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The demands of an increasingly knowledge based society and the dramatic advances in mobile phone technology are combining to spur the growth of mobile learning. However, for mobile learning to attain its full potential, it is essential to... more
In this paper a brief review of the framework that addressed mobile learning implementation challenges (pedagogical, technological, policy and research) that was developed by Khaddage et al. (2015) is briefly discussed, followed by... more
Community education and outreach programs should be evidence-based. This dictum seems at once warranted, welcome, and slightly platitudinous. However, the ‘‘evidence based’’ movement’s more narrow definition of evidence—privileging... more
The aim of this paper is to explore the extent to which non-formal education is being corroded by neoliberal values. Given non-for- mal education is frequently used to develop young people ’ s notions of citizenship, and that non-formal... more
This paper examines the notions of Formal, non-formal and informal learning, as defined by the OECD and Werquin (2007). It then applies these notions to literacy and languages, offering examples for each. Finally, it examines asset-based... more
Only 20 percent of the school-age population in Ethiopia have access to primary education. This study attempts to explore an alternative strategy as regards expansion of literacy and the fulfilment of educational and developmental needs.... more
Greece has been a site of various crises in recent years: firstly, the financial crash of 2008; secondly, the ongoing ‘refugee crisis’, which peaked in 2015; and thirdly, the current COVID-19 pandemic. This paper addresses the first of... more
This article aims to increase understanding of how the institutional model of a (neo)corporative state meets new forms in a changing civil society. This objective is accomplished by analyzing two case studies of Swedish organizations... more
This paper addresses how educational and cultural contexts incorporate lessons around sexuality, particularly sexual and gender identity, and how these contexts impact on identity construction of gay men in Mexico City. We analyse the... more
This article deals with the relationship between adults’ free time and further education. More specifically, the paper addresses the question of whether there are similarities and analogies between the leisure time that adults dedicate to... more
The association between demographic characteristics and Job Satisfaction Scores (JSS) was examined among 240 hospital staff. The population sample consisted of men and women, between the ages of 18 to 60 randomly selected from four... more
While research has been done on many aspects of evaluation within a variety of contexts and organizations, there is a lack of research surrounding the culture of evaluation. This study set out to examine this evaluative culture in one of... more
Analisamos neste artigo o potencial formativo da técnica de grupos focais na constituição de educadores ambientais, a partir de três diferentes pesquisas pautadas na perspectiva dialógica crítica. Utilizamos a hermenêutica enquanto modo... more
The lockdown of schools in Spain to confront the effects of COVID-19 caused an enormous impact at both societal and educational levels. Schools and families had to react rapidly to a new teaching and learning scenario without the benefit... more
Science festivals have their roots in the annual conference of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, which was founded in 1831 and later renamed the British Science Festival. The modern concept of a science festival, as... more
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are disrupting traditional, higher education and redefining how learning takes place online. These open courses typically offer some form of recognition, such as a certificate of completion and/or... more
Purpose: This article reports part of a study focusing on young people’s transition from the nonformal to the formal education sector, and explores how the experiences of children and young people in remote formal and nonformal schools... more
Professionalism is a core topic in international discourse on adult education. Its importance is due not least to the need for professional self-assurance given the hete-rogeneity of the field of adult education, which is characterised... more
In this chapter, we will show when and how place needs to be and can be reasserted as a key unifying concern for outdoor pedagogy. We argue for place-responsiveness as viable purposeful direction for outdoor education that allows us to... more
Popular education (Folkbildning), a distinctive Swedish tradition of lifelong learning, has always concerned itself with the relationship between learning, power and democracy in society rather than having a purely individualistic and... more
This exploratory study surveyed how undergraduate students and higher education instructors at two small faith-based universities in Southern California used mobile devices in and outside of the class for academic purposes. The researcher... more
