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Fat necrosis is one of the most common complications following free flap breast reconstruction. Although a minor complication, fat necrosis can compromise esthetic results and confuse with cancer recurrence. Perfusion-related factors and... more
Currently there is no simple method available to assess milk ejection and breast milk flow in lactating women in both the clinical and research setting. The authors hypothesize that changes in milk flow rate are associated with milk... more
The purpose of this study was to evaluate prospectively the sensitivity and specificity of scintimammography in the detection of both primary breast cancer and axillary lymph node involvement. Sixty-five consecutive women referred for a... more
To reevaluate breast aspirates showing extracellular hyaline material (EHM) and globules to assess if clinicoradiologic and cytologic features could help in differentiating between benign and malignant lesions, especially collagenous... more
We describe a unique case of a 67-year-old patient with primary uterine rhabdomyosarcoma with a history of breast cancer and gastrointestinal stromal tumor of the stomach. Uterine rhabdomyosarcoma was diagnosed in our patient during... more
Literature data suggest that breast cancers occurring in young patients may be different from those arising in older women. In this study the clinicopathologic characteristics of 50 patients under 40 years of age were compared with those... more
Breast cancer is a major health problem in underdeveloped countries including Sudan. Immunohistochemical typing is important for diagnosing and understanding the biology of such heterogeneous disease. To the best of our knowledge, no... more
Telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) promoter mutations have been discovered in solid and hematological malignancies, where they reflect TERT activation and cell-cycle progression. In melanoma, glioma, and thyroid cancers, TERT... more