physiological effects may change volatile organic compound (VOC) concentrations and may therefore act as confounding factors in the definition of VOCs as disease biomarkers. To evaluate the extent of physiological background variability,... more
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The ChemPro 100i chemical detector (aspiration-type ion mobility spectrometer) was used for the detection of selected volatile organic compounds known to be potential indicators of human presence. The targeted group of compounds mainly... more
The up-regulation of nitric oxide (NO) by inflammatory cytokines and mediators in central and peripheral airway sites can be easily monitored in exhaled air (F(E)NO). It is now possible to estimate the predominant airway site of increased... more
Nalophan, Tedlar and Cali-5-Bond polymeric bags were compared to determine the most suitable type for breath sampling and storage when volatile organic compounds are to be determined. Analyses were performed by thermal desorption gas... more