This article presents the design, implementation and evaluation of an educational orientation project for young people at risk of social exclusion who attended an Open Access Centre in Barcelona (Spain). The project aimed to increase... more
"The work of the European Commission-Council of Europe partnership in the areas of youth worker training and of intercultural dialogue, in particular the Euro-Mediterranean co-operation activities, has provided ample experience of... more
Özet: Sınıfın dışında gerçekleştirilen her tür eğitimsel etkinliğe "Sınıf dışı eğitim (outdoor)" adı verilmektedir. Sınıf dışı eğitim, bir tür algın eğitim ve aynı zamanda, örgün eğitimin tamamlayıcısı olarak kabul edilmektedir. Sınıf... more
This paper explores the use of social and mobile technologies on school field trips as means of enhancing the visitor experience. It employs the notion of a ‘trajectory’ (Ludvigsen et al. 2010; Pierroux et al., 2010; Littleton &... more
Using the competency-based test instrument developed for Education Watch 2000 this study made a comparison of learning achievement of two types of primary schools viz., government primary schools (GPS) and BRAC primary schools (BPS).... more
The General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning and Youth (GSLLLY), the strategic national entity for Adult Education in Greece, has designed and implemented various e-learning courses offering flexibility beyond time and space... more
Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte cuantitativo que tuvo como propósito caracterizar la participación en la educación de los hijos de padres de estudiantes de primaria y evaluar los efectos en la misma de variables propias de los... more
The present paper provides a brief historical review of lifelong learning development in the Russian Federation, identifying key developments and texts from the nineteenth century onwards. Further, the main approaches to understanding and... more
A recently created trend within the past few years is the active involvement of the business community in the development and implementation of various educational programs. Business Community Engagement for Educational Initiatives... more
In che modo promuovere centri giovanili intesi come spazi dove i giovani possano vivere la loro età quale condizione esistenziale specifica? Spazi, quindi, in cui fare esperienza dell’essere giovani e della tensione sempre presente tra le... more
En este trabajo se analiza la construcción y conceptualización de los procesos de evaluación en la educación no formal. El propósito de este ensayo es discutir sobre la necesidad de evaluar los procesos educativos y proponer un esquema... more
The present paper aims to shed light on ways of dealing with the paradox of formalizing the non-formal that arises when youth work is required to operate on the basis of outcomes and target-based non-formal education programmes.... more
This paper discusses the use of portfolio method in the process of assessment of nonformal and informal learning achievements (ANILA), with reference to the example of vocational teacher education. The purpose of the article is to... more
The "meeting" between the institutions of higher education and adult education produced not only on the non-formal educational platform, but also on that of the formal education constitutes a defiant challenge of entrenched models and... more
This essay discusses deschooling concept as an alternative learning delivery method to achieve education for all. We argue that the deschooling idea, first introduced by Illich before the era of the Internet, has become relevant in... more
Este artículo presenta dos protoideas educativas de la educación expandida a partir de las definiciones asociadas a este concepto emergente. Los términos son educación no formal e informal y teorías de la desescolarización. Durante el... more
The immersion of societies in the digital and networked age has led to an increase of opportunities for young people to learn across countless face-to-face and online contexts. However, youth disaffection towards school remains high and... more
Κύριο αντικείμενο της έρευνας αποτέλεσε η διερεύνηση των απόψεων και των στάσεων των εκπαιδευομένων που συμμετείχαν σε προγράμματα επιμόρφωσης/κατάρτισης μικτής εκπαίδευσης του Ινστιτούτου Εργασίας της ΓΣΕΕ και υλοποιήθηκαν από το... more
The desire for any government that values the economic growth of its country is to provide education to its citizens. Kenya has made innumerable efforts towards this end since independence. However, several decades down the line, this is... more
In Thailand, entrepreneurs have been paid much attention by the government. It is believed that the economy of a country is driven by entrepreneurs. The Thai government’s policy is to encourage people to start their own firms. It has... more
The article presents individual positions of the author's research on the integration of non-formal education institutions in the system of civil buildings of Ukraine. The following scientific views on the phenomenon of non-formal... more