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In this autoethnographic mapping of the educational experiences leading to my current role as a researcher and teacher educator in the United States, I argue that I enacted de/colonizing processes through my academic migrations. Using... more
A Diasporada is a woman who transgresses national and political boundaries and is empowered by inserting Black and female voices into an transnational public sphere. This essay explores the work of Black women activists including Edmonia... more
The author takes her escrevivência as a Brazilian black trans woman and experiments with the poetics of Atlantic water to let the text itself be a transitioning space of poetics-autoethnography-cosmology-water-energy-memory tissue. Water... more
Future. Il domani narrato dalle voci di oggi, an anthology published in Italy in 2019, comprises writing by 11 self-identified black Italian women. As the book’s title suggests, their work, mostly personal accounts of being black women in... more
This senior honors thesis evaluates the theories for racial progress put forth in A Voice from the South (1892) and The Souls of Black Folk (1903). Using secondary sources by David Levering Lewis, Joy James, and more, I critique Du Bois’s... more
What does the development of a truly robust contemporary theory of domination require? Ashley J. Bohrer argues that it is only by considering all of the dimensions of race, gender, sexuality, and ability within the structures of... more
We are honored and deeply grateful to have had the chance to co-create this special issue on and of Feminized Resistances which explores the experiences, desires, wisdoms and practices of racialized and feminized women from the margins.... more
Delving behind Canada’s veneer of multiculturalism and tolerance, Policing Black Lives traces the violent realities of anti-blackness from the slave ships to prisons, classrooms and beyond. Robyn Maynard provides readers with the first... more
This dissertation analyzes the postfeminist tendencies and biopolitics in contemporary media practices by considering the pop culture exemplar, the Kardashian-Jenner family. This dissertation received First Class Honors from Trinity... more
Las historias de estas mujeres nos interpelan a partir de su derecho y su capacidad de autorepresentarse, no como adalides de las luchas de las mujeres negras colombianas en general, sino como subjetividades y trayectorias encarnadas de... more
International relations theory has broadened out considerably since the end of the Cold War. Topics and issues once deemed irrelevant to the discipline have been systematically drawn into the debate and great strides have been made in the... more
With the “controlling images” of the Jezebel, the Mammy, and the Sapphire constantly reiterated in movies, television shows, and popular culture, serving the interests of what bell hooks has identified as white supremacist, capitalist... more
Genesis 16 gives us a different meeting between women, waters and the sacred. Taking as a fist step the own meaning of text, we will find Hagar in several moments of her life: arriving on Abraham’s house, her pregnancy, the escape to the... more
Through a study of Lauren Ekué’s Icône Urbaine (2006), touted as France’s first Hip-hop feminist novel, I argue that Hip-hop aesthetics can be used to find a language, re-negotiate the deviance and pathologies associated with black... more
Black women activists between the First and Second World Wars fought on the "front lines" for racial equality in Louisiana, attests Lee Sartain, the author of Invisible Activists. Sartain's elegantly laid-out topic has enormous potential.... more
Class Presentation outline:
San Francisco State University | COUN 700 [1] | Dr. Wanda Lee, Instructor | April 14, 2014
Text:  Corey, G. (2013).  (pp. 360-394)
This paper considers perspectives on marriage in the Queer and feminist community reviewing key contemporary thinkers on the subject and using direct interviews and material from radical Queer activists and academics in the field. It... more
This chapter explores how intersections of power, privilege, and oppression related to race, gender, and nativity influence in-group relations among women of color. Specifically, we explore the experiences of Black and Asian immigrant and... more
#AnneMoody This is an overview of the Anne Moody History Project (AMHP) and its plans to promote and help preserve the legacy of Anne Moody (1940 - 2015). Ms. Moody was a civil rights pioneer and the famous author of Coming of Age in... more
“Is hashtag activism real activism?” I am often asked this question. It is an odd question that I have found leads to unwieldy debates. This essay, however, does not engage the question of whether or not hashtag or Twitter activism is... more
Decolonization and Feminisms in Global Teaching and Learning is a resource for teachers and learners seeking to participate in the creation of radical and liberating spaces in the academy and beyond. This edited volume is inspired by, and... more
Sycorax shapes a powerful figure and narrative thread through colonial and postcolonial thinking. This essay, written in the 1990s, lays out some of the influential ways in which the figure of Sycorax influenced postcolonial feminist... more
(fr.) Fondé sur ce que l’autrice nomme l’« approche féministe de la décolonisation des savoirs », cet article aborde la place du féminisme noir dans la philosophie politique. L’autrice montre que la pensée féministe noire est une... more
Utkast til standardartikkel om 'identitetspolitikk', 22.05.21. Alle rettigheter forbeholdes forfatterne. Vennligst ikke siter uten tillatelse fra forfatterne.
Incongruities explores the suicide of black journalist, Leanita McClain, who was head of the Chicago Tribune's Editorial page; she was the first Black and second woman ever to sit on the Tribune's Editorial Board in 185 years of it's... more
Through a content analysis of the maternal relationships in Maya Angelou’s I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings and Alice Walker’s In Search of Our Mothers Gardens, the author evaluates how southern black women writers construct black... more
This book is composed of essays written primarily between 1990 and 2003, including many reviews and discussions of books, films, stage productions, some music. There are sections devoted to Queer Theory, Popular Culture, Multiculturalism... more
cated to ‘Further Reading,’ readers are referred to Anderson’s Inclusive Masculinity: The Changing Nature of Masculinities, which is ‘noteworthy insofar as it offers a critique of Connell’s now almost hegemonic concept of hegemonic... more
Cet article examine la place des domestiques noires aux États-Unis entre le milieu des années 1930 et le milieu des années 1950 ainsi que les questions liées à la lutte pour l’amélioration de leurs conditions de travail et pour leur... more
This screening and roundtable discussion focuses on interdisciplinary approaches to the aesthetics of "triple consciousness" in the work of acclaimed Ghanaian-American filmmaker Akosua Adoma Owusu. Owusu's visual elaborations of triple... more
This paper complicates notions of Black girlhood by examining the dual experiences of gendered racism that result in both strength and sadness in Black girls’ educational experiences. I highlight the need for a curriculum of liberation to... more
Studies indicate that African American men report more personal experiences with discrimination than do African American women. According to the subordinate male target hypothesis, this gender difference reflects an underlying reality in... more
This article takes a look at Beyonce's latest album, Lemonade, and its title track. It asks questions about her brand of feminism and the criticisms against her. It also positions her as continuing the legacy of black feminism in music.