
No Page curves for the de Sitter horizon. (English) Zbl 1522.83071

Summary: We investigate the fine-grained entropy of the de Sitter cosmological horizon. Starting from three-dimensional pure de Sitter space, we consider a partial reduction approach, which supplies an auxiliary system acting as a heat bath both at \(\mathcal{I}^+\) and inside the static patch. This allows us to study the time-dependent entropy of radiation collected for both observers in the out-of-equilibrium Unruh-de Sitter state, analogous to black hole evaporation for a cosmological horizon. Central to our analysis in the static patch is the identification of a weakly gravitating region close to the past cosmological horizon; this is suggestive of a relation between observables at future infinity and inside the static patch. We find that in principle, while the meta-observer at \(\mathcal{I}^+\) naturally observes a pure state, the static patch observer requires the use of the island formula to reproduce a unitary Page curve. However, in practice, catastrophic backreaction occurs at the Page time, and neither observer will see unitary evaporation.


83C45 Quantization of the gravitational field
83D05 Relativistic gravitational theories other than Einstein’s, including asymmetric field theories
83F05 Relativistic cosmology


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