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The analysis of territorial phenomena usually bypasses the role of local political entities as crucial decision-makers and market regulators, focusing instead on the role of developers and housing preferences of home-buyers. In contrast,... more
Può la densità essere lo strumento analitico di interpretazione dei fenomeni urbani e contemporaneamente un parametro progettuale di prefigurazione dello spazio architettonico? La densità nelle sue diverse accezioni e unità di misura,... more
The concentration of people in densely populated urban areas, especially in developing countries, calls for the use of monitoring systems like remote sensing. Such systems along with spatial analysis techniques like digital image... more
There is an increasing need and interest in including indicators of landscape fragmentation in monitoring systems of sustainable landscape management. Landscape fragmentation due to transportation infrastructure and urban development... more
Measuring urban sprawl is a controversial topic among scholars who investigate the urban landscape. This study attempts to measure sprawl from a landscape perspective. The measures and indices used derive from various research... more
There is a large literature on the existence of agglomeration economies, as shown in the surveys by Moomaw (1983) or Gerking (1993). The benefits of these economies arise from multiple sources, but some negative externalities might also... more
"It's a critique that manages to mention Pamela Anderson, Brad Pitt and Rem Koolhaas. Estimated reading time: seven minutes." - SimCity Dubai - Designing Ottawa Blog (Ottawa Citizen) Dubai tries to outdo the biggest and the best in the... more
Every year road traffic accidents produce near 1.3 million deaths around the world and leave between 20 and 50 million people with non-fatal injuries. It is the first cause of mortality for those under 35 years old. Most of these... more
Abstract: It is a fact that the urban sprawl, known as the process of gradual spread out of urbanization has become a worldwide phenomenon. The growing consumption of land, as a result of the extension of highway networks, open up vast... more
MacGuffin reached out for a contribution on my research on self-storage facilities for their issue dedicated to The Cabinet. The essays highlights some themes of my ongoing analysis of storage facilities, such as the emergence and the... more
Numerous villages in the European loess belt are confronted with floods caused by runoff from agricultural land. Seventy-nine percent of the municipalities in central Belgium experienced at least one muddy flood during the last decade. Of... more
Continual, historical, and precise information about the land use and land cover (LULC) changes of the Earth's surface is extremely important for any kind of sustainable development program, in which LULC serves as one of the major input... more
Illegal parcellings are a unique case within urban sprawl processes. Th ey are characte-rised by originating against urban planning and by a lack of basic infrastructure. It is a phenomenon that has not been studied in much depth, and its... more
In recent years, several phenomena have caused significant pressures on the traditional, centralized urban structure. These phenomena include urban sprawl, separation of business and residential areas and concomitant dependence on... more
As suburbanization has led to new development on the outskirts of urban areas, the industries and mills under industrial zones are found to be in non-working condition since decades. These industries have closed either because of failure,... more
El origen de la forma urbana de la megalópolis Tokio, su genética urbana, se en-cuentra en la naturaleza. Antes de que Tokio fuera una gran ciudad fue una gran aldea inmersa en un gran jardín. Las cualidades del espacio urbano de Tokio... more
Recursos Hídricos e Rede Urbana Mundial: Dimensões Globais da Escassez é um paper elaborado como contribuição para a discussão do grupo de interesse Questão dos Recursos Hídricos, Meio Urbano e Mananciais, integrado ao XIII Encontro... more
The circumstances of urban sprawl in the Middle Eastern cities have been basically examined; now we are aware of the existence of a crawling sprawl in the growth pattern of the region’s cities. Nevertheless, the extent and the causes of... more
In recent decades, extreme rains and drought have struck urban regions in Africa like never before. Nevertheless, limited information is available on which to base development of early warning systems, identification of high-risk zones... more
The citta diffusa defined and characterised by Francesco Indovina (1990) as an urbanized territory where a great variety of functions and dispersed services is present, differs essentially from other low-density settlements spread in... more
India is rapidly urbanizing and its population growth for which the Plugin of Urbanization, Conservation, and hitch the Plugin of Urbanization Consecration of the 21st century, the cost of ignoring the of the 21st contrite cost of... more
During the 20th century, profound socio-economic changes typified the metropolitan regions of the World. One of the most outstanding alterations was the relative decentralisation of urban space, that’s visible sign is urban sprawl. The... more
... Bengston et al., 2004). In Europe, other well-known urban growth management policies are “master plans” and open space preservation policies (eg Green Heart in the Netherlands, Koomen et al., 2007). Since the Green Heart ...
Một số ý kiến gần đây cho rằng việc xây dựng nhà cao tầng là giúp xây dựng đô thị nén – một xu hướng lành mạnh của phát triển đô thị. Tuy nhiên, xây nhà cao tầng không đúng cách còn phản tác dụng khi xây dựng đô thị nén là các nỗ lực tổng... more
Human influences strongly affect the Earth Surface, environment and impact natural resources. To reduce the disadvantages, we have to monitor the human activities as well as the environment. Considering the rapid increase of population... more