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Archeologists with Coastal Heritage Society received a National Park Service, American Battlefield Protection Program Grant in July 2007 for a one year study. The purpose of the project was to locate, identify, and determine the level of... more
La savane africaine occidentale est un des paysages tropicaux les plus largement parcourus par les feux de brousse. Lors de la periode coloniale, relayee par les gouvernements post-coloniaux, des politiques en vue de controler ces feux... more
Résumé: Les activités de transformation des matières premières agricoles ont toujours été importantes dans les ménages africains et sont longtemps restées essentiellement familiales. La crise économique que connaissent les savanes d... more
Gufu Oba ∗ , Eric Post, PO Syvertsen & NC Stenseth Department of Biology, Division of Zoology, University of Oslo, PO 1050 Blindern N-0316 Oslo, Norway ( ∗ author for correspondence, current address: Agricultural University of Norway,... more
Increases in woody plant densities in savanna grazing lands worldwide have resulted in a decline in the grazing capacity of these rangelands. At present, the actual cause of the problem is unknown although a vast body of literature deals... more
An hypothesis predicting which woody species selected by elephant are at risk of local extirpation is based on an understanding of elephant digestive physiology, foraging ecology, attributes of individual plants and populations, and... more
Part of Cornell Department of Architecture graduate student seminar Gastro•porn, a class-curated digital exhibition launched in May 2015. The full exhibition available online as funded and hosted by Cornell's College of Art, Architecture,... more
The introduction of hybrid varieties cocoa has led to the progressive disappearance of the complex agroforestry systems in Côte d’Ivoire. However in forests-savannah transition area, these systems seem to persist in despite the high... more
The north-west of Togo is characterized by strong pressure on the soil, leading to a decline in agroforestry parks and a reduction in agricultural yields. In such an environment, producers' appreciation of these changes and the methods... more
Photosynthetic leaf traits were determined for savanna and forest ecosystems inWest Africa, spanning a large range in precipitation. Standardized major axis fits revealed important differences between our data and reported global... more
The Frankincense tree Boswellia papyrifera is an important resource in the semiarid lower highlands of eastern Africa but its populations are declining due to human pressure and environmental degradation. To assess the perspectives of... more
C4 grasses constitute the main component of savannas and are pervasive in other dry tropical ecosystems where they serve as the main diet for grazing animals. Among potential factors driving C4 evolution of grasses, the interaction... more
Aim This study documents the effects of multiple fires and drought on the woody structure of a north Australian savanna never grazed by domestic stock.Location The study was conducted in a 500 ha pocket of Eucalyptus-dominated savanna... more
Wild herbivore diversity and abundance have declined in African savannas for the past 20 years. Competition for forage resources between wild herbivore and livestock species might contribute to this decline, given habitat and diet overlap... more
It is widely accepted that species diversity is contingent upon the spatial scale used to analyze patterns and processes. Recent studies using coarse sampling grains over large extents have contributed much to our understanding of factors... more
East African landscapes today are the result of the cumulative effects of climate and land-use change over millennial timescales. In this review, we compile archaeological and palaeoenvironmental data from East Africa to document... more
We investigated species composition of the bat assemblage in continuous forest and natural forest islands in a savanna ecosystem in northern Bolivia. We captured 396 bats of 24 species. Five species accounted for almost 70% of the... more