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Retrofit post api with multipart list

As we can send list of Request body to api call in retrofit like below @POST("task/updatedropoff") @Multipart fun taskUpdateDropOff( @Header("apikey") token: String,...
Richard L's user avatar
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How to display .pdf response from API in Android jetpack compose [closed]

I want to display pdf. From api I'm getting response as .pdf format I was trying to convert to base 64. Couldn't find a proper solution Content disposition : .pdf I think we cannot proceed with native ...
Sobhana kr's user avatar
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25 views Expected a but was

var retrofitResponse: RetrofitResponse<APIResponse<User>>? = null withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { retrofitResponse = try { val response = ...
Krishna Dhas's user avatar
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How to remove a header set using plugin for a particular API request in KTOR

I have created a custom plugin to set headers for requests in ktor internal fun headersPlugin(defaultHeaders: DefaultHeaders) = createClientPlugin("headersPlugin") { onRequest { request, ...
Nataraj KR's user avatar
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Different query results when re-executing with Retrofit in Android Studio

I am writing a book search application. In it I created a Retrofit service to fetch data from Google Books API. When I query with q=domani multiple times the query result is sometimes different each ...
Trần Thanh Vinh's user avatar
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Retrofit OkHttp with Moshi: Gzip Encoding Error

I'm using Retrofit with OkHttp and Moshi. I have to add the "Accept-Encoding":"gzip, deflate, br" header myself. But OkHttp adds its own "Accept-Encoding" header. Due to ...
Mustafa Tatarhan's user avatar
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How to change root of JSON response before cast to typed entity?

Task The remote server returns a response with a body: { done: true, response: { result: { // data } } } In case of an error, a response with 200 status and a ...
Viewed's user avatar
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TimeOut not happening even after adding CustomTimeoutInterceptor and calling withConnectTimeout

My whole intention is to add a timeout on a particular request. For that I have added a CustomTimeoutInterceptor which has similar kind of code as stated below. Even after setting timeout by calling ...
responsecode444's user avatar
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Moshi and annotation @field:Json(name="some_field") and Json(name="some_field")

After upgrading retrofit to version 2.11.0 and moshi to version 1.15.1, everything broke for me. Previously, I used the annotation @field:Json(name="some_field") in models. But now for ...
Anton111111's user avatar
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retrofit multipart form data in flutter web

when i am using my flutter project on desktop/mobile i can use File from 'dart:io' in my request like this @MultiPart() @POST("v1/images/upload") Future<UploadImageResponse> ...
yara's user avatar
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Downloading larger file in flutter using retrofit api call?

I'm trying to download some media or file from backend using retrofit api calling in flutter. But after sometime it show out of memory and default get connection time out.there is some solution ...
Kartik's user avatar
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java.lang.IllegalStateException: Observable return type must be parameterized as Observable<Foo> or Observable<? extends Foo>

I have this DataManagerClass.kt in my app that causes crashes only in release build. The crash states something like this: import import
Sahar Batool's user avatar
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How to extract URL from HTML response in Android?

I have @GET endpoint in response to which I receive an html code with URLs. I need to reach the URL that comes after 200 code. Do you have any idea how to do it in Android? I already tried to use the ...
Alex20280's user avatar
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How to troubleshoot 400 Bad Request Retrofit

I'm using Kotlin and Retrofit to get fetch data from server. I have tested everything and it works fine for me. but sometimes my client got Error Bad Request and I don't know how to give the solution ...
hakim apg's user avatar
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PDF file with blank pages created from ResponseBody

I ran into a problem downloading a PDF file: it is saved with blank pages My Get request, that returns pdf @GET("/") suspend fun getSomePdf( @Query("someQueryParameter") ...
m4suum's user avatar
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