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"Der Beitrag betrifft eine Klausur auf dem Gebiet des Öffentlichen Rechts auf Anfängerniveau, die im Wesentlichen das Verwaltungsprozessrecht, genauer den einstweiligen Rechtsschutz gem. § 123 VwGO, zum Inhalt hat. Der Fall ist einer... more
PARTIES Appellant: Broadview Energy Developments Limited. Respondent: The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, South Northamptonshire District Council, Helmdon Stuchbury & Greatworth Wind Farm Action Group MATERIAL... more
The article aims to analyze the relationship between administrative simplification and the need to protect strong public interests (such as health, environment, cultural heritage), also in the light of some recent changes to the italian... more
"The notion of Wednesbury unreasonableness has unnecessarily restricted the courts' capacity to regulate the substance of government decision making, and should be abandoned and replaced by a doctrine of proportionality."
Judicial review of administrative actions is the power or process by which the High Court exercises its supervisory jurisdiction over proceedings and decisions of inferior tribunals or other authorities, bodies or persons charged with the... more
Article 47 of the Constitution of Kenya makes the doctrine of legitimate expectations a constitutional issue rather than a creature of the common law applicable in Kenya. The implication of this fact needs a new understanding in light of... more
This article examines the public safety issues raised by the Federal Communications Commission's January 2018 repeal of net neutrality rules adopted in 2015 that prohibited Internet Service Providers from blocking, throttling, paid... more
“In terms of its result and the reasons advanced by the judges, however, Williams v Roffey would seem to permit any variation of a contract,.. “ Per Mr. Justice Donaldson Q.C., (1) Adam opel GMBH (2) Renault S.A v. Mitras Automotive (uk)... more
Federal agencies are deeply involved in both the foreground and shadows of legislative drafting. In the foreground, agencies draft the substantive legislation the Administration desires to submit to Congress. In the shadows, agencies... more
Il contributo mira a ricostruire l’istituto dell’appellabilità avverso il decreto cautelare monocratico ex art. 56 c.p.a. Nonostante la chiarezza della disposizione (che lo definisce “non impugnabile), la giurisprudenza ne ha ridefinito i... more
Η παρούσα διάλεξη δόθηκε στο πλαίσιο του 2ου Συνεδρίου Νομικού Σώματος Ενόπλων Δυνάμεων σε συνεργασία με το Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο στις 12 Νοεμβρίου 2019. Αντικείμενο της αποτελεί η επισήμανση ορισμένων πτυχών, που συνδέονται με την... more
Public authorities are to maintain assurance of their acts, thereby preserve the reasonable expectation of the people. Such assurance has given the natal to the doctrine of ‘Legitimate Expectation’. Therefore, the legitimate expectation... more
İdari İşlemlerin Geri Alınması, Kaldırılması, Değiştirilmesi ve Düzeltilmesi kavramları genel olarak incelenmektedir.
Although a maxim of statutory drafting is to identify the relevant audience and draft so that the audience can "get the message," conventional theories of statutory interpretation often overlook important considerations about how statutes... more
The Case Study is about the concept of jurisdiction ruled by the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico in the following stare decisis:  Ríos Sánchez v. Narváez Calderón, 163 DPR 611 (2004).
Artikel evaluatif terhadap posisi beberapa lembaga negara dalam konteks ketatanegaraan dan hukum administrasi negara.
Dimuat di KORAN JAKARTA 26 Juli 2017 dengan judul Redesain Lembaga Sampiran.
The Indian penal Code 1860 under section 82 and 83 provides absolute and qualified immunity to children of certain age group. The child rights convention 1989, provided that children in conflict with law shall be treated with respect and... more
In OCA IPI No. 10-2335-MTJ, the Office of the Court Administrator recommended for the dismissal of two (2) complaints against Judge Eliza B. Yu for Graft and Corruption, Knowingly Rendering Unjust Decision, Gross Ignorance of the Law... more
Die „current Good Manufacturing Practice“ (cGMP) der Food and Drug Administration (FDA) stellt bei der Herstellung von Arzneimitteln eine unabdingbare Voraussetzung dar. Die Herstellung erfolgt häufig durch pharmazeutische Unternehmen,... more
Introduction The European Court of Justice (‘ECJ’) is currently considering a proposal from the General Court (‘GC’) to permit, for the first time, the use of classified and sensitive evidence in actions for annulment at the Luxembourg... more
The right to good administration in the multilevel system of the European Union – a ‘newish’ right strengthening the administrative culture, in G. Alfredsson and W. Zhang (eds.), The Hague: Brill, 2016, pp. 109-116
This article examines how public law should be revitalised in light of the increasing use of technology in government decision-making. As the recent controversy concerning the implementation of an automated debt recovery system by the... more
Debate arose due to the failure of claimant states to find a final resolution of the dispute and the dispute still ongoing The Spratly Islands consist of more than 140 islets, rocks, shoals, reefs and sandbanks that spread over more than... more
This article examines how public law should be revitalised in light of the increasing use of technology in government decision-making. As the recent controversy concerning the implementation of an automated debt recovery system by the... more
The Non-Allocation Principle is one of the most important budgetary economic-financial principles, which states that government institutions should not forecast their budget. The Budget Non-Allocation Principle is Principle 53 of the... more
In: Karlovitz János Tibor (szerk.), Jogok és lehetőségek a társadalomban. International Research Institute s. r. o.,  Komárno, 2020.
ISBN: 978-80-89691-69-2
The right to protection of personal data arises where personal data requires processing, usage ad storage. It is therefore a process requiring extracting of personal data from an individual and processing it without infringing on the... more
Az integritás tanácsadók szakmai tevékenységét az államigazgatási szervek integritásirányítási rendszeréről és az érdekérvényesítők fogadásának rendjéről szóló 50/2013. (II. 25.) Korm. Rendelet szabályozza, amelynek értelmében 2013-tól... more
Artigo publicado em janeiro de 2018, no site JOTA, no qual faço uma análise dos argumentos da decisão liminar que impediu a posse da Deputada Federal Cristiane Brasil para o cargo de Ministra do Trabalho.
R. (on the application of MA) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions [2013] EWHC 2213 (QB) is the latest instalment in the on-going legal challenges under Judicial Review to the Social Sector Size Criteria Rules (SSSC) – a policy... more