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Abstract: Categorization-based diagnosis, which endeavors to be consistent with the third-person, objective measures of science, is not always adequate with respect to problems concerning diagnostic accuracy, demarcation problems when... more
Segunda parte del artículo sobre el comportamiento del psicópata en las organizaciones y su repercusión. En este artículo hablamos de su repercusión en las diferentes personas con las que interactúa y de cómo estas responden.
A recent factor analysis oftheMultiple AffectAdjective check List (MAACL) changed the Anxiety, Depression, and Hostility scales from bipolar to unipolar scales and added two new scales: Positive Affect and Sensation Seek-ing. Internal... more
"The role that the involvement of parents may play in the treatment outcome of their children with anxiety disorders is still under debate. Some studies dealing with other disorders have examined the role that the expressed emotion (EE)... more
In this afterword to an important collection of essays that address the clinical aspects of the new phenomenology's concept of "atmospheres" in terms of psychopathology, I consider whether gestalt therapy may be an hospitable modality for... more
The article develops the concept of sensus communis in order to describe the fundamentally interactive and socially embedded nature of human experience. In the introduction, we focus on the historical relevance of phenomenological... more
The Nephilim were said to be a race or a group of people that had distinct physical characteristics of large size and great strength. They are first mentioned in Genesis chapter 6 as the progeny of the “sons of God” and the “daughters of... more
This milestone text provides a comprehensive and state-of-the art overview of perfectionism theory, research, and treatment from the past 25 years, with contributions from the leading researchers in the field. The book examines new... more
Mark Haddon’s Polar Bears (2010) and Nick Payne’s Constellations (2012) are two recent plays of the British stage exploring the minds of women suffering from a psychological or neurological disorder: in Haddon’s play, Kay, an artist, is... more
This article presents an approach to obsessive–compulsive disorder based on Gestalt therapy theory, Gestalt psychology, and psychiatric phenomenology. After establishing a diagnostic framework, the experiences of clients are explored,... more
Background: During the COVID-19 pandemic, a decrease in well-being and an increase in mental health problems were registered in medical and psychotherapeutic practices, counseling centers, and clinics. According to previous stud- ies,... more
The aim of this paper is to develop a phenomenological analysis of those psychopathologies which involve an intersubjective disruption, such as schizophrenia or autistic spectrum disorder. After briefly summarizing the contemporary debate... more
This paper is written in the spirit of a collaborative approach to the diagnosis and treatment of depression. It points toward a integrative Gestalt methodology, which is informed by he psychopathological perspective yet firmly rooted in... more
People abused by angry discipline as children, may tend to abuse or overly punish other people or themselves for perceived wrongs in their adult life. In some individuals, aggressive personality traits may be genetically inherited. The... more
International literature has shown that adolescents represent the population most at risk of fatal and nonfatal motor vehicle collisions (MVCs). Adolescents’ alexithymic traits and significant use of immature defense strategies have been... more
Background Few studies have examined the psychopathological profiles of child offspring of bipolar parents. Such investigations are useful as a first step to identifying potential prodromal manifestations of bipolar disorder. Methods The... more
AIMS The aims of this study were to evaluate the association between obesity and socio-demographic and psychopathological variables in a clinical sample of patients referred to a center for the diagnosis and treatment of obesity, compared... more
Perfectionists have shown increased negative affect after failure compared to nonperfectionists. However, little is known about how perfectionists react to repeated failure. This study investigated the effects of two forms of... more
ADHD is characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and disinhibition, including the inability to screen out distracting stimuli. Prepulse inhibition (PPI) of startle indexes a related gating process and is enhanced during attended... more
The reliability and validity of traditional taxonomies are limited by arbitrary boundaries between psychopathology and normality, often unclear boundaries between disorders, frequent disorder co-occurrence, heterogeneity within disorders,... more