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Complex JSON with generics using Retrofit2

In my application, most of the JSON that I receive from the server have the following structure: { "IsError":false, "Result":{ "key1":"value", "key2":"value", ... } } I've followed @fernandospr '...
Alejandro H. Cruz's user avatar
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How to transfer type parameters between types?

While using retrofit with Gson I came across a situation where the provided type and the final types were different but require the same type parameter. We have this method in a service: @GET("...
pablisco's user avatar
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Multiple converters with Retrofit 2

I have a HATEOAS (HAL) REST service and managed to talk to it with the code below (using halarious as a conversion engine) but when I try to merge the converters (stallone and stallone2), the app will ...
Gabor's user avatar
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Callback class in Retrofit does not work when its parameter set as generic

Json: [ { "name": "john", "surname": "butler", "age": 18 }, { "name": "bryan", "surname": "butler", "age": 22 }, { "name": "adam", "surname": "butler", "age": 28 } ...
Mustafa Güven's user avatar