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: O presente artigo discute o uso do terroir e das Indicações Geográficas (IGs) na atividade turística. Ambos se configuram como estratégia para dar visibilidade a lugares e tornar produtos tradicionais em atrativos. Isso lhes confere um... more
Dai libri di ricette alle rubriche culinarie nei magazine generalisti, dalle riviste specializzate alle trasmissioni televisive, dai food blog alle videoricette veloci di Instagram, il cibo è al centro di un continuo processo di... more
The notion of terroir provides stability to the fleeting, ephemeral, and subjective quality of food. It situates flavours geographically and provides benchmarks for tasting and speaking about a particular product from a particular place.... more
Terroir, an expression originally referred to only in viticulture and agriculture, has undergone a broadening of meaning and use in recent years. Formerly, it described primarily viticultural products in specific regions where local... more
Notre travail se veut une analyse non-exhaustive des différents modes de représentation de la misanthropie dans la littérature québécoise, tel que ce thème a pu être traité dans un roman dit "du terroir", dans un roman de la ville, et... more
Both François Rabelais's sixteenth-century mock epic in prose and the writings of the group of poets known as the Pléiade provide great insight into how fictional representations of food and wine linked origins to identity. 1 Consider the... more
Terroir has been largely studied in vine and wine sciences for the purpose of understanding how interactions between soil, climate and microbiota affect a plant. This study reviews the terroir effect on vine physiology and grape chemistry... more
What do deep fried mars bars, cod, and Bulgarian yogurt have in common? Each have become symbolic foods with specific connotations, located to a very specific place and country. This book explores the role of food in society as a means... more
O presente artigo busca apoiar teoricamente a relação entre os produtos do terroir e a gastronomia. Com o apogeu da industrialização, modifica-se a relação do homem com o alimento. O surgimento dessa nova forma de se alimentar, através da... more
British pie aficionados associate the town of Melton Mowbray with the production of pork pies of exceptional quality. The “Melton Mowbray” name became a Geographical Indication (GI) in 2009. However, the Melton Mowbray Pork Pie... more
This thesis provides an ethnographic exploration of McLaren Vale, a wine-producing region lying just south of the city of Adelaide, South Australia. As a near-urban agricultural area, McLaren Vale provides the setting for a number of... more
El avance del proyecto de NOM 199 para obligar a los destiladores de agave a denominarse “komiles” demuestra oídos sordos a los casos exitosos no en el contexto local, sino global, y prueba el fracaso de las denominaciones de origen que... more
"What does a gentleman who has worked throughout his life for the Sherry wine establishment shares with the son of a bricklayer who has worked for more than a decade for a large industrial wine cellar and has spent his salary buying small... more
Etymologically related, the concepts of terroir and territoriality display divergent cultural histories. While one designates the palatable characteristics of place as a branded story of geographic distinction, the other imbues the soil... more
Terroir has been largely studied in vine and wine sciences for the purpose of understanding how interactions between soil, climate and microbiota affect a plant. This study reviews the terroir effect on vine physiology and grape chemistry... more
Exploramos, en el presente artículo, el surgimiento y debate actual en torno al movimiento terroirista en España desde la perspectiva de los movimientos sociales y rurales. La transformación de la escena vitivinícola española se ha... more
— This work assesses the relative importance of the terroirs factors: climate, soil and the relation source-sink, on the vegetative development, yield, berry composition and plant sanitary status. The study was carried out between 2011... more
Si l’on fait dire au terroir beaucoup de choses, teintées souvent de bienveillance, il est plutôt un mot valise qui recouvre une pluralité de situations, d’acteurs et de logiques. Tout en étant une réalité fragmentée, tant au niveau des... more
This study assessed the effects of slope exposure, altitude and yield on several cup quality criteria of coffees from two altitude terroirs of Costa Rica, Orosi (between 1020 and 1250 m above sea level) and Santa María de Dota (between... more
This opinion article addresses the implications of recent EU regulations on alcoholic drinks labeling for regional development. In March 2017, the European Commission released a report requiring the mandatory labeling of ingredients and... more
Since the 1980s microbreweries in Ontario have gained in popularity, winning over beer drinkers in the province and earning the support of the provincial government that funds the expansion of this creative industry. The Emergence of... more
The EU is ferociously protecting its Geographical Indications (GIs) in the name of authenticity and rural development. Not only in the countries of the EU, but internationally. Australia and most other New World countries protect... more
"Terroir is a French word, derived from the latin ‘territorium’, meaning territory. It long retained its original meaning of ‘territory’ (ground, country, region) but developed a more specialized connotation as ‘location’ or ‘soil’,... more
Multi-sensor airborne remote sensing has been applied to the Itanos area of eastern Crete to assess its potential for locating exposed and known buried archaeological remains, and to delineate subsurface remains beyond the current limits... more
Author Mark Kurlansky’s quote underlines just how unique our relationship with salt is. Every European language has its equivalent of “The salt of the earth” or “Not worth his salt,” sayings which represent the value of salt, at least in... more
This paper provides a constructive critique of Corrine Cash's paper " Good governance and strong political will: Are they enough for transformation? " , published in volume 58 of Land Use Policy in 2016. By focusing on how intra-sector... more
We hear that Dom Perignon could taste a single grape from each arriving tub and know immediately by the taste where it had come from, and exactly how it should be blended with other grapes for the perfect champagne.Brillat-Savarin tells... more
Israel/Palestine is a site of bitter struggle over definitions of indigeneity and settlerness. In 2008 the first Palestinian “indigenous wine” was released, introducing a discourse of primordial place‐based authenticity into the wine... more
Instrument specific tunings and fostering distinctive style have been cornerstones of Balinese music for generations. However, tuning systems as sonic structures have diminished considerably with the expanse of modernity and the invasion... more
This chapter argues that the tasks and processes of wine production undertaken by small-scale producers not only serve to bring forth or unlock a 'sense of place' in the wine but can also be seen to continuously produce place itself. In... more
Biogeography is the descriptive and explanatory study of spatial patterns and processes involved in the distribution of biodiversity. Without biogeography, it would be difficult to study the diversity of microorganisms because there would... more
Les qualifications beldi-roumi, fondées sur une appréhension du « local » et de « l’étranger », existent pour une diversité de produits et d’êtres vivants. Il s’agit ici de restituer toute la richesse et la complexité que révèlent ces... more
Copyright, patents and trademarks are well-known types of Intellectual Property (IP). However, there is another form of IP known as Geographical Indications (GIs). Foods, drinks and agricultural products can be certified as GIs. The... more