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How should we understand such discursive patterns? From where do the involved mental maps come from, which we understand as key ideational mechanisms about how knowledge on demographic and migratory processes are structured? How are... more
(English follows) Mariage et famille dans le Golfe arabe : vers un bouleversement politique ? Depuis la fin des années 1970, la nuptialité a connu des transformations importantes dans tous les pays arabes, dont les plus... more
Abidin Özmen 1930’larda kaleme aldığı ve ‘siyah rapor’unda, devletin nüfus verilerine dayanarak Kürt nüfusunun Türk nüfusundan ‘anormal’ derecede hızlı arttığı iddiasında bulunmuştu. Bu rapor ve dile getirilen iddialar, Uğur... more
A jelen tanulmány egy olyan módszertani keretet vázol fel, amelynek segítségével újrafogalmazható a csángókérdés a második világháború idején megnyilvánuló román biopolitika és népességpolitika kontextusában. Mondanivalómat a meglévő... more
مساله این مقاله، نبود شناخت درباره ویژگی‌های گفتمان‌های جمعیتی است که در رسانه‌ها تولید و بازتولید می‌شوند، و می‌توانند بر تصمیم‌گیری‌های سیاسی و شخصی اثر بگذارند. در این مقاله با توجه به نقش گروه‌های متخصصان و ذینفعان در تنویر افکار عموم... more
This study provides an empirical investigation on the impact of fertility intentions on residential relocation behaviours of partnered women during periods of housing price inflation in Australia. The finding suggests that there is a... more
This essay, in the form of a research agenda, focuses on the politics of population movements from the inception of the modern Iraqi state to the present. Based mainly on secondary sources, it asks questions, offers hypotheses and opens... more
Today, the increasing population of the elderly in the demographic structure and planning and policies aiming to meet their needs have become an important issue all over the world. The economic, social and physical limitations and... more
The article elaborates the concept of demographization in light of the current revival of population oriented agendas and demography as an important field of policy consultancy with special emphasis on Germany. It does so by referring to... more
This book sheds light on the history of Greek eugenics during the post-war period. At this time, eugenics had already been condemned by international declarations. AlexandraBarmpouti, however, challenges the assumption that eugenics... more
"Why does Eastern Europe have the lowest fertility in the world? Most explanations focus on the consequences of upheaval in that region during the 1990s. These so called “transition” explanations miss a major part of the story. For the... more
When asked what a desirable fertility level for populations might be, most politicians, journalists, and even social scientists would say it is around two children per woman, a level that has been labelled by demographers... more
The world is increasingly characterised by profound income, health and social inequalities (Appadurai, 2000). In recent decades development initiatives aimed at reducing these inequalities have been situated in a context of increasing... more
با وجود تاکید اخیر برنامه‌ها و سیاست‌های رسمی و آشکار برخی کشورها بر افزایش جمعیت، مطالعات‌ اندکی درباره نقش رسانه‌ها در موفقیت سیاستهای جمعیت منتشر شده است. پس از اعمال سیاست کنترل جمعیت در ایران، با ابلاغ سیاست‌های کلی جمعیت در 30... more
This chapter provides a preliminary survey of infertility and its social context in present-day India. It aims to demonstrate and foreground the historical aspects of this issue, which are essential in order to understand how and why the... more
Is it right to create children in a world where we have so many orphans in need of our resources. My argument is that if (1) we want children (2) would pass adoption agency policies (we are sane, stable, good, etc.) and (3) and there are... more