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Landslide dams may form suddenly and unexpectedly, thereby posing hazards that must be rapidly assessed. In areas placed upstream, respect to the river dammed section, waters blocked by the dam may provoke floods spreading for kilometers,... more
Twenty-three species of Conus were described by authors other than Linnaeus between 1766 and 1786. Of these, 3 are Eocene species from England described by Solander in Brander (1766), and the remainder are Recent. Chemnitz (1777)... more
Despite this nation's massive effort during the past 90 years to build levees throughout the upper Mississippi Basin, mean annual flood damage in the region has increased 140% during that time. These levees exacerbate the flood damage... more
Catastrophic flank collapses have occurred at many stratovolcanoes worldwide. We present a three-dimensional (3-D) slope stability analysis for assessing and quantifying both the locations of minimum edifice stability and the expected... more
Strategies of plants, known as metallophytes, in response to metal excess are explored. Specific features of medicinal plants related to metal exposition are discussed. Different parameters used for metallophyte classification are... more
Within the context of earthquake-resistant design of shallow foundations, the present study is concerned with the determination of the seismic bearing capacity of a circular footing resting on the surface of a heterogene-ous purely... more
Recently, encouraging results have been obtained to estimate hydraulic conductivity in unconsolidated sediments from induced polarisation (IP) measurements. The work focussed on laboratory experiments in order to establish semi-empirical... more
Karst phenomena exist in areas in the eastern part of Saudi Arabia, forming solution features such as sinkholes, collapsed dolines and solution caverns, as a result of the chemical leaching of the carbonate and evaporite formations by... more
Closed fishing seasons are sometimes imposed during the breeding period of harvested species in the belief that this will achieve greater annual reproductive output, but no studies have modelled the validity of this. We specifically... more
This article follows the development of physicist Oliver Lodge's religio-scientific worldview, beginning with his reticent attraction to metaphysics in the early 1880s to the full formulation of his “ether theology” in the late 1890s.... more
Geophysical imaging methods provide solutions to a wide range of environmental and engineering problems: protection of soil and groundwater from contamination; safe disposal of chemical and nuclear waste; geotechnical site testing for... more
Background The hammock technique combines inferior pedicle mammaplasty with retropectoral and inferior suspensions to prevent displacement of breast tissue toward the inferior mammarian pole. This study aimed to assess the long-lasting... more