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Charles R. Figley was the 1994 recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. Figley's impact on the field can be seen in his community involvement and in his nearly 20 years of... more
Service Members experience trauma on the literal battlefield so severe that it has a terminal effect on their faith. Many civilians may also experience events that produce a paralyzing effect through trauma on the figurative battlefield.... more
Health is a fundamental component of well-being. Children's health affects their ability to succeed in school and engage in other learning opportunities within the contexts of their family, neighborhood, and community. This brief examines... more
Twenty three adolescents with a history of cancer, 27 physically abused adolescents, and 23 healthy, nonabused adolescents were administered structured posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) interviews and self-report questionnaires... more
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and chronic pain have been identified as global health challenges for health professionals, and there is a robust literature linking PTSD and chronic pain. Much of the research is focused on... more
Posttraumatic nightmares are a hallmark of PTSD and distinct from general nightmares as they are often repetitive and faithful representations of the traumatic event. This paper presents data from a pilot study that examined the use of... more
... which originally read “I hurt myself accidently,” was changed to read “I have attempted to harm myself' to more accurately reflect the question's intent. To increase the range of scores within each... more
Because the war was relatively brief, casualties relatively light, and the Nation sanctioned the war socially, veterans of Desert Shield/Storm and their families were not anticipated to suffer symptoms of trauma or re-entry stress beyond... more
Despite substantially higher rates of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among male inmates than among men in the general population, there is a dearth of research on PTSD among incarcerated men. The current study addresses traumatic... more
Pregnancy and childbirth are traditionally recognised as life events that are to be cherished and celebrated. However, recent media coverage and official reports of deaths by suicide, including the last report of the Confidential Enquiry... more
The relative values of imaginal and real-life exposure exercises were tested in this study by randomizing 14 patients who met DSM-III-R criteria for PTSD at least 6 months after the initiating trauma to one of two groups. Group 1 (n=7)... more
Did you know the most dominant apes and monkeys are usually the kindest? They share the most food, groom others more often, break up fights, are slow to anger, and breathe in a relaxed manner. Those on the bottom of the social hierarchy... more
Data regarding the development of a structured interview measuring alterations that may accompany extreme stress are presented. A list of 27 criteria often seen in response to extreme trauma and not addressed by DSM-IV criteria for... more
Swedes are developing a new collection of pharmacy approaches based on chemistry of love. Love is a drug. Oxytocin, prolactin, etc. help with over 300 body functions. Here is a bibliography for over 60 clinical trials and over 40... more
Two hundred thirty four participants in the DSM-IV Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Field Trial who reported sexual and/or physical abuse were evaluated. Participants were categorized according to type of abuse (physical, sexual,... more
The practitioners of village stability operations operate nearly entirely in the spaces of communities damaged by combinations of traumatizing violence, loss, displacement, starvation, death and dismemberment. Their organization,... more
Comment: This chapter develops portions of an invited symposium presentation I gave at ISTSS in November 2004 . In particular, we conduct a "10 year follow up" of a surprisingly scathing keynote address that developmental psychopathology... more
Imagery-rehearsal therapy for chronic nightmares was assessed in a randomized, controlled study of sexual assault survivors with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Nightmares, sleep quality, and PTSD were assessed at baseline for 169... more
Abstract The primary focus of this paper is to explore the metaphorical representation of trauma in Jonathan Foer’s “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close.” It investigates the way traumatic experiences are conceptualized in terms of... more