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The COVID-19 infection fatality rate for children under the age of 17 is less than 0,003%. Children are at extremely low risk of severe illness from COVID-19, and children do not spread the illness in any significant way. Once a vaccine... more
This paper, which is a contribution to the EUI EUDO citizenship debate on Case C-135/08 Janko Rottmann [2010] launched by Prof. Jo Shaw, critiques this remarkable judgement of the Court of Justice, suggesting possible ways forward in the... more
Drug calculations are performed by nurses to administer a treatment to a patient. Any mistake can be detrimental to the quality of the treatment. This research follows some questions of a team of trainers about two beliefs shared in their... more
States are struggling to replace the anti-Covid-19 lockdowns that threaten the economy and freeze human mobility and interactions with softer, more digitalized forms of social distancing. The article analyzes to what extent fundamental... more
Le présent article analyse la constitutionnalité du régime fédéral encadrant l’accès à l’aide médicale à mourir tel que modifié par le projet de loi C-7 adopté dans la foulée du jugement Truchon c Procureur général du Canada ayant déclaré... more
The "principle of proportionality" is widely considered to be a cornerstone of German constitutional law (despite its shallow foundation in the Basic Law's text). Yet its actual shape varies surprisingly, appearing in judicial decisions... more
The possibility of a normative theory of proportionality in the implementation of the human rights protection have not to lead to be unaware of the specifics of the legal reasoning. A moral and political philosophy discussion can help the... more
社科法學乃蘇永欽教授所提出「法學的想像」中的四個道標之一,並倡議一種社 科法學與法釋(教)義學相輔相成的「輔助命題」。然此命題對法釋(教)義學 外的其他法學思維則似未提及。而致力社科法學此一研究取徑的張永健教授,則 以吾人最為熟知的比例原則為目標,提出一「取代命題」:以成本效益分析取代 比例原則。 為反對「取代命題」,本文試圖指出作為法學思維的比例原則肩負了正確性與拘 束性的雙重任務,並從一虛擬案例出發,指出「純粹」的成本效益分析似未對拘... more
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo a análise dos limites que separam o excesso e as condutas necessárias à efetivação da legítima defesa realizada por artistas marciais, de modo a assegurar a proteção de bens... more
To speak of human rights is to speak of proportionality. Proportionality has been received into the constitutional doctrine of courts in continental Europe, the United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, Israel, South Africa, and the United... more
"The notion of Wednesbury unreasonableness has unnecessarily restricted the courts' capacity to regulate the substance of government decision making, and should be abandoned and replaced by a doctrine of proportionality."
The result of research on the history of mechanical engineering and design, this study identifies Leonardo’s innovative approaches to technical problems, correcting previous assumptions about his lack of technical knowledge as an... more
O artigo apresenta metodologia de orientação e controle dos interesses político-criminais, baseada na estrutura trifásica do dever de proporcionalidade e nos conceitos de merecimento, carência e dignidade penal. Propõe-se uma análise... more
This paper explores the convergence of musical and architectural theory in Vitruvius’ De Architectura. Section 1 describes Vitruvius’ architectural lexicon, borrowed from Aristoxenus (I.2), and explores his description of the laws of... more
The main question of this paper is: what do institutions "extend" from and to and how are they influenced by "intensification"? This concept paper does not mediate between old institutionalism and new institutionalism. It does not offer... more
1. La proporzionalità come principio basilare dell’attività amministrativa: un viaggio da Berlino a Roma, passando per Lussemburgo. - 2. Stazione di partenza: Berlino (ovvero dell’elaborazione tedesca della proporzionalità quale... more
This article readdresses the Przywara-Barth controversy concerning analogia entis. The main point of our analysis is the question of whether the concept of analogy presented by Erich Przywara was in line with the classical... more
Le droit administratif a une approche bien paradoxale du contrôle de proportionnalité. Ce terme renvoie toute personne passée par une deuxième année de droit à des « grands arrêts » inscrits pour toujours dans sa mémoire : « Benjamin,... more
To confuse it with the exclusion of the law without creatig criteria for interpreting the rule in futures cases is to ignore what is to review the law in concreto. In concreto review, like control in abstracto too, which do not oppose as... more
The principle of proportionality, which is designed to limit abuse of power and infringement of human rights by governments, has become a fundamental and binding legal principle in the jurisprudence of many countries. Ever since the... more
Il capitolo IV della Dichiarazione è dedicato alla spiegazione de «L'uso proporzionato dei mezzi terapeutici». Ma, nonostante sia stato pubblicato nel 1980, il suo insegnamento su questo delicato problema è ancora ignorato da molti,... more
Penafsiran konstitusi harus dilakukan dengan rasional untuk menghindari pilihan argumentasi secara cherry-picking. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh pertentangan dalam dua Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia (MKRI) yang berpendirian... more
“Proportion is the heart of beauty.”
― Ken Follett, The Pillars of the Earth
La pratique récente de la Cour de cassation et du Conseil d'État a montré le développement d'une distinction dans le contrôle de proportionnalité au titre de l'application des exigences du droit de la Convention européenne des droits de... more
Consumer protection has become a legal phenomenon to reckon with on a global scale, with repercussions for, among others, contracts concluded between consumers and business entities – i.e., B2C contracts. While the path chosen by EU law... more
This paper evaluates the relationship of differing rules governing proportionality in the use of force, in jus ad bellum (law regulating justifications for resort to war) and the jus in bello (law regulating conduct in war). It is... more
This Article explores a novel cross-national phenomenon: the emergence of a new judicial review model that merges procedural judicial review with substantive judicial review. While this model is not yet fully defined, it has already... more
In the liberal-democratic tradition limits on speech must be clear, precise, and subject to justification within the particular constitutional framework of a given jurisdiction. In the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Court of... more
One's conception of the conditions and applicability of the principle of double effect derive from one's broader convictions about moral methodology. Developed in a Catholic context which presumed the existence of moral absolutes, the... more
The exclusion problem is meant to show that non-reductive physicalism leads to epiphenomenalism: if mental properties are not identical with physical properties, then they are not causally efficacious. Defenders of a difference-making... more
Supporters of the autonomy of higher-level causation (or explanation) often appeal to proportionality, arguing that higher-level causes are more proportional than their lower-level realizers. Recently, measures based on information theory... more
For its proponents, proportionality analysis is integral to a new “global model of constitutional rights”. If economic and social rights are part of that global model, a suggestion supported by recent empirical analysis, there are... more