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In this article, I focus on a set of collectively stitched handkerchiefs commemorating victims of Mexico’s “war on drugs.” I propose that these embroideries completed in relays can be conceived as the tangible manifestation of work done... more
Reflexión sobre la adaptación del caciquismo a la globalización neoliberal y su papel en la exacerbación de la violencia Guerrero, México.
This paper traces the current prescription opioid crisis to some of its origins in the orders of race, colonialism and empire that connect our present day to the past. It is something of a sketch of a larger work that seeks to complicate... more
In The Expert Violence the reader will find an in-depth analysis and questioning of the current counter-narcotic policy in Mexico and of the underlying assumptions that brought on its wake the on-going tragedy.
Isso é uma guerra. É uma guerra e guerra tem de ser enfrentada como guerra. Direitos humanos devem ser respeitados sempre, é nossa filosofia. Mas isso é uma guerra.
(Sérgio Cabral, governador do Rio de Janeiro, 11 de novembro de 2007)
Слушатели курса ФОМ-Лабс «Исследования в городе: оптика наблюдателя» посетили город Кимры, чтобы понять, как возможны социокультурные проекты в малом городе, который пережил героиновый апокалипсис в начале нулевых. В красочном альбоме... more
Since the early 19 th century, the U.S. has exerted strong political and economic influence over Latin America. The painful experiences of the Cold War, when the U.S. supported military dictatorships across the region, and assisted... more
Impending regulation of California's marijuana industry demands a quantifiable understanding of the extent of cultivation and adequacy of water storage on private lands long devoted to a dispersed, but commercial-scale, unregulated... more
Abstract Background Between the years 2017–2019 in Philadelphia, more than 70% of all deaths from opioid overdose occurred in a private residence. To learn more about home-based opioid use and overdose, researchers conducted qualitative... more
An analysis of economic development strategy in West Baltimore n the 90s and how neoliberal economic theory produced the conditions leading to the Baltimore Uprising of 2015. Concludes with an analysis of how investing in indigenous... more
This study examines the life of Crips cofounder Stanley “Tookie” Williams and the controversy surrounding his multiple nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize. After being sentenced to death for a quadruple murder,... more
This 2nd edition of the internationally acclaimed guide to forensic stable isotope analysis uses real-world examples to bridge discussions of the basic science, instrumentation and analytical techniques underlying forensic isotope... more
Terence McKenna argued that sovereignty over one’s consciousness is the next great civil rights struggle after sexism, racism, and homophobia. “Coming out” about one’s psychedelic identity, interests, and/or experiences is an important... more
The rise of crack cocaine in the late 1980s propelled the war on drugs. The experience of Canton, Ohio, shows how the response to crack solidified mass incarceration. A declining industrial city of 84,000 people in northeast Ohio with... more
2019. INTRODUCCIÓN: Desde mediados del siglo XX, el fenómeno del narcotráfico empezó a evolucionar y a convertirse en una problemática diseminada a nivel global, generando grandes repercusiones en diversos ámbitos, como lo son el... more
Taxing legal cannibis sales could fund a stratagy for reperations for the war on drugs. This paper helps outline how this stratagy might unfold.
In this article, we contrast the state-sponsored memory site Memorial a las Víctimas de la Violencia en México with the citizen memorial performed by the Iniciativa Bordando por la paz y la memoria: una víctima, un pañuelo on 1 December... more
Des champignons hallucinogènes au LSD, du coca à la cocaïne, des amphétamines à l'ecstasy, cet ouvrage raconte une autre histoire des guerres, depuis Homère jusqu'aux conflits actuels au Moyen-Orient. Il démontre que les soldats de toutes... more
Este artículo reconstruye los elementos simbólicos y prácticos que subyacen bajo la disputa reciente por la tipificación del delito de “desaparición forzada” en México. El análisis parte de la comprensión de un contexto en el que... more
This article is a mixed methods research study on Genaro García Luna-former head of Mexican Federal law enforcement-and his ties to the Sinaloa Cartel and other Mexican officials involved in the criminal organization from 2003 to 2008.... more
"When I Wear My Alligator Boots examines how the lives of dispossessed men and women are affected by the rise of narcotrafficking along the U.S.-Mexico border. In particular, the book explores a crucial tension at the heart of the “war on... more
Portugal and Czech Republic were chosen by the student to undertake a comparative analysis with respect to their drug policies due to their different (albeit not opposite) take on addressing the skyrocketing illegal drug use and drug... more
« Le 10 mai 2001, ils m’ont transféré en avion militaire à la nouvelle prison de Valledupar. On savait bien que là-bas c’était le régime yankee. Ils m’ont tout pris, ils m’ont donné un uniforme […] et ils m’ont rasé la tête. Les gardiens... more
This paper argues how North America interference has affected Colombia relationship's with other Latin American countries. Using historical and contemporary facts to show these relations along the years.
Jennifer Goett's ethnography examines the race and gender politics of activism for autonomous rights in an Afrodescedant Creole community in Nicaragua. Weaving together fifteen years of research, Black Autonomy follows this... more
This essay addresses the anti-drug policy of the current Colombian government chaired by Iván Duque Márquez, who has reissued the postulates and purposes of the classic prohibitionist model of zero tolerance and war on drugs; in contrast... more
From alcohol to LSD, Łukasz Kamieński takes readers on a unique 300-page journey through the history of warfare as seen through the prism of drug use. Beginning with the Greek city-states and ending with the contemporary consumption in... more
The supposed inalienability and universality of human rights notwithstanding, it is clear that, where Duterte's War on Drugs is concerned, the category of humanity is selectively applied; one source of legitimation for what has been... more
Es un libro que interroga los daños de las políticas prohibicionistas en materia de drogas y los daños ocasionados por las leyes de drogas en America latina en general y en Argentina en particular. Esta compilación del Centro de Estudios... more
La violencia contemporánea se comporta como un atractor extraño. En la física cuántica, los atractores son puntos o conjuntos que forman parte de los sistemas dinámicos. Los estados de los atractores evolucionan en el tiempo y hacia estos... more
RESUMO: O presente artigo busca explanar as origens da criminalização, através da correlação da política criminais de dois países, de um dos vetores que mais envolve o aparato de segurança pública, internacional e policial do último... more
More Than 10 years ago Dr. Ernest Drucker wrote that “The current model of drug control relies primarily on law enforcement to seize drugs and imprison drug offenders. While these efforts have produced large numbers of arrests,... more
Grabbing Power outlines the history of agribusiness in Northern Honduras—from the United Fruit Company’s dominance in the 20th century to the rise of a powerful class of domestic elites in the 1980s and 90s including the brutal landowner... more