
Quantum gravitational signatures in next-generation gravitational wave detectors. (English) Zbl 1518.83029

Summary: A recent study established a correspondence between the Generalized Uncertainty Principle (GUP) and Modified theories of gravity, particularly Stelle gravity. We investigate the consequences of this correspondence for inflation and cosmological observables by evaluating the power spectrum of the scalar and tensor perturbations using two distinct methods. First, we employ PLANCK observations to determine the GUP parameter \(\gamma_0\). Then, we use the value of \(\gamma_0\) to investigate the implications of quantum gravity on the power spectrum of primordial gravitational waves and their possible detectability in the next-generation detectors, like Einstein Telescope and Cosmic explorer.


83C45 Quantization of the gravitational field
83E05 Geometrodynamics and the holographic principle
81V22 Unified quantum theories
81S07 Uncertainty relations, also entropic
83C35 Gravitational waves
83D05 Relativistic gravitational theories other than Einstein’s, including asymmetric field theories
47A10 Spectrum, resolvent
35B20 Perturbations in context of PDEs
83B05 Observational and experimental questions in relativity and gravitational theory


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