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How to parse API JSON response that contains 1 list of multiple (2 in my case) types of objects in Android, I'm using Retrofit for API call

'So I searched enough, there isn't any question like this im sure. And I'm wondering how can this be not a questions others have come across or am I soo noob? So the API response is as follow { "...
Khay's user avatar
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Sending enum via PUT method, Retrofit | Error 400

I want to send enum class to API via Retrofit. For parsing I'm using Gson. Enum class that I'm sending: enum class TaskState { NOT_ASSIGNED, IN_PROGRESS, CLOSED, DELETED } My Retrofit method: @PUT(&...
amtrax's user avatar
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Adding GSONConvertorFactory to retrofit2 while calling an API

I have many API's which I am calling from my application. On response I have default GsonConvertorFactory which converts the JSON response to the corresponding Java objects with exact number and name ...
shubham's user avatar
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ERROR = Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was BEGIN_OBJECT at line 1 column 2 path $

I have API: import import com.poklad.androidtestprojectny.utils.ApiConstants import retrofit2.http.GET import retrofit2.http.Query ...
Max's user avatar
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Kotlin - Can not send query data to service correctly

I am trying build an app using Coin Gecko API. I am using specific service called /api/v3/coins/{id}. For example, the id of the BTC coin is "bitcoin". So the request should be something ...
hgokumus35's user avatar
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Can't make a Get request using Retrofit

I am learning Retrofit and ran into an error while trying to get data with a Get request. Here are all the files: main.dart ... // build list view & manage states FutureBuilder<List<...
Texter's user avatar
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How can I handle token saving in header using interceptor flutter?

have a Dart project using the Injectable package for dependency injection. I'm facing a circular dependency issue between three classes: TokenInterceptor, AuthRepository, and ApiDatasource, which ...
Dominik's user avatar
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Retrofit Square Brackets Query Parameters

I have the following GET URL that requires multiple parameters:[condition][path]=season&filter[condition][value]=Season1&page[limit]=1&page[offset]=0 ...
Nexussim Lements's user avatar
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API is not working Android Kotlin retrofit API for Mobile recharge

There is a API which running in post request. this code is not working: PHP API query: query('select mt.translationID,,mt.amount, mt.operatorCodeTimestamp as rechargedate, mt.status from ...
Sabuj Ahmed's user avatar
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How to fix error 'The request is missing a valid API key' in Kotlin Retrofit for Google Translation API?

I use retrofit and Rapid api to use Google translation api but i have an error: { "code" : 403, "errors" : [{ "domain" : "global", "...
HaBuiDuc's user avatar
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How to filter specific items from a list after calling an API using Retrofit?

I am calling an API of and display it using Retrofit. It displays a list of current matches. I want to only display the Indian Premier League matches from the api result. This is the API ...
Arpit Gupta's user avatar
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How to wait for Retrofit call function to end completely before running next function?

In my jetpack compose app I'm retrieving data from API with retrofit. The problem is that the viewModel.updateFlightSearch function is being run just after the getLocation function, and the viewModel....
deja's user avatar
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I Can't request a @Put in my android app with Retrofit

i'm trying to call a RestWebService using Retrofit, i can do the @get method but when i try the @PUT i don't have a response. My Restservice use x-www-form. I try do use Logger but when the rest ...
Nuno Correia's user avatar
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How to make a correct POST request with Retrofit in Kotlin?

I would like to post this json: { "user": { "name": "Mike", "age": "26", } } but when I use ...
Paul Sizon's user avatar
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How to close a connection with Retrofit, okhttp with Kotlin

after a Post request everything works fine! On my NodeJS Express Server the request is recieved. But after a few seconds the app is crashing with this error: FATAL EXCEPTION: DefaultDispatcher-worker-...
Goldgamer's user avatar

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