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Based on a "field-effect" theory in colon carcinogenesis, and the expression of the disaccharide tumor marker D galactose-beta-[1-->3]-N-acetyl-D-galactosamine (Gal-GalNAc) in the rectal mucus of patients with cancer and... more
The cell bodies of pseudounipolar neurons in the trigeminal ganglia carry sensation from the face to the brainstem. These neurons vary in its sizes that carry specific sensations. In this study, trigeminal ganglion neurons are classified... more
Glutamine synthetase (GS) has long been known to be expressed exclusively in pericentral hepatocytes most proximal to the central veins of liver lobuli. This enzyme as well as its peculiar distribution complementary to the periportal... more
Breast cancer is a major health problem in underdeveloped countries including Sudan. Immunohistochemical typing is important for diagnosing and understanding the biology of such heterogeneous disease. To the best of our knowledge, no... more
The somitomeres are spherical clusters of the paraxial mesenchymal cells. They were demonstrated only by the scanning electron microscope. No light microscopic criteria were described for the developing somitomeres. In this study the... more
Intestinal metaplasia (IM) is part of a stepwise sequence of alterations of the gastric mucosa, leading ultimately to gastric cancer, and is strongly associated with chronic Helicobacter pylori infection. The molecular mechanisms... more
Correlative studies have been made to identify the endocrine cells stained by Aldehyde-Fuchsin (AF) in the cat and human antral mucosa.
A comparative histomorphological study was conducted on thymus of broiler chicken, duck and quail. The thymus of all three species of post-hatch (adult) birds showed a thin connective tissue capsule. However, fine septa originating from... more
ABSTRAK Metode pewarnaan jaringan untuk mendeteksi adanya senyawa kimia di dalam jaringan salah satunya yaitu uji histokimia. Uji ini memerlukan reagen pewarna yang sesuai dengan senyawa yang ingin dideteksi. Praktikum ini bertujuan untuk... more
Natural products are studied to combat reproductive alterations of Lead. The current work aim to disclose the efficacy of Chlorella vulgaris and Zingiber officinale to alleviate lead acetate induced toxicity. Sixty adult male Wistar rats... more
The antiapoptotic, antioxidant, proliferative, and angiogenic effects of metallothionein (MT)-I+II has resulted in increased focus on their role in oncogenesis, tumor progression, therapy response, and patient prognosis. Studies have... more
The main autocrine/paracrine role of the active metabolite of vitamin D(3), 1alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) (1,25-D(3)), is inhibition of cell growth and induction of cell differentiation and/or apoptosis. Synthesis and degradation of the... more
The detailed characterization of multilayered Asian lacquer coatings is an important task for conservators in order to develop informed conservation and restoration approaches for complex Asian objects equipped with such decorative... more
Glandular trichomes of Labiatae are among the most investigated secretory structures. Most species studied belong to subfamily Nepetoidae, including plants with aromatic properties, while so far a few species of subfamily Lamioideae were... more
We present a review of galanin in the brain from a historical perspective of the development of "chemoarchitectonics" and "brain cartography" accomplished in the Histopharmacology Section at the National Institutes of... more
Fishes have a great variety of structural and physiological adaptations that allow them to capture, digest and absorb food. In Hippocampus ingens it has been reported that they do not have teeth or stomach. However, it has the same... more
Psidium guineense, commonly known as “araçá”, is a traditional medicinal plant used to treat diarrhea. The present study examined the morphoanatomy, histochemistry and phytochemistry of P. guineense leaves to evaluate the presence and... more
The cellular processes involved in metal metabolism in molluscs are reviewed, with emphasis on the contribution of microscopy (AMG, ARG, EPMA, and SIMS) to both basic research of metal cell biology and applied environmental research. In... more
SUMMARY Carboxypeptidase E (CPE) is highly concentrated in neuroendocrine tissues and is the only carboxypeptidase detected in mature secretory vesicles. Carboxypeptidase D (CPD), a carboxypeptidase with CPE-like activity, is widely... more
SUMMARY Semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase (SSAO), widely distributed in highly vascularized mammalian tissues, metabolizes endogenous and xenobiotic aromatic and aliphatic monoamines. To assess whether its physiological role in humans... more