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This study of stress experienced during the transition from one’s own home into an independent/assisted senior housing community among older women was conducted using a mixed-methods approach that included (a) qualitative data collection... more
The main aims of this research is to found out whether public housing in the form of RDP( provided by the state) does take into consideration plus provide means to serve the needs of the physically disadvantaged people and the elder... more
This is an open source public document produced in connection with a UK urban regeneration CPO public inquiry. It should be read in association with other public inquiry documents including my proofs and those of Loretta Lees. In... more
Das Erbe von New Gourna ist heute mit Hassan Fathy gegen Hassan Fathy zu verteidigen. Sein aufgeklärtes, postkolonial informiertes Verständnis von architektonischer Entwicklung muss von Fathys paternalistischen kulturpolitischen... more
The concept of gentrification was coined in the 1960s referring to the formerly working class neighborhoods invaded by higher status social groups in London, while today it can be seen as a global phenomenon appearing in most of the... more
There is a wide interest in the effects of forced relocation in the context of urban restructuring. This interest is also inspired by debates on gentrification and displacement. The prevailing idea is that the lowest income groups... more
This study provides an empirical investigation on the impact of fertility intentions on residential relocation behaviours of partnered women during periods of housing price inflation in Australia. The finding suggests that there is a... more
This paper develops some urban and sociological hypothesis about the relationship with the public space by neighbors of a quartier in the periphery of Paris, demolished under the frame of the PNRU. Suffering problem of vandalism and... more
Résumé Souvent, lors de la réalisation de grands projets, plusieurs personnes sont contraintes de quitter leur logement. Toutefois, les impacts psychosociaux de ces déménagements forcés sont peu documentés. Nous proposons ici une analyse... more
This paper aims to review the literature on negative neighbourhood spillovers connected to four voluntary housing mobility programs: Gautreaux 1 and Gautreaux 2 (Chicago), the Moving to Opportunity Fair Housing Demonstration (five cities)... more
Le marché de la relocation naît en France à la fin des années 1970 ; il présente toutes les caractéristiques d’un marché encastré. Alors que les offreurs disposent de toutes les ressources nécessaires pour l’éviter, ceux-ci introduisent... more
This chapter examines changes in well-being among families relocated from the Boulevard Homes public housing development in Charlotte, North Carolina. Prior to demolition, Boulevard Homes had high rates of violence, drug use, and teen... more
Since the early 1990s the local version of the globalized urban strategy of gentrification has been present in the Hungarian capital, Budapest as well (see for example Tomay 2007), mainly in the forms of “urban rehabilitation” projects.... more
Objective: To synthesise the literature on the effects of neighbourhood environmental change through residential relocation on physical activity, walking and travel behaviour. Design: Systematic review following the Preferred Reporting... more
Using a mixed-methods approach, this study examines the relationship between informal social support and formal social support services and employment outcomes among residents of a public housing development relocated as part of a HOPE VI... more
This introductory paper to this special issue of Housing Studies questions whether various characteristics of the debate and research on gentrification, displacement and restructuring justify a largely negative perspective on the... more
Several of Amsterdam’s inner-city areas that formerly were dominated by affordable social and private housing are undergoing processes of gentrification. Most of the gentrification literature highlights tensions and avoidance between... more
OBJECTIVE. The objective of this study was to compare environmental barriers, housing accessibility, and usability before and after relocation of very old, single-living people in the community. It also examined whether accessibility... more
Urban restructuring programmes targeting distressed-poverty neighbourhoods have broadened their approach in recent years to address not only physical problems, but also social issues of individual residents. These programmes often include... more
There is a wide interest in the effects of forced relocation in the context of urban restructuring. This interest is also inspired by debates on gentrification and displacement. The prevailing idea is that the lowest income groups... more
Comparing USA and Dutch experiences, this paper seeks to determine whether the demolition of public or social housing results in negative spillover effects, i.e. the shift of crime and other social problems to nearby neighbourhoods, as a... more
Whether renewal-induced relocations have a positive or a negative impact on displaced tenants is hotly debated on both sides of the Atlantic. In response, scientists have examined the outcomes of forced relocations and shown that they can... more
Migration to areas of high amenity is often motivated by lifestyle choices (sometimes referred to as the sea-change or tree-change phenomenon) and can include a desire to exchange the stress of career and work in the city for a slower... more
ABSTRACT Home ownership is often regarded as the preferred housing tenure; however, situations in parallel life-course careers might make moving to a rental home necessary or attractive to home owners. Retrospective data from the... more
The Dutch urban restructuring policy, initiated in 1997, has generated much urban geography research. As with so many other fields, the associated debate has witnessed the perception of a gap between policy and research among both... more