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The paper addresses the history of the debates on human social organization and sustainability as inspired by indigenous histories and traditions, by Native American scholars. A key figure in instigating these debates and laying the... more
Not-guilty verdicts, mistrials, and impunity for the Bundy family and many of their supporters in the armed confrontations over public land use in Nevada and Oregon. Expanded access for private oil, gas, mining, and logging industries and... more
Since the introduction of the common law system, precedent case law has been a core element of its existence. Due to the high number of boundary surveys conducted as part of boundary disputes during the past number of years, research of... more
Le présent rapport expose les motifs justifiant la mise en place d’une action de promotion concertée des outils transactionnels relatifs au foncier et aux droits fonciers pour concrétiser les objectifs de conservation et de résilience... more
Основные тезисы: 􀀀 Существующая в настоящее время практика предоставления лицензий на пользование участками недр без получения информации о земельных участках, необходимых для реализации права использования участка недр, нередко приводит... more
The Syrian civil war has seen the weaponization of its land and property rights system by the primary combatant groups in the country. The government is the most robust in its use of the tenure system to locate, target, destroy,... more
In 2006, the Australian Government amended the Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976 (Cth) to enable the grant of township leases over Aboriginal land in the Northern Territory. It was a reform which attracted considerable... more
Democracy in the Woods: Environmental Conservation and Social Justice in India, Tanzania, and Mexico Oxford University Press (January 2017) How do societies negotiate the apparently competing agendas of environmental protection and... more
Chart illustrating the total number of final homestead proofs by year and by state.  Compiled from the Bureau of Land Management, Homesteads pamphlet, 1961
На примере "Метафизики нравов" Иммануила Канта выдвигается тезис о сходстве в развитии института права собственности на недвижимое имущество в Германии XVIII века и в современной России. В качестве главного признака указывается на... more
Nigeria depend greatly on oil and gas production to meet its revenue needs. Several initiatives are currently being gauged to diminish the high transaction cost of pipeline failures and the consequences on land rights' holders. Oil and... more
Summary This work is a monographic treatment of the Roman usucapio, which gave rise to the modern-day institution of acquisitive prescription in common law, mixed law and statutory law systems. The attempt to discuss this topic stems from... more
[For Englisn, please scroll down.] В российской литературе английское вещное право редко становится объектом сравнительно-правовых исследований. О нем пишут кратко. Несовместимость его с российским правом кажется настолько очевидной, что... more
Набуття права власності за набувальною давністю на земельні ділянки в усіх випадках повинно підпорядковуватися ст.344 ЦКУ. Положення ст.120 ЗКУ, а також абз.2 ч.1 ст.344 ЦКУ позбавлені регулятивного значення. Механізм набуття права... more
The failure of successive New Zealand regimes, both local and central government, to commemorate the true story of what happened in the modest Taranaki township of Waitara, resulting in two decades of devastation underscored by events at... more
Повсюдність місцевого самоврядування є важливим принципом, який доцільно реалізувати шляхом внесення змін до Конституції України. Значною мірою даний принцип може бути реалізований і за чинного конституційно-правового регулювання.... more
Pulau Sangiang merupakan taman wisata alam mempuyai letak strategis yang terletak di selat sunda dikenal dengan julukan Seven Wonders of Banten, karena letaknya yang strategis mempunyai potensi sebagai tempat wisata dan secara ekonomi... more
This essay aims to consider the proprietary limits of those particular licences that arise through ‘contract’, and as a brief aside to look at the implications of those limits as regards licences that the court may award in the event of a... more
A discussion on the implications of the decision in Thomas & Arau Village Council v AG of Guyana & Guyana Geology & Mines Commission, GY 2009 HC 7 (HC Guy). Referencing relevant case-law and statute(s), addressing the impact on land... more
what is the major cause of land degradation in third world countries
Στην παρούσα μελέτη αντιμετωπίζονται ζητήματα που άπτονται της ευθύνης του Προϊσταμένου Κτηματολογικού Γραφείου κατά την άσκηση των καθηκόντων του. Ειδικότερο αντικείμενο της μελέτης αποτελεί η έρευνα της τυχόν στοιχειοθέτησης ευθύνης... more
Contemporary debates around the ontological turn have pitted efforts to take indigenous ontologies seriously against demands to make visible the forms of dispossession and environmental suffering that characterize the (post)colonial and... more
Sol – Ressource – Non fongibilité – Immobilier – Financiarisation – Opacité – Observation – Patrimoine – Appropriation – Segmentation du marché – Usus, fructus, abusus – Bouquet de droits – Cadastre – Tragédie des communs – Propriété... more
This paper discussed involvement and role of Valuation Surveyors or Real Estate Valuers in the process of determination of real estate values for national taxation purposes. Valuation Surveyors either in public or private sectors have... more
This paper is a discussion in relation to the legal formula for native title set out in Mabo (No 2) 1992, with a number of references to ' Irene Watson, 'Buried Alive' (2000) Law and Critique 263.
Buying land in Nigeria is nearly always a good idea. This is because the return on investment is almost always guaranteed. However, before taking that bold step, there are quite a few things to do. This brief write-up aims to highlight... more
This book, authored by a senior Indian Administrative Service officer having extensive first-hand knowledge of land administration, fills the existing gap of research in the field of land registration and maintenance of... more
The Book Reviewed:

The Toda Landscape: Explorations in Cultural Ecology

Tarun Chhabra

New Delhi: Orient Blackswan Private Ltd., 2015.

618 pp. ISBN 978-81-250-6160-1. Price: ₹2500
Drawing on an ethnographic analysis of communities living in the vicinity of industrial tuna fishing and processing facilities in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea (PNG), this chapter explores and critiques some of the claims which are... more
"Land Law, Citizenship and the Invention of 'Englishness': The Strange World of the Equity of Redemption". Co-authored with Ronnie Warrington. In John Brewer and Susan Staves (eds.), Early Modern... more
In this article, we analyse the history of land dealing in Hong Kong from 1843 onwards and also its current situation. Almost all land in Hong Kong vests in the State and there is, with the exception of St. John's Cathedral, no privately... more