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The article examines the processes of identification of women born from mixed couples (one Italian and one foreign parent), to explain the complexity in the self-determination processes of women with non-hetero-normative sexuality living... more
В сборника са събрани автентични текстове и ресурси, които са включени в смесеното изследване по проект "Концептуално и приложно многообразие на свръзаността между формалното и неформалното образование", финансирано от Университетски фонд... more
Kultureller Bildung wird zurzeit eine Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt und eine Wichtigkeit zuerkannt wie wohl nie zuvor. Diese Situation bietet Chancen aber auch Gefahren. Der vorliegende Band nimmt beides in den Blick. Der Weg hinein in die... more
Os museus e centros de ciência são locais que promovem a educação não formal das ciências, através de atividades e exposições construídas e dedicadas exclusivamente com este objetivo. No entanto a maioria das vezes estes espaços... more
An introductory presentation for the 2nd Meeting of the Cyprus Youth Council Pool of Trainers, "House of the Volunteer", Kokkinotrymithia, Cyprus, 03 February 2018. In fact, this presentation is an updated version of the introductory... more
M Messmer Uccelli, BA, R Bencivenga, PT, C Solaro,
MD, M A Mattaglia, MD, (1997) Utilizing a multi-disciplinary toll-free information line for planning patient and family services. Multiple Sclerosis, 3, p. 204
Tyrimo tikslas – pasirenkant fenomenologinę tyrimo perspektyvą siekiama atskleisti su- bjektyvias jaunų suaugusiųjų mokymosi savanorystėje patirtis, teikiant socialinę pagalbą. Disertacijoje keliamas tyrimo klausimas – kaip jauni... more
Στο: Σταύρος Γρόσδος & Χρυσή Πρασσά (επιμ.), Προτάσεις Τέχνης και Πολιτισμού στην Εκπαίδευση. Πρακτικά Πανελληνίου Συνεδρίου. Θεσσαλονίκη, 22-24/11/2019. Θεσσαλονίκη: Περιφερειακή Διεύθυνση Π.Ε. και Δ.Ε. Κεντρικής Μακεδονίας, 249-268.
An Integrated Approach to Teaching Poetry in a Greek EFL Classroom. A Case Study: Comparing Cavafy and Shakespeare This paper presents the results of an integrated approach to teaching poetry in a Greek High school classroom. Drawing on... more
This paper proposes the results of an exploratory study aimed at investigating the formal training and in-service training for childcare staff. The aim of the research is to investigate how educators learn their profession. The study lies... more
In this report, the authors present new attitudinal research that reveals a strong appetite among young people and teachers for more non-formal learning opportunities within the education system. Our research shows that large numbers of... more
Esta experiencia se desarrolla con alumnas/os de los Profesorados de nivel inicial y nivel primario de dos IFDs de C.A.B.A., en las instancias curriculares Trabajo de campo: experiencias de investigación educativa y en el seminario de... more
A tanulmány egy andragógiai kutatást mutat be, melynek fő célja a felnőttkori formális és nem formális tanulás komfortérzésre gyakorolt hatásainak komplex feltérképezése volt. A szerzők magát a komfortérzést, mint kulcs-és ernyőfogalmat... more
Entrevista a Laura Contreras, responsable de Máquinas de Mirar. Este proyecto busca acercar el universo de la precinematografía a niños, adolescentes y adultos. Interview with Laura Contreras, responsible for Máquinas de Mirar. This... more
Slovensko má v rámci štátov EÚ piatu najvyššiu nezamestnanosť mladých ľudí. Podľa údajov Eurostat (2012) je bez práce každý tretí Slovák vo veku do 25 rokov. Vysoký podiel tvoria absolventi s nedostatkom praxe a s chýbajúcimi pracovnými... more
Youth tourism has a long tradition in Europe and is no stranger to Romania, being practiced here since 1968, two of the most important resorts are Costinești and Izvorul Mureșului. This paper aims to be the first who bring attention about... more
According to UNESCO Strategy for TVET for 2016-2021, "At least 475 million new jobs need to be created over the next decade to absorb the 73 million youth currently unemployed and the 40 million new annual entrants to the labour market".... more
In this paper a brief review of the framework that addressed mobile learning implementation challenges (pedagogical, technological, policy and research) that was developed by Khaddage et al. (2015) is briefly discussed, followed by... more
Nuorisotyön ydinkysymyksiin kuuluu, mitä nuorisotyö oikeastaan on ja miksi sitä tehdään. Näihin kysymyksiin on vastattava, jotta toimintaa voidaan kehittää ja jotta nuorisotyön hyötyjä pystytään kuvaamaan myös toimialan ulkopuolella.... more
"The work of the European Commission-Council of Europe partnership in the areas of youth worker training and of intercultural dialogue, in particular the Euro-Mediterranean co-operation activities, has provided ample experience of... more
This paper was published in a volume of studies, written on the history of the Hungarian Scout Movement between 1910-1948. Baden-Powell's scouting was introduced in Hungary in 1909-1910, the Hungarian Scout Association was officially... more
The study presents a survey among Bulgarians employed in non-formal education organizations and teams, with the aim to identify their perceptions on the concept and practice of non-formal education in Bulgarian context. The conceptual... more
Power point shared at the Expert Meeting on recognizing NFE learning outcomes in emergencies (UNESCO Office in Beirut, 27-29 Jan. 2016)
The present paper aims to investigate the pedagogical possibilities of nocturnal games. These games involve role-playing characters that contextualize a previously elaborated story, and are frequently realized in Brazilian vacation camps.... more
Κύριο αντικείμενο της έρευνας αποτέλεσε η διερεύνηση των απόψεων και των στάσεων των εκπαιδευομένων που συμμετείχαν σε προγράμματα επιμόρφωσης/κατάρτισης μικτής εκπαίδευσης του Ινστιτούτου Εργασίας της ΓΣΕΕ και υλοποιήθηκαν από το... more
School education is not enough for full nearest natural environment understanding, the content of subjects will be more associated with the practice, because information technology increasingly pushes the nature in the background. Science... more
Авторы представляют читателям инновационную и экспериментальную технологию LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® для компаний и команд, целью которых является обмен знаниями и совместное принятие решений.
This essay discusses deschooling concept as an alternative learning delivery method to achieve education for all. We argue that the deschooling idea, first introduced by Illich before the era of the Internet, has become relevant in... more
Karakteristike, izazovi i mogućnosti u budućem razvoju neformalne edukacije (prvenstveno usmjerene mladima) kroz pogled sudionika i edukatora. Publikacija je zajednčki rad skupine od 20 koautora u sklopu Erasmus+ projekta.
The lockdown of schools in Spain to confront the effects of COVID-19 caused an enormous impact at both societal and educational levels. Schools and families had to react rapidly to a new teaching and learning scenario without the benefit... more
The formal schools system cannot meet the needs of adults and youths in the community so non-formal education is integral as part of Cambodia's National Education Action Plan 2003-2015. This first nationwide survey of NGOs found that 48... more
Las relaciones entre Hip Hop y educación han sido objeto de estudio desde finales de la década de 1990, sobre todo en Estados Unidos. No obstante, la mayoría de investigaciones al respecto reducen la cultura Hip Hop a uno de sus... more
L'histoire de la FTCA, Fédération Tunisienne des Cinéastes Amateurs, à travers le temps et à travers ses membres. La deuxième partie s'agit d'un travail de terrain amené au sein du Club "Tahar Hadded" de Tunis
Esta tesis analiza los procesos de mediación pedagógica para la formación investigativa de las personas gestoras comunitarias encargadas de recopilar la memoria histórica a través de fuentes orales en el Museo Comunitario Indígena de... more
Πανταζίδης Σ. & Πεχτελίδης Γ. (2018). Παιδική Ηλικία και Κοινωνικές Ανισότητες σε δύο Προγράμματα Αfterschool: Μία εθνογραφική μελέτη. Στα πρακτικά του 5ου Συνεδρίου: Νέος Παιδαγωγός. Αθήνα, 28-29/2018. ISBN: 978-618-82301-4-9
A participatory youth research that shows how non-formal education supports the learning and development of young people, youth workers and their organisations. Does international youth work offer a valuable contribution to the... more
This article presents a brief review of the non-formal education systems in Bangladesh.