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25 views Expected a but was

var retrofitResponse: RetrofitResponse<APIResponse<User>>? = null withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { retrofitResponse = try { val response = ...
Krishna Dhas's user avatar
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How to change root of JSON response before cast to typed entity?

Task The remote server returns a response with a body: { done: true, response: { result: { // data } } } In case of an error, a response with 200 status and a ...
Viewed's user avatar
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94 views | Use JsonReader.setLenient(true) to accept malformed JSON at line 1 column 1 path $

I'm encountering the following problem when sending an API request on my Android 10 device. The response to the request I sent to the API returns as follows: Actually, I am facing a crash issue ...
Erhan's user avatar
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Fetching Api returns Array of Arrays instead Array of Objects using Retrofit and Gson

Recently I have been working on project which includes working with API. I have checked it in Postman and I am sure that its response is an Array of Objects but when tried to use it I faced Expected ...
nima's user avatar
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"empty String" when parse json into model class in android with kotlin

I am Android developer, I am facing a problem while making an API call. I am receiving a huge amount of data, making an API call, and I get the API call success, I can see the JSON response in the ...
Urvish Stack's user avatar
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Receiving an empty body in a retrofit response

I am using retrofit to get data from the ticketmaster API My class Event: `public class Event implements Parcelable { private String name; private String id; private String url; private String ...
Martina Kenna's user avatar
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Why my MoshiConverterFactory is slower then GsonConverterFactory?

when I post an api, it took too many time to response Here is my retrofit builder: fun provideRetrofit(baseUrl: String): Retrofit = Retrofit.Builder() .client(provideOkhttpClient()) ....
aile's user avatar
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Adding GSONConvertorFactory to retrofit2 while calling an API

I have many API's which I am calling from my application. On response I have default GsonConvertorFactory which converts the JSON response to the corresponding Java objects with exact number and name ...
shubham's user avatar
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Parsing an API response with GSON and Retrofit, values remain null

My App class: class App( var id: Int, var name: String, var description: String, var url: String, var packageName: String, var appVersion: String, var iconMediaUUID: String?, var created: String, var ...
Adam Varhegyi's user avatar
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java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was BEGIN_OBJECT at line 1 column 2 path $ (Using hilt and MVVM acrh))

rocess: com.ashish.newswave, PID: 16941 java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was BEGIN_OBJECT at line 1 column 2 path $ at
Ashish Kamat's user avatar
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retrofit2 parse a multiline json response

I'm trying to consume from an API that streams JSON object, one per line, using retrofit2. The response look something like this {"key":" value", ...} {"key":" value&...
bachr's user avatar
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How to match data class with JSON response from API in Retrofit?

data class Item( val calories: Int, val carbohydrates_total_g: Double, val cholesterol_mg: Int, val fat_saturated_g: Int, val fat_total_g: Double, val fiber_g: Double, val ...
AboKaid 999's user avatar
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'Handshake Failed' error using Retrofit in kotlin

How can I fix this error? txt.text=t.Messag ====> Handshake Failed my main activity `fun getMyData(){ val Base_URL="" val retrofitBuilder= ...
Hos 8990's user avatar
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How do i get data from a json object from api and populate a spinner in kotlin using retrofit?

I'm making an app that can read from Api and populate a kotlin spinner. isSuccesful and all response. extensions are not found, how do i fix it? This is the url i'm getting the json objects from: ...
Daki's user avatar
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Gson serializer for ZonedDateTime from java.time [duplicate]

I use Retrofit2 with Gson. I wrote a custom serializer for ZonedDateTime but it's not working. When I try to debug sending requests to the server, I see that the bugger does not enter the serialize ...
tasjapr's user avatar
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