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The central thesis of Susan Okin's Justice, Gender, and the Family—that the ideology of the traditional family is the linchpin of contemporary gender inequality in the US—remains significant more than a quarter-century after the book's... more
This article considers and rejects claims reform of the Gender Recognition Act 2004 (GRA) to allow gender self-declaration will undermine non-trans women's rights and lead to an increase in harms to non-trans women. The article argues... more
The Ana Cha Collective is a coalition of feminist scholars, artists, and filmmakers formed to interrogate the cultural world through a feminist lens and engage in a creative practice that deconstructs violent power structures. This... more
In this chapter, I examine two social movements as they involved young women seeking to create new paths in Wellington, New Zealand in the 1990s: the Young Women’s Division of Soka Gakkai International New Zealand (SGINZ), a lay Buddhist... more
Tickner quoted Simon Patten, who argued in 1914 that as he watched the suffragettes " swing with easy step from one end of fifth avenue to the other " that they represented a positive development of women, freeing them from the stiff... more
tłum. Marta Natalia Wróblewska

Przekład, wraz ze wstępem, ukazał się pierwotnie na portalu Res Publica Nowa ( 24 października 2011
El giro súbito de los feminismos hacia fines de los sesenta, observable en sus nuevos programas, estrategias de visibilización y formas de organización, da cuenta de un 1968 diferente, potente y fragmentario a la vez. Un 1968 que tiene,... more
The crisis we face as a global community must be understood not only as a public health crisis, or as an economic crisis of the capitalist mode of production, but also, fundamentally, as a crisis of the reproduction of life. In this... more
Valerie Solanas 1967 SCUM Manifesto, an acronym standing for Society for Cutting Up Men presents the radical feminist’s polity and ideas on first of all all the flaws noticed in the current behavior of society for it is functioning upon... more
Chystaya-Young, Yuliya Representation of Prostituted Women in Weimar Cinema: Bachelor thesis / Yuliya Chystaya-Young ; supervisor MA Inesa Khatkovskaya ; European Humanities University. Academic Department of Media. – Vilnius, 2016. –... more
Le prospettive femministe in ambito criminologico si sviluppano tra gli anni Settanta e Ottanta, grazie alla contaminazione portata dall’elaborazione delle teorie femministe della cosiddetta «seconda ondata» in ambito filosofico,... more
SCUM Manifesto is revisited here as a satire - its feminist rage viewed as self-conscious and tightly controlled verbal performance which mimics the misogyny of texts such as Otto Weininger’s 'Sex and Character', or the macho novels of... more
Michel Weber, Féminisme épidermique et utopie viscérale. Signes, symboles, et archétypes, Louvain-la-Neuve, Éditions Chromatika, 2020 ; ISBN 978-2-930517-72-8, ISBN E-book 978-2-930517-73-5 Comment repenser la sexualité et le « genre » ?... more
Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar discursos feministas que tematizam os sujeitos transgêneros e/ou travestis e/ou transexuais. Tratam-se sobretudo de análises de discursos feministas radicais trans-excludentes e/ou autointitulados... more
The story of Jack Parsons--the Southern California rocket scientist-cum-sex magician who co-founded the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and did Thelemic rituals with L. Ron Hubbard--features a charismatic blend of sex, sorcery, technology and... more
This article reviews the ways in which radical feminism has been and continues to be trans inclusive. Trans inclusive radical feminist opinion leaders, groups, and events are reviewed and contrasted against a popular media narrative that... more
This contribution wants to retrace American feminist Betty Friedan’s fascinating biography and controversial reflection, adopting as focal point the book which allowed her to become a strong reference for the Liberal Women's Rights... more
This article examines the presence and importance of Goddess Spirituality and Dianic Witchcraft at the Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp during the first decade or so of its existence. The influence of radical and cultural feminisms on... more
Debates about commercial sex occupy a prominent place on the agenda of both global and Russian-language feminist communities. Sex wars have a major impact on the organization and political imagination of the feminist movement. On the... more
Social imbalances between men and women are the bedrock of injustices women encounter in the world, particularly in African societies. Patriarchy is identified by womanist and feminist scholars as one of the social practices that give men... more
Trans-exclusionary radical feminists (TERFs) make use of an ethical, moralistic framework to support specific rhetoric and behavior. Taken together, these form a self-referential ideology that functions to protect an essentialist... more
Penulisan ini dibuat untuk menjelaskan cyberbullyingyang terjadi di kalangan anak perempuan untuk memberikan pemahaman bagi masyarakat yang belum mengetahui secara mendalam isu ini, bahwa isu cyberbullyingini sudah sering terjadi dan... more
Kishwar Naheed is one of the pioneers of Feminist movement in Pakistan. She won Sitara-e-Imtiaz, Pakistan’s highest award for her contribution to Urdu literature. She is one of the first Pakistani poets to write in blank verse in Urdu.... more
In recent years, demand for the implementation of the Nordic Model of prostitution has dramatically increased. Feminists have worked alongside right-wing fundamentalists in pushing for this legislation across the UK, Ireland, and... more
Perceptions of young women in Japan are examined in relation to female self-defense. Several women in Japan were surveyed, with some chosen for interviews. It seemed that self-defense was often connected not to learning assault-prevention... more
“La Injuria lesbiana: violencias vividas por mujeres lesbianas en la sociedad queretana” presenta un breve recorrido histórico y político entorno a la construcción patriarcal de la existencia lesbiana que ha fomentado su invisibilización... more
In recent years, demand for the implementation of the Nordic Model of prostitution, first introduced in Sweden, has dramatically increased. Radical feminists have worked alongside right-wing anti-choice, anti-LGBTQ fundamentalists in... more
Si eres una adolescente con unos kilos de más, te masturbas con sigilo para no despertar a tu hermano pequeño, vives en Wolverhampton, formas parte de una familia numerosa con una economía precaria, tienes un padre con aspiraciones nunca... more
Nella cornice del Festival WOOJ – Women Out of Joint organizzato dalla Galleria Nazionale di Arte Moderna di Roma, il gruppo di ricerca nato attorno ai testi di Carla Lonzi e di Rivolta Femminile ha contribuito supportando la call “Dopo... more
Considering the possibility that there might be something utopic about strip clubs, this paper traces the relays between power and powerlessness, feminism and antifeminism, utopia and dystopia within a broad psychoanalytic framework. It... more
Osobe koje se odaju prostituciji u proseku se kažnjavaju više od 5 puta više u odnosu na korisnike usluga prostitucije, pokazuje analiza osuđujućih sudskih presuda tokom prve godine primene novog Zakona o javnom redu i miru koji se odnosi... more
By the 1970s, America was saturated with sex. A decade of sexual liberation and the commercialisation of women in mainstream media had normalized female subordination by reinforcing gender stereotypes and fostering an epidemic of male... more