
Bridging the static patches: de Sitter holography and entanglement. (English) Zbl 07748949

Summary: In the context of de Sitter static-patch holography, two prescriptions have been put forward for holographic entanglement entropy computations, the monolayer and bilayer proposals. In this paper, we reformulate both prescriptions in a covariant way and extend them to include quantum corrections. We argue that the bilayer proposal is self-consistent, while the monolayer proposal exhibits contradictory behavior. In fact, the bilayer proposal leads to a stronger holographic description, in which the full spacetime is encoded on two screens at the cosmological horizons. At the classical level, we find large degeneracies of minimal extremal homologous surfaces, localized at the horizons, which can be lifted by quantum corrections. The entanglement wedges of subregions of the screens exhibit non-trivial behaviors, hinting at the existence of interesting phase transitions and non-locality in the holographic theory. In particular, while each screen encodes its corresponding static patch, we show that the entanglement wedge of the screen with the larger quantum area extends and covers the causal diamond between the screens, with a phase transition occurring when the quantum areas of the screens become equal. We argue that the capacity of the screens to encode the region between them is lost, when these are pushed further in the static patches of the observers and placed on stretched horizons.


81-XX Quantum theory


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