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To test the effect of different forms of potash fertilizers on the yield and botanical composition of alfalfa, cocksfoot and mixture between them, a field trial was carried out at the Institute of Forage Crops, Pleven, Bulgaria... more
Obat Vitamale adalah obat kuat herbal untuk dikonsumsi oleh pria, fungsi dan kegunaan Vitamale menjawab berbagai persoalan seksual yang dialami oleh pria. Manfaat produk ini sudah terjamin karena sudah melali uji klinis sudah dilakukan... more
The ecosystem model FORECAST was used to simulate the yield potential in Saskatchewan mixedwoods of the two-pass harvesting system. The simulated two-pass stand consisted of an overstory population of pure trembling aspen (Populus... more
Factors influencinf the yield and composition of the essential oil of Myrtus communis L. are analysed : previous  drying, extraction time and mode, possible hydrolysis. Oils of several origines are also compared.
Conservation tillage is regarded as the best practice for crop production in drylands. However, their effect on the green gram (Vigna radiata (L) Wilczek) has not been much documented in ASALs of Kenya. A field study was conducted during... more
This research was conducted to determine the effect of sowing dates on the yield and oil ratio of Camelina genotypes. The research was conducted in Northern Turkey during the 2017-2019 growing season with the use of 4 sowing dates (23... more
The present study was carried out to evaluate the performance of technological interventions like improved variety, line sowing, seed treatments with fungicide and biofertilizer, balanced nutrition and weed management on productivity and... more
Safflower may have a certain production potential under German conditions, particularly in organic farming where the putatively low nutrient requirement is highly welcomed. However, current knowledge regarding the nutrient requirements of... more
ABSTRACT Maize grain yields have increased dramatically over the past fifty years, and concurrently end-uses have proliferated requiring special quality characteristics. Plant breeders have developed many specialty types of maize, all of... more
Context: Jordan is looking for a cheap and locally affordable source for its cosmetics, fuel and medical applications. Jojoba offers one solution to such problems. It is considered as a good medicinal plant that can be used for several... more
This experiment was conducted in the farmer’s field to evaluate the performance of a modified planter machine for establishing direct seeded rice during aman and aus seasons in 2010 with four tillage treatments: (i) conventional tillage... more
The experiment was conducted in the farm of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh during October 2012 to March 2013 to determine the effect of potassium and stem pruning on yield and economic analysis of tomato.... more
Olive growers start earlier to harvesting in order to obtain high quality oils, however unripe olives show different characteristics affecting technological and rheological properties. This work is aimed to study the effect of malaxation... more
Cet article présente le principe d’une fumure azotée économiquement optimale (Nopt). Ce principe permet de procéder à la détermination quantitative des normes de fumure azotée. Le niveau optimal de fumure azotée ainsi obtenu représente un... more