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This note describes a lipsanotheca (a small container of relics, placed within an altar) from the church of Santa Maria de Cap d’Aran. The container, now preserved in the Museu dera Val d’Aran, is of blown glass, and it has relief-cut... more
Clonfad is an early medieval ecclesiastical enclosure, 10% of which was excavated in 2004-5, in advance of the N6/N52 link road. Work revealed important evidence for iron hand-bell production, intensive iron-working, and other artisan and... more
Anazarbos günümüzde Kadirli-Kozan ve Ceyhan İlçelerinin birleştiği bir konumda yer almaktadır. Tarihsel süreç içinde defalarca çeşitli uluslar tarafından ele geçirilmiş ve kaybedilmiş bir kenttir. MS. 204/205 yıllarından itibaren... more
Rispetto all’edizione del 2009, oltre al necessario aggiornamento bibliografico, ho approfondito alcune tematiche che in quel volume erano state appena sfiorate ma che oggi mi appaiono fondamentali. Ad esempio, il tema delle chiese... more
Inscriptions on altar tables from Strandzha Summary The paper examines the restoration of the church network in the Strandzha Mountains region around the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, tracing the interaction... more
How does theological Metaphysics view small space ? And what link could be found between theology, Christology and Small spaces ? The aim will be to start our investigation at the figure of the "little ones"(mikroi),central to the... more
Cremation is a complex and variable fiery technology. Across the human past and present, fire has been variously deployed to transform the dead in a range of spatial and social contexts. Often operating together with other disposal... more
On the Isle of Texel (NL) in the central village of Den Burg (the Burgh) in medieval times a church was erected, dedicated to Saint Sixtus, the Sixth Pope of Rome. The paper describes the slow transformation of the Frisian islanders from... more
The Church of the Vernicle was build in 1774 - 1783 in estate Rai-Semenovskoye near Moscow. On of the outstanding temples built by Russian architect Matvey Kazakov. The article is dedicted to its history and architecture. Most of the... more
Researches about iconogrophy and architecture of the Christian buildings in the Near East Area (Syria, Jordan, Libanon, Israel)
”Churches built by the freemen. Masonry ecclesiastical architecture of Romanians in the borderlands of Oltenia, Muntenia and Transylvania (1700-1850)” - book release. Abstract: „Among the most important merits of this volume is... more
Location Khirbet el-Lauz, nestled in the western hill country of the West Bank just north of Saffa village, lies nearly 22 km northwest of Jerusalem and approximately 16 km west of Ramallah. The site, with an area of about 9000 square... more
Le fonds des archives de l’ancienne abbaye bénédictine de Liessies, fondée en 751 est conservé dans laa série 9H des Archives départementales du Nord. Il contient un certain nombre de pièces et de documents scellés munis de cachets datant... more
Två texter om ett av det medeltida Sveriges mest obskyra kloster, Hagby i Uppland.
Mordoğan is a sea-side township in the district of Karaburun in Izmir, western Turkey. It is situated on the eastern shoreline of Karaburun Peninsula within the Gulf of Izmir at about 20 km to the south of the district center of... more
Results of archaeological excavation of the rest of mediaeval tomb for bones of St. Adalbert in the St. Guy's Cathedrale in area of Prague Castle dated to end of 14th century.
Kniha byla vydána v Radomyšli roku 2019 / The book was published in Radomyšl in 2019.
Григорьев Д.А. Русский иконописный подлинник // Записки императорского Русского археологического общества. Новая серія. Т. III. Вып. 1. 1887. С. 21-167.
The construction of the present Church of Cortegaça began in the twentieth century, under Manuel Soares de Almeida’s project, replacing an earlier temple, demolished in 1918, located somewhere in front of today’s church. According to... more
This volume contains the proceedings of an International Conference held at the British School at Rome on 4–6 December, 2013, as well as a number of subsequent studies. The conference also marked the 75th anniversary of the death of... more
Consecration crosses, sometimes referred to as ‘dedicatory’ or ‘dedication’ crosses, were created at the time when a church was newly built, and being consecrated for Christian worship. The act of consecration was undertaken by a bishop,... more
In 2013, archaeological investigations in the church of St. Leonhard in Penk on the Naab, northwest of Regensburg, demonstrated that a church existed on this site as early as the Late Carolingian Era. They also proved that large portions... more
This article summarises the main content of a later full-length and referenced book entitled A History of St James's Church and Graveyard, Dublin, From the 12th to 21st Centuries. The first edition of the book went out of print after the... more
Leicht gekürzte Fassung der Magisterarbeit (Bamberg 2009). Die vollständige Version mit Befund- und Fundkatalog ist bei der Uni Bamberg, Lehrstuhl für Archäologie des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit, sowie beim Landesamt für Denkmalpflege,... more
החל מהמאה ה-4 לסה"נ הפכה הנצרות לדת העיקרית בלבנט ולדת האימפריה בכלל. הביטוי הארכיאולוגי העיקרי של הדת הנוצרית הוא מבנה הכנסייה. מאות רבות של כנסיות מהתקופה הביזנטית נחקרו ונחפרו בלבנט מאז ראשית ימי המחקר הארכיאולוגי. מידע רב פורסם על... more
This paper picks up where some of my other papers left off. That is, it is a supplement. And yet, it also serves as an overview. To better understand this paper, please read my other papers regarding the ancient royal oligarchy and the... more