
Indefinite Sturm-Liouville operators in polar form. (English) Zbl 07812575

Summary: We consider the indefinite Sturm-Liouville differential expression \[ \mathfrak{a}(f):= -\frac{1}{w}\left(\frac{1}{r}f'\right)', \] where \(\mathfrak{a}\) is defined on a finite or infinite open interval \(I\) with \(0\in I\) and the coefficients \(r\) and \(w\) are locally summable and such that \(r(x)\) and \((\mathrm{sgn}\, x) w(x)\) are positive a.e.on \(I\). With the differential expression \(\mathfrak{a}\) we associate a nonnegative self-adjoint operator \(A\) in the Krein space \(L^2_w (I)\) which is viewed as a coupling of symmetric operators in Hilbert spaces related to the intersections of \(I\) with the positive and the negative semi-axis. For the operator \(A\) we derive conditions in terms of the coefficients \(w\) and \(r\) for the existence of a Riesz basis consisting of generalized eigenfunctions of \(A\) and for the similarity of \(A\) to a self-adjoint operator in a Hilbert space \(L^2_{|w|}(I)\). These results are obtained as consequences of abstract results about the regularity of critical points of nonnegative self-adjoint operators in Krein spaces which are couplings of two symmetric operators acting in Hilbert spaces.


47B50 Linear operators on spaces with an indefinite metric
34B24 Sturm-Liouville theory
46C20 Spaces with indefinite inner product (Kreĭn spaces, Pontryagin spaces, etc.)
47B25 Linear symmetric and selfadjoint operators (unbounded)
34L10 Eigenfunctions, eigenfunction expansions, completeness of eigenfunctions of ordinary differential operators


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