
On Lie symmetry analysis of certain coupled fractional ordinary differential equations. (English) Zbl 1497.34015

Summary: In this article, we explain how to extend the Lie symmetry analysis method for \(n\)-coupled system of fractional ordinary differential equations in the sense of Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative. Also, we systematically investigated how to derive Lie point symmetries of scalar and coupled fractional ordinary differential equations namely (i) fractional Thomas-Fermi equation, (ii) Bagley-Torvik equation, (iii) two-coupled system of fractional quartic oscillator, (iv) fractional type coupled equation of motion and (v) fractional Lotka-Volterra ABC system. The dimensions of the symmetry algebras for the Bagley-Torvik equation and its various cases are greater than 2 and for this reason we construct optimal system of one-dimensional subalgebras. In addition, the exact solutions of the above mentioned fractional ordinary differential equations are explicitly derived wherever possible using the obtained symmetries.


34A08 Fractional ordinary differential equations
70G65 Symmetries, Lie group and Lie algebra methods for problems in mechanics
26A33 Fractional derivatives and integrals


